Mandating Recognition
Mandating Recognition

This essay identifies, summarizes, and analyzes leading international and national laws and judicial cases recognizing or otherwise supportive of native/aboriginal title.

¿Podemos ser autónomos?
¿Podemos ser autónomos?

¿Podemos ser autónomos? Pueblos indígenasvs. Estado en Latinoamérica reúne dos documentos: el primero” “Dilemas y desafíos de la autonomía territorial indígena en Latinoamérica” de Pablo…

Si lo vieras con mis ojos
Si lo vieras con mis ojos
The Situation of the Térraba Indigenous People of Costa Rica:
The Situation of the Térraba Indigenous People of Costa Rica:

According to the most recent census” the Térraba people number approximately 750 persons. In 1956″ they were granted title to part of their traditional territory….

Can you Imagine?
Can you Imagine?

These are the opening remarks to participants at Conference on Forest Tenure and Regulatory Reforms: Experiences” Lessons and Future Steps in Asia. The remarks were…

REDD+ 2010
REDD+ 2010

This briefing note REDD+ 2010: Moving Forward for People and Forests overviews progress made on REDD+ at the December 2009 Copenhagen climate talks. Designed to…

Emerging REDD Arrangements
Emerging REDD Arrangements

This presentation offers an overview of the current status of REDD initiatives” stakeholder interests and expectations” and principles and criteria used to judge proposed REDD…