What Rights?
What Rights?

A legal analysis of the national legislation assessing whether these legal systems recognize the community rights to access, withdraw, manage, exclude and alienate to forest resources and land.

RRI Impact Story
RRI Impact Story

A briefing that showcases how an RRI study helped protect Chinese landowners from illegal land grabs by global paper manufacturer Stora Enso.

Les Droits aux Ressources en Crise
Les Droits aux Ressources en Crise

L’objectif de cette série de cinq essais est d’informer et d’aider à structurer le plaidoyer et les actions contestant la faiblesse juridique des droits fonciers…

Rights to Resources in Crisis
Rights to Resources in Crisis

This five brief series, written by panelist Liz Alden Wily, analyzes the roots of African land tenure systems, recent policy trends and puts the phenomenon…

Gender Justice
Gender Justice

This paper includes a narration of socio-cultural dynamics of forest tenure and forest governance through case studies. It then discusses lessons on gender injustices in…

Gender in Forest Tenure
Gender in Forest Tenure

This chapter aims to demonstrate the strong connection between gender-sensitive forest tenure reforms and improved livelihood indicators, forest conservation, and overall gender equity in South…

Re-Framing REDD+
Re-Framing REDD+

Report from the Amazon Environmental Research Institute over REDD+ policies featuring research results and recommendations.

Analysing REDD+
Analysing REDD+

The book provides an analysis of actual REDD+ design and early implementation, based on a large research project – the Global Comparative Study on REDD+…

Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China
Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China

Presentation discusses the need for forest tenure reform, exactly what is being reformed, how to advance reforms, and what can be learned from the Chinese…