As seen on Forest Peoples Programme PRESS INFORMATION: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” 16 September 2013 Photos reveal illegal clearings in ‘isolated’ indigenous peoples’ reserve in Peru’s Amazon…
As seen on Forest Peoples Programme PRESS INFORMATION: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” 16 September 2013 Photos reveal illegal clearings in ‘isolated’ indigenous peoples’ reserve in Peru’s Amazon…
As seen on Capacity 4 Dev On 30 September 2013″ representatives from the Government of Indonesia and the European Union (EU) marked their mutual commitment to…
As seen on Original Article
The BBC: La lucha por la tierra: multinacionales vs. pueblos indígenas
As seen on Original Article
Université de Liège: Les premières forêts communautaires au Gabon
Nurman Nuri, Leader of the Suku Anak Dalam group 113 of Pinang Tinggi in the Indonesian province of Jambi, stated in a press conference held…
As seen on Reuters Brazilian police used pepper spray to stop hundreds of protesting Indians from storming Congress on Wednesday” clamping down on the second day…
As seen on Agroforestry World Our suffering planet looks set on a path of destruction” according to many. But leading thinkers gathered at the World Agroforestry…
Our international conference on Scaling-up Strategies to Secure Community Land and Resources Rights brought together a wide diversity of stakeholders – about 180 representatives from”…
A video on the Constitutional Court Ruling No. 35 in Indonesia that returns the forests to their traditional stewards by HuMa. Original Source
Photo: Janis Alcorn As seen on FCMC Note: Forest Carbon” Markets and Communities (FCMC) is a global project funded by the United States Agency for…