CIPO (Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization)
With SRM funding, the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization (CIPO) increased capacity and became involved in the Ministry of Interior’s report on the status of community land tenure. CIPO is now able to critique, gather information, influence the government research, and build data-backed counter-narratives. At the same time, the organization is advancing community land tenure recognition on the ground in villages in Mondulkiri. By involving government officials as allies in this effort, they built political will for broader implementation of Community Land Titling and improved implementation of LASED-III. With SRM funding, CIPO produced fieldwork to collect GPS data and produce community and village maps. CIPO also assisted communities in passing the first level of CLT self-identification at the Ministry of Rural Development and submitted the documents to Ministry of Interior for recognition as legal community entities.
Media Links: Landmark report detailing life for indigenous peoples issued | Phnom Penh Post