Press Release (Chinese): New Suite of Research shows Economic, Social, Ecological Benefits when Women’s Rights are Secure; Warns that Asia is Unlikely to Achieve Climate, Poverty Goals Unless Critical Role of Women in Asia’s Forests is Recognized

Date: July 20, 2012

New research released today by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) shows that despite more understanding, more resources, and policy recommendations, women continue to be largely marginalized and ignored or exploited in resource management processes throughout Asia – to the detriment of global climate and poverty reduction goals. This suite of analyses, released at the International Workshop on Gender and Forest Tenure in Asia and Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China, demonstrate that exclusion and inequality on gender grounds are still rife and complicated by the intersection of cultural and social norms, economic pressures, and inadequate legal and institutional frameworks. Authors of the studies call for emerging programs and policies to combat climate change or encourage sustainable development to incorporate lessons learned.