As seen on RTCC By Sophie Yeo Peru has slashed environmental regulation in an effort to boost the economy, raising questions about its credibility as host…
As seen on RTCC By Sophie Yeo Peru has slashed environmental regulation in an effort to boost the economy, raising questions about its credibility as host…
Download a PDF of this press release here. More than 60 Indigenous Women from Across the World Come Together to Address their Critical Role in…
As seen on Foreign Policy TALANGAYE, Cameroon — At the main gate of the Herakles Farms plantation, a large billboard reads, “Contributing to a sustainable future for…
In this technical brief, the Open Working Group’s Zero Draft is urged to include targets on secure rights to land and natural resources, particularly for women…
A special edition of Le plus de Repères focuses on land rights in Cameroon. Download a PDF of the issue here.
As seen on Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques (7 de Julio, Lima, Perú) A partir de hoy Lima es escenario de la Duodécima Reunión de…
As seen on Corp Watch By Fatima Hansia A Papua New Guinea (PNG) court revoked two 99 year land titles awarded to Kuala Lumpur Kepong…
As seen on The Economist WHEN King George III proclaimed in 1763 that Canada’s indigenous peoples had rights to their ancestral lands, it bought peace…
The 2013 Forest Peoples Programme Annual Report presents activities from all areas of FPP’s work over the last year, also marking the first year with Joji…
As seen on Digital Congo 48,8% des 120 millions d’hectares des terres arables que compte la RDC sont déjà cédées aux étrangers au détriment du…
As seen on Friends of the Earth Two weeks ago, we asked Friends of the Earth members to sign a petition asking British palm oil…
As seen on The Guardian Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 500 million acres of land in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean was acquired…