As seen on Forest Peoples Programme Growing global demand for palm oil is fuelling the large-scale expansion of oil palm plantations across Southeast Asia and Africa….
As seen on Forest Peoples Programme Growing global demand for palm oil is fuelling the large-scale expansion of oil palm plantations across Southeast Asia and Africa….
Oportunidades y lecciones para promover una perspectiva de derechos en los procesos de FLEGT y AVA en América Latina
Photo: DW/H Jeppesen As seen on Indonesian“ Portuegese
By Forest Peoples Programme, Sawit Watch and TUK Indonesia – 7 November, 2013 Click here to read related PRESS RELEASE Read this report in English…
“Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation” (REDD+) initiatives have been proposed as a means of combating climate change” while at the same time providing…
As seen on Original Article
SPANISH: BIC (Spanish): AIDESEP reclama a la CIDH la situación de los pueblos indígenas en aislamiento voluntario en Perú
As seen on Bisnis JAKARTA- Sedikitnya 56.102 hektare lahan adat di Kalimantan mengalami tumpang-tindih dengan konsesi perkebunan kelapa sawit. Masalah itu akhirnya menimbulkan konflik lahan. Hal…
As seen on Original Article
As seen on Ecosystem Market Place Indigenous people have always been among the most responsible stewards of forestland, and new research backs that up. A report…
On October 30th and 31st” the Socialization of the Studies and Maps of the Investment Projects in Infrastructure” Energy” Extractive Activities and Pressures Affecting Forests…