25 .02. 2019 | Rights and Resources Initiative Support CSO efforts to integrate sustainable landbased investment and responsible agricultural investment (RAI) principles into the National Land Law revision in Lao PDR
01 .10. 2018 | Rights and Resources Initiative Supporting CSO input to the National Land Law Revision in Lao PDR
18 .03. 2018 | Rights and Resources Initiative Supporting CSO efforts to integrate sustainable land-based investment and responsible agricultural investment (RAI) principles into the National Land Law revision in Lao PDR by forming a ‘Focal Group (FG)’ to include representatives from government entities, CSOs, private companies, and development partners and develop a policy brief that can feed into the Land Law revision process
23 .03. 2015 | Rights and Resources Initiative Pre‐World Forestry Congress (WFC) Regional Meeting of People and Forests and Participation of Smallholders, IPs, and Community Forestry Members