Date 2021
Country DRC
Implementor CRI (Congolese Resources Institute)
Funding Amount 59,400
CRI successfully facilitated the submission of a community forestry concession application to the governor’s office of Kwilu province. The concession is now approved resulted in the securing of 11,044 ha of the Kialu community lands in the province of Kwilu. To coordinate the submission, CRI trained local authorities on the process, ensured FPIC processes were adhered to, and identified representatives to sign the forestry concession application. Additionally, 41 cartographers were trained in participatory mapping and a participatory map was produced for the concession area in Kialu community.
Date 2021
Country Kenya
Implementor OPDP (Ogiek Peoples’ Development Program)
Funding Amount 26,728
OPDP supported the compilation and submission of eight HLI claims, seven of which were for Ogiek communities and one was for an Endorois community, totaling 130,000 ha and affecting approximately 79,000 people. The communities were successfully trained on HLI processes, committees collected evidence by consulting communities, and the cases were consolidated. The HLI drafters were predominantly women and youth who also used oral and archival evidence to complement the technical legal expertise when submitting their claims. These claims were submitted to the NLC for review, and local news covered the submission.
These claims further link with the 2017 African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights to recognize Ogiek’s collective title to their ancestral territory, which lies in the Mau and Mt. Elgon forest complexes in Kenya’s Rift Valley.
Media link here.
Date 2021
Country Kenya
Implementor WG (Wumweri Ghodu)
Funding Amount 19,000
This SRM supported the compilation of 35 claims from 21 communities in five counties (Taita Taveta, Kwale, Lamu, Tana River, and Kilifi), 29 of which were submitted to the NLC.
Community leaders in the five counties were also trained and mobilized to support the HLI petition process. Additionally, interviews, data collection, and technical support sessions assisted communities to compile their claims.
*This contract was terminated early due to accusations of fraud and the full scope of activities were not realized. However, a review of the reports and deliverables confirms that HLI claims were supported and submitted to NLC for redress. The original contract’s amount was 47,158.
Date 2021
Country DRC
Implementor CTIDD (Centre for Innovative Technologies and Sustainable Development)
Funding Amount 32,000
This SRM supported CTIDD who participated in one workshop with sectoral ministries (land, land-use planning, agriculture, forestry, and others) and three exchanges with the Land-Use Planning Commission of the National Assembly and DRC Senate alongide local CSOs to advocate for Indigenous and local community rights in land-use planning reform. Additionally, CTIDD produced a policy paper that integrated the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities into formal recommendations for the land-use planning reform. This resulted in two press briefings and six published articles to further advocate for IP and LC rights. As a result, the draft law integrates 80% of CSO recommendations on community rights, intersectoral coordination for holistic management, FPIC and stakeholder consultations, gender justice, and more.
Date 2021
Country Kenya
Implementor IMPACT (Indigenous Movement for Peace, Advancement and Conflict Transformation)
Funding Amount 39,922
As a result of this SRM, IMPACT supported the compilation and submission of 10 HLI claims from three counties (Laikipia, Samburu and Meru) which affects roughly 439,259 ha of land. The communities were trained on HLI, supported to self-organize, give Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for their claims, collect evidence, and submit legal claims to the National Land Commission (NLC). Legal research facilitated the work with the support of lawyers.
IMPACT also signed Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) with NLC, facilitating the compilation of cases. NLC representatives participated in the community meetings and clarified the HLI process, confirming that the claims were well-received and will be reviewed.
Date 2020 - 2021
Country Nepal
Funding Amount 29,780
Nepali legislators are in process of amending the country’s National Park and Wildlife Life Conservation Act 2039, as well as bringing its Conservation Area Management Regulations 2053 in line with the Local Government Operation Act (2017), which provides local governments jurisdiction over community forests and other natural resources. To leverage these new and important opportunities to introduce greater recognition of Indigenous and community rights across Nepal’s conservation areas, RRI Collaborator CIPRED conducted a policy review to inform community leaders and organizations of these changes. It is also preparing a field study on Nubri Valley to complement this review. Armed with these findings, Indigenous leaders from Ghandaki Province have submitted an appeal letter to the Chief Minister and other relevant ministries to incorporate the legal recognition of customary land tenure rights and practices in the Provincial Forest Act. With RRI’s support, they now plan to continue their advocacy with relevant agencies and elected bodies at federal, provincial and local levels to develop and implement laws that fully recognize Indigenous Peoples’ customary laws and practices, and ultimately advance sustainable natural resource management traditional livelihoods in the country.