Opportunity Assessment to Strengthen Collective Land Tenure Rights in FCPF Countries

Author: The World Bank, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, Global Land Alliance, and Rights and Resources Initiative

Date: October 1, 2021

Across the world, about 1.6 billion people are estimated to live in and depend on forest landscapes for their livelihoods. Yet less than half of the lands and territories claimed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities are formally recognized by governments. Research shows that Indigenous Peoples and local communities are among the most effective groups are conserving and sustainably managing the land and forests that they live and depend on. If we know this, the question becomes how do we expand their rights to natural resources? What opportunities exist to strengthen their land and forest tenure rights?

After more than a decade of engaging with Indigenous Peoples and local communities through REDD+ readiness and implementation efforts, participant countries of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) have gained insights into what is needed to strengthen communal and collective land forest tenure. This comprehensive report provides an assessment of countries affiliated with the FCPF’s Carbon Fund and lays out cross-cutting challenges as well as opportunities to advance Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ land rights.

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