2020 - 2021
CADPI (Center for the Autonomy and Developmen t of Indigenous Peoples)
Through this SRM, RRI is providing critical added value to Indigenous territorial security in Nicaragua by enabling the local Indigenous authorities to consolidate their norms for territorial governance systems and collective property and negotiate with non-Indigenous actors in their territories, which are two critical processes and conditions that will enable them to finalize the “saneamiento” process. The Indigenous authorities have worked in coordination in a series of regular meetings with the members of the Interinstitutional Commission integrated by the national military and police forces, the Attorney General, the Supreme Court of Justice, the Secretary of Development of the Caribbean coast region, and the regional government to consolidate the saneamiento process and enforce agreements with third parties that occupy the Indigenous territories. The activity concluded in 2021. At the time of reporting, in December 2020, CADPI facilitated the completion of four draft territorial governance norms through community consultations and the support of a legal team. They also secured additional resources from the regional government and local municipalities to expand the legal team and the community consultation process. Finally, CADPI implemented a complementary communications strategy to inform Indigenous communities on this process through radio broadcasts in culturally appropriate languages, a documentary, brochures, transmission of meetings with the regional government, and local television.