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¿Cómo pueden las comunidades locales de Nepal beneficiarse económicamente de sus bosques? El modelo de ejidos que se aplica en México podría abrir nuevas puertas al respecto

Con su sombrero de ala ancha, Carlos Pérez Sebastián, nuestro guía de campo durante la semana, afirmó: “La silvicultura comunitaria es una gran alternativa para el desarrollo, pues mejora los espacios verdes, el oxígeno, el agua y la biodiversidad. Al practicar la silvicultura comunitaria, estamos garantizando un mejor futuro para nuestros hijos y nietos”. Carlos explicaba esto al pie de una ladera que un ejido (grupo forestal comunitario) había restaurado con especies autóctonas en Cruz de Oco

In India, making the business case for community forest rights

In 2006, India’s parliament passed the Forest Rights Act, or FRA — a groundbreaking legislation that recognizes the rights of forest dwellers to protect and manage forest resources. Over 10 years after the legislation has passed, only 3 percent of the land on which forest dwellers could potentially claim community forest rights has been secured, according to the Rights and Resources Initiative.

To end deforestation, we must protect community land rights

Welcome to Vol. 3 of Big Ideas. In Brief—a series from the Rights and Resources Initiative. Highlights: While the 2020 deadline is fast approaching, there’s still time for companies, governments, civil society, and communities to make progress toward zero deforestation commitments;The private sector has a unique role to play in the fight against climate change and deforestation—by respecting the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in their operations;Investors and companies

In the Philippines, they are shooting the messengers

I am the UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples. My mandate is to report when communities anywhere in the world are forced to relocate, their lands uprooted, their leaders either deemed criminals or killed. Not everyone wants to hear it, but the message needs to be spread. In the Philippines, they are shooting the messengers.

Our best hope for 2018: Women elected to local politics

Indigenous and rural women leaders are increasingly running for elected office. A new priority in 2018 for governments, civil society, companies, and international organizations is to help these new leaders, particularly women, succeed.

Protecting the Forests, Protecting Dragon’s Blood

Indonesia faces a deforestation crisis. The country has been losing its forests at a rapid rate for decades, and in turn, adat and local communities’ livelihoods are under threat, and the wildlife and plant diversity in their traditional territories is being lost.

For Media: Stockholm Conference 2017

Please see below materials for the following two events taking place in Stockholm, Sweden. 3 October at 9:30 a.m. CET: Sida Development Talks: “Land rights—combating…

Land, Conflict, and Investment Risks in India

India’s growing energy, industry, and development needs require a substantial transformation in land use, impacting millions of customary users of land. To date, India has…

Challenges of Implementing the new Warsaw Agreement

REDD+ and Carbon Rights Background After the Warsaw Agreement the World Bank and UNREDD seem to be signaling that the “readiness” phase is ending. Many…

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