As seen on AM Lo que en su momento fue una política que buscaba proteger las selvas y bosques de la deforestación, hoy se ha…
As seen on AM Lo que en su momento fue una política que buscaba proteger las selvas y bosques de la deforestación, hoy se ha…
As seen on Mi Ambiente Iván Zuñiga integrante del Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible (CCMSS), indicó que la economía de madera en México…
As seen on Lamula “Son pocos; pero son… Abren zanjas oscuras en el rostro más fiero y en el lomo más fuerte. Serán tal vez…
As seen on Indian Country Today Median Network The slowdown of land rights recognition has become a global issue, nowhere more so than in sub-Saharan Africa…
The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) is pleased to welcome the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to the RRI Coalition. A long-standing RRI collaborator,…
As seen on News Watch Cameroon Evicted from their ancestral land and consigned to a resettlement camp, the Bagyeli Pygmies of Bissiang situated some 30km…
As seen on the Financial Times Sir, “Congo to world: pay us $1bn to save our rainforests . . . or else” (May 20) paints a stark picture. The…
As seen on Socio Ambiential Povos e organizações indígenas de todo o País promoverão manifestações e eventos em defesa de seus direitos e de suas…
As seen on Intégration Las d’attendre le changement promis par les organisations de la société civile, certains peuples autochtones doutent de plus en plus de leur volonté…
As seen on the BBC Logging in the Brazilian Amazon has had a devastating effect on the rainforest and its indigenous people. However, a new…
BUEA, Cameroon (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Cameroon’s government is due to introduce legal reforms by the end of the year to redress weaknesses in its two-decade-old forestry legislation. The new forest code will better protect rainforests and the rights of indigenous communities that rely on them, officials say.
As seen on Portugal News Dados divulgados no relatório permitem concluir que 1,3 mil milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo dependem das florestas para…