CSAG presents RRI
CSAG presents RRI

On November 8″ 2006 the Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) to the International Tropical Timber Organization(ITTO) gave a formal presentation of the Rights and ResourcesInitiative…

Forest Plantations: the good” the bad and the ugly
Forest Plantations: the good” the bad and the ugly

Forest plantations” highlighted in the September 2006 edition of arborvitae” the IUCN/WWF Forest Conservation Newsletter. Including: Forest Plantations: the good” the bad and the ugly….

Cameroon's local forest management out on a limb
Cameroon's local forest management out on a limb

From CIFOR news” January 2006″ Number 40: Following many years of poor forest management under central government control” countries around the world are shifting forest…