Contexto En los últimos años” en América Latina han adquirido renovada dinámica los procesos de integración” y entre ellos” en especial” UNASUR” hecho que no…
This workshop” designed as a follow-up to the 2011 KomnasHAM Workshop on Human Rights and Business: Plural Legal Approaches to Conflict Resolution” Institutional Strengthening and Legal…
Este evento hace parte del proyecto regional de RRI en América Latina liderado por CEDLA con la colaboración de PCN-Colombia y AIDESEP-Perú. Estas organizaciones Colaboradoras…
Convocado por el Instituto del Bien Común (IBC)” un evento de lanzamiento de la campaña “Territorios Seguros para las Comunidades del Perú” se realizará el 12…
About the Workshop International Knowledge Sharing and Learning Workshop on Forest and Land Tenure Background and Context Land management remains a priority area in Lao…
Como preámbulo al lanzamiento de la campaña por la seguridad de la propiedad comunal “Territorios Seguros para las Comunidades del Perú”” la Faculta de Derecho de…
Con el fin de impulsar el desarrollo rural” en los últimos 15 años se han estado implementando en el país” políticas de tierras basadas en…
The International Workshop on Gender and Forest Tenure in Asia and Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China was hosted by the State Forestry Administration's Chinese Academy…
La loi foncière du 20 juillet 1973 mérite d’être révisée pour mettre fin au « capharnaüm » qui règne autour des titres fonciers en République…
Organizadores AGENDA COMúN” en territorios ancestrales de comunidades negras Instituto Latinoamericano para una Sociedad y un Derecho Alternativos” (ILSA) Alianza Mesoamericana de los…
RRI hosted an official UN side event during Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development” with Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques (AMPB) and Consejo…
Fecha: 18 de Junio del 2012 Lugar: Hotel S&J Bella Luna kilómetro 196.5 carretera interamericana” Quetzaltenango. Organizadores: Facultad de Agronomía (USAC)” Helvetas e…
This event was organized by RRI” Forest Peoples Programme” and Tropenbos International. An agenda and participant names will be available shortly. For questions about the…
This workshop is being organized by RRI Partner” the Centre for Environment and Development (CED). Objective : Present a preliminary proposal from civil society for land…
The Cameroon coalition presented its recommendations for reform regarding Tenure and Community Forest Enterprises within the broader reform process to the 1994 Forest Law” for…
This workshop will bring together government” civil society” indigenous” afro-descendant” and peasant community representatives from the Amazon” Pacific” Andean” and rural areas of Colombia to…
Organizers: The Forest Peoples Programme, Forest Trends and RRI. The meeting examined the current state of public and private financial mechanisms for REDD+…
The purpose of this training is to help develop the next generation of leaders of public forest agencies, and to prepare professionals to deal with…
Co-organized by: Ministry of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia, International Tropical Timber Organization, and Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) In collaboration with: EFI-FLEGT, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), RECOFTC, Samdhana Institute, Forest…
This national workshop organized by Réseau Ressources Naturelles focused on participatory rights mapping and macro- and micro-zoning processes. It was an opportunity to present Congolese…
Rationale RRI is a leading provider of forest tenure analysis and tracks forest tenure dynamics across the globe. Producing robust tenure analysis requires standardized methods…
Details pending Resources Event resources will be added prior to the event.
Final Recommendations: Effectively Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change in Africa while ensuring Equity, Livelihoods, Rights, and Sustainable Development in Forest Areas …
Organized by Sahel Eco” this workshop is intended to contribute to the national discourse in Mali on recognizing farmers' and local communities' rights to sustainably…