As seen on Protecting indigenous land rights could help deter drug trafficking in Central America” says new report
As seen on Protecting indigenous land rights could help deter drug trafficking in Central America” says new report
Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques: Expositores Precongreso Áreas Protegidas por Pueblos Indígenas: “Bosques por Siempre”
Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia – Indigenous and forest peoples today claimed unique success in keeping the world’s fast shrinking rainforests intact, proven by the fact…
As seen on All Africa Monrovia — Women from twelve of the 16 West and Central African countries who are members of the Rights and Resources…
RRI is delighted to share news that Vicky Tauli-Corpuz” the Executive Director of Tebtebba” and member of the RRI Board” has been nominated to become…
As seen on All Africa Blayah” Town” Grand Bassa County Palm Oil concession companies are sprouting up in Liberia but the issue of land and expansion…
AMPB: Comunidades indígenas de Talamanca realizan su plan de consulta para proceso REDD+
As seen on SDI The Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) congratulates the President on her bold step recognising and respecting communities’ customary ownership of their land…
As seen on the The Right to Inherit Isn’t Working for Indian Women” Says U.N. Study
As seen on Aboriginal rights a threat to Canada's resource agenda” documents reveal
Survey of 1,400 rural women in three states finds that fundamental reforms are needed SEATTLE – The findings of a survey released today from Landesa and UN…
As seen on WEDO supports Third Regional Workshop on Gender” Climate Change” Land and Forest Tenures in Africa