Best Practices from RRI Collaborators in Africa

Author: Rights and Resources Initiative

Date: May 18, 2021

RRI’s Collaborators from the Africa region have implemented a wide range of projects with the central goal of securing Indigenous Peoples (IPs)’ and local communities (LC)s’ tenure as a baseline for other pro-community engagements. RRI is highlighting some of the best practices from these projects to strengthen our Coalition members’ advocacy and other work, now and in the future.

These best practices are drawn from projects in Central Africa Republic (CAR), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar and Nigeria, from projects contracted in 2019 and 2020. This document is organized according to the following seven themes:

  • Coalition building
  • Private sector engagement
  • Government engagement
  • Community engagement
  • Gender justice
  • Tools for community forest registration and management
  • Leveraging Indigenous knowledge systems

All of these examples demonstrate the versatility and ingenuity of our African collaborators. Each one also comes with its own challenges due to unique national and local contexts and variable political stages. We encourage interested parties to reach out directly to the civil society organizations (CSOs), coalitions, and community-based organizations mentioned here to learn more about their innovative practices and processes.