It is slowly becoming evident that today’s extractivism [economy based upon the extraction and export of natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals] is advancing in a context of increasing violence,
The Fourth International Workshop held in Bogota, Colombia, issues recommendations for public policy relating to indigenous, Afro-descendent, and rural women An international workshop held from…
Como se ve en Terra La comunidad nativa de Alto Tamaya-Saweto, situada en la Amazonía de Perú y cuyos líderes fueron asesinados por presuntos madereros…
The vice president of Bolivia, Alvaro Garcia Linera, recently declared that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) currently working in the country “are becoming less necessary.” Although he…
As seen on Upside Down World Written by Jeff Abbott Wednesday, 05 August 2015 Success is rare among indigenous peoples’ struggles for land rights in Guatemala….
As seen on World Bulletin Sao Paulo protest comes as congress considers taking power over native people’s lands 15 August 2015 SaturdayWorld Bulletin / News…
As seen on The Ecologist Jeff Abbott / Waging NonViolence 12th August 2015 Pristine beaches, clear Caribbean waters, coral reefs, fertile land … such is…
As seen on IC Magazine NATIVE CULTURES’ SIKUANI AND JIW SACRED SITES AND LIVELIHOODS AT RISK by Environmental Investigation AgencyAugust 11, 2015 WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new video released this…
As seen on Upside Down World Written by Jeff Abbott Wednesday, 05 August 2015 On July 15, a judge provided the non-violent resistance of La…
As seen on Upside Down World Written by Marc Becker Wednesday, 12 August 2015 Ecuador’s Indigenous movements have launched an uprising to challenge the government’s…
As seen on Upside Down World Written by Charles Allison-Godfrey Saturday, 15 August 2015 Francisca Ramirez, coordinator with the National Council in Defense of Our…
Como se ve en Yahoo! Noticias Bogotá, 12 ago (EFE).- Mujeres de Colombia, Brasil, Nicaragua, Chile y Perú, entre otros países, debaten desde hoy en…
Seven indigenous Waorani were accused of sabotaging oil wells and arrested by police and Ecuador’s military. The Waorani say it never happened.
Globally, and in Latin America, indigenous women, women of African descent, and peasant women continue to be the poorest and most vulnerable in economic terms…
As seen on The Guardian As a teenager, I joined fellow indigenous activists on Luzon, the Philippines’ largest island, to protest against the Chico dam project….
Como se ve en La Mula Exviceministro de Interculturalidad pide que se aplique sanciones correspondientes a todos los funcionarios públicos comprometidos en estos actos ilegales…
Como se ve en La Prensa La medida de cautela tiene como fin que la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos pida al Estado panameño la…
As seen on Mongabay 27th July 2015 / Saul Elbein “You have to fight: In today’s Peru, the road to environmental protection leads through force” By the…
Investigación de muestra que más de mil reportes de supervisión ambiental en el sector hidrocarburos fueron encarpetados durante los gobiernos de Toledo, García y…
As seen on GreenBiz Dancan Gromko Thursday, July 23, 2015 C. Michael Hogan A palm oil plantation in Sabah. What do soap, Ben &…
Como se ve en Correo Del Sur 13 JULIO 2015 PRESENCIA. El presidente Evo Morales visitó Sararenda en el municipio de Camirí. El presidente Evo…
As seen on Cultural Survival 13 July 2015 Wake for three Tolupán activists in San Francisco de Locomapa, August 25, 2013, killed while defending…
As seen on Upside Down World Written by Maria Osava Friday, 17 July 2015 (IPS) – Ethnocide, the new accusation leveled against the Belo Monte…