As seen on the Global Post The World Bank's private finance arm was criticized Friday by an internal ombudsman for its involvement with a controversial Honduras…
As seen on the Global Post The World Bank's private finance arm was criticized Friday by an internal ombudsman for its involvement with a controversial Honduras…
BBC In the small community of Rio dos Macacos” in the north-eastern Brazilian state of Bahia” a tall” leafy jack tree stands as a living…
As seen on IRIN News BANGKOK” 8 January 2014 (IRIN) – Indigenous communities in Indonesia are using GPS technology to demarcate the boundaries of their ancestral…
As seen on First Peoples Worldwide anzania is calling on owners of large swaths of unused lands to disclose their plans for developing them” and those…
As seen on the Satyagraha: New Film Highlights Environmental Damage Wrought By Illegal Mining In India
As seen on Norges Bank Investment Management Letter to the Rainforest Foundation Norway” 17 december 2013 Thank you for meeting NBIM on several occasions over the…
As seen on Foreign Policy There is a gold rush happening in Ethiopia” but it's not a hunt for the yellow metal. It's a quest for…
uncertainties have implications on many sectors, rural livelihoods are most affected by changes in climatic on forests and other common lands have fewer resources and…
In this article” Andiko” executive director of the Association for Community and Ecology-Based Law Reform” explains why there is a need for the rakyat law…
As seen on Nestle December 9″ 2013 Nestlé has become the first major multi-national company to report publicly on its human rights impacts across seven…
UN: Declaración del Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas” James Anaya” al concluir su visita al Perú
The lack of clarity and recognition of community land and resource rights across the developing world has become a global crisis, undermining progress on social…