Around 2.5 billion people live, work, and depend on indigenous and community lands. They protect about half of the world’s land, but have full ownership rights to just one-fifth of that. Why this massive gap?
Around 2.5 billion people live, work, and depend on indigenous and community lands. They protect about half of the world’s land, but have full ownership rights to just one-fifth of that. Why this massive gap?
More than 100 people from 15 indigenous Wapichan communities gathered together last week in the village of Shulinab, Guyana, to celebrate joining The Global Call to…
GENEVA—The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, today strongly condemned the murder in Honduras of human rights defender Berta…
Indigenous people formally own just one-tenth of the world’s land, according to research released on Wednesday as part of a campaign that aims to expand legal rights to land globally.
LIMA (AFP) – Fresh off his Oscar win, Leonardo DiCaprio on Monday took to social media to press Peru’s authorities over oil spills sullying indigenous towns in…
Como se ve en AIDESEP el 29 de febrero de 2016 El actor Leonardo DiCaprio manifestó su indignación y llamó tomar acción ante los derrames ocurridos en…
Monrovia – A group of rural and urban poor women under the banner of the ‘Natural Resource Women Platform’ has catalogued abuses and untold suffering…
Como se ve en El Espectador el 25 de febrero de 2016 En esta coyuntura de cambio climático y aspiraciones de una ‘paz territorial’, es…
Como se ve en RPP noticias el 15 de febrero de 2016 Hoy los indígenas son los más pobres entre los más pobres del continente,…
Como se ve en Critica.Com.Pa el 14 de febrero de 2016 Marcelo Guerra, presidente de la Coordinadora Nacional de Pueblos Indígenas de Panamá (COONAPIP), manifestó…
Como se ve en Panamá América el 16 de febrero de 2016 Autoridades del Ministerio de Gobierno y el Banco Mundial se reunieron con las autoridades tradicionales…