Publicado por CIFOR: Los bosques en las noticias blog. Por Yoly Gutiérrez PUCALLPA, Perú. La comunidad nativa de Saweto en la región amazónica de Ucayali,…
Publicado por CIFOR: Los bosques en las noticias blog. Por Yoly Gutiérrez PUCALLPA, Perú. La comunidad nativa de Saweto en la región amazónica de Ucayali,…
Efforts to secure water rights and resist extractivism united campesino and indigenous organizers. By Teresa A. Velásquez * As seen in NACLA Since his presidential…
As seen in Global Issues By Kwame Buist (amsterdam) Tuesday, June 02, 2015 Inter Press Service AMSTERDAM, Jun 02 (IPS) – Indigenous people who would…
As seen on Missoulian PABLO – After all the years it took to get the Confederated Salish and Kootenai water compact negotiated and passed by…
As seen on The Huffington Post The Tolo River People of Colombia were in a bind: dependent on nearby cattle ranches to make…
Gracias a la labor de la Mesa de Incidencia de las Mujeres Rurales Colombianas, de la cual hace parte nuestras Colaboradoras de la Federación de Mujeres…
As seen on GreenBiz Watching the sun rise over the temple-riddled rainforest of Guatemala’s Tikal National Park, it’s easy to understand why George Lucas chose…
SAN JOSE, May 11 2015 (IPS) – After years of violence against two indigenous groups in Costa Rica, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) demanded…
As seen on Inter Press Service By Victoria Tauli-Corpuz UNITED NATIONS, May 11 2015 (IPS) – U.N. member states are meeting throughout the year to finalize the…
Palm oil conglomerate ordered to halt expansion of operations following multiple violations of RSPO standards. 7th May, 2015: The RSPO’s Complaints Panel has upheld the…
As seen on: Grassroots International The Caribbean Court of Justice, Belize’s highest appellant court, ruled that the Maya Indigenous People of southern Belize have rights…
As seen on The Guardian Twenty years ago, Lima’s 2,000 Shipibo-Konibo people lived, as they had done for generations, in the verdant forest along the broad Ucayali…