Conservation goes back to its roots Ashish Kothari International Herald Tribune 16 November 2006 DawaTsering Sherpa never thought he would see this day. Standing in…
On November 8″ 2006 the Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) to the International Tropical Timber Organization(ITTO) gave a formal presentation of the Rights and ResourcesInitiative…
In October” an informal group of public forest agency leaders met at the Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford” Pennsylvania (USA). The meeting was…
Forest plantations” highlighted in the September 2006 edition of arborvitae” the IUCN/WWF Forest Conservation Newsletter. Including: Forest Plantations: the good” the bad and the ugly….
September 25th to 27th” founding partners of the RedForestal met in the ICAES center in San José” Costa Rica. The main objective of the workshop was…
From CIFOR news” January 2006″ Number 40: Following many years of poor forest management under central government control” countries around the world are shifting forest…