Como se ve en Alianza Mesoamericana el 7 de abril de 2016. Hoy 7 de abril es un día histórico para el pueblo Miskitu pues dos…
Como se ve en Alianza Mesoamericana Hoy 7 de abril es un día histórico para el pueblo Miskitu pues dos Concejos recibirán sus títulos territoriales,…
The recent murder of Honduran human rights and environmental defender Berta Cáceres is a heartbreaking blow to all of us working to support and defend…
Around 2.5 billion people live, work, and depend on indigenous and community lands. They protect about half of the world’s land, but have full ownership rights to just one-fifth of that. Why this massive gap?
More than 100 people from 15 indigenous Wapichan communities gathered together last week in the village of Shulinab, Guyana, to celebrate joining The Global Call to…
GENEVA—The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, today strongly condemned the murder in Honduras of human rights defender Berta…
Monrovia – A group of rural and urban poor women under the banner of the ‘Natural Resource Women Platform’ has catalogued abuses and untold suffering…
Como se ve en La Prensa Latina el 11 de enero de 2016 Santiago de Chile, 11 ene (EFE).- La presidenta de Chile, Michelle Bachelet, firmó…
A decade-long mining boom has left a string of complications–environmental liabilities, social polarization and loss of governmental legitimacy. Meanwhile it has not resolved a single…
YARINACOCHA, Peru—On the 5th of December 2015 we, the Federación de Comunidades Nativas del Ucayali – FECONAU (Federation of Native Communities of Ucayali) representing 35…
For most Peruvians it was a Sunday like any other; but in the Wampis community of Soledad, it was a historic day. On November 29,…
Armed with drones, GPS, cell phones and aps, Indigenous communities collecting information for claiming traditional lands, documenting crimes and complementing satellite and web-based data PARIS—As…
Who has legal ownership over the world’s forests? And how has that ownership changed over time? RRI’s new interactive Forest Tenure Tool lets you compare…
Como se ve en SPDA Actualidad Ambiental el 23 de septiembre, 2015 Hoy, mediante Decreto Supremo 11-2015-MINAM, el Ejecutivo aprobó la Estrategia Nacional ante el Cambio Climático, un…
Every day you turn on at least one light. Have you ever stopped to think about where this energy comes from and how it gets…
Defending Afro-Indigenous Land: Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras Wins Food Sovereignty Prize
In 2015, the US Food Sovereignty Prize honors the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH by its Spanish acronym), Afro-indigenous farmers and fisherpeople who are defending their lands, waters,…
This week in Guatemala City, RRI Collaborator, The Maya Foundation (FUNDAMAYA in Spanish) is hosting the International Workshop: Opening paths to courts for the defense…
Como se ve en Servindi Servindi, 9 de setiembre, 2015.- El Reporte de Conflictos Sociales N° 138 de la Defensoría del Pueblo, correspondiente al mes…
Como se ve en EPP Por Yader Prado Reyes El Presidente de la República, Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra, aseguró que el Gobierno Sandinista brindará el…
With over 93% of natural resource development in emerging economies at risk for land conflict, the global land investment experience has key lessons for India…
The Fourth International Workshop held in Bogota, Colombia, issues recommendations for public policy relating to indigenous, Afro-descendent, and rural women An international workshop held from…
Como se ve en Terra La comunidad nativa de Alto Tamaya-Saweto, situada en la Amazonía de Perú y cuyos líderes fueron asesinados por presuntos madereros…
As seen on E&E Climate Wire By Elizabeth Harball India may be moving to more strictly enforce the Forest Rights Act of 2006, action one advocacy group…
Realizing full potential of Forest Rights Act will transform land ownership, forest governance, and rural livelihoods for tens of millions of forest-dwellers on at least…