This November, two pieces of good news have come from Brazilian communities that are working with the sustainable management of their forests.
While land-related conflict in India has long posed a threat to communities’ security and investment in sustainable development alike, relatively little research has attempted to…
A new report authored by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC), and World Resources Institute (WRI) shows that at least…
Days before the RSPO complaints panel was supposed to issue a final judgment on the complaint filed against them, Plantaciones de Pucallpa withdrew from the RSPO.
Mr. Alfred Brownell, a campaigner for the land rights of Liberia’s local communities, and his staff at Green Advocates have gone underground after threats from the police. This is the latest in a long history of threats, intimidation, and harassment against human rights defenders in Liberia.
Since the 2000s, sub-Saharan countries–in efforts to meet the requirements of the Bretton Woods institutions, particularly the World Bank–have developed Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs),…
A new RRI analysis reveals that secure tenure for Indigenous Peoples and local communities—a key climate change mitigation strategy—is notably absent from the Paris Agreement…
Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in Guatemala are organizing in light of new threats from their government. The authorities of the Mayan Ch’orti’, Q’eqchi’, Kaqchikel, and Ixil…
The Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his efforts in ending a more than 50-year-long civil war, serves as a…
By Rina Chandran MUMBAI – Indian officials have been slow to implement a landmark law giving rights to forests to indigenous people because they view…
Data on customary lands of local communities is crucial to advocacy, securing legal recognition of land and resource rights, and measuring global progress.
Honolulu (AFP) – Some of the world’s leading conservation groups are violating the rights of indigenous people by backing projects that oust them from their…
HONOLULU — Conservation organizations dedicated to protecting the world’s biodiversity hot spots often fail to take into account why the forests are still standing. Often,…
Las principales organizaciones representativas de los pueblos indígenas del Perú, se reunieron los días 16 y 17 de agosto, para consolidar una agenda común de incidencia política para promover la titulación colectiva de las comunidades indígenas.
Depending on the season, the journey to Rivercess County requires either bumping along dirt paths or navigating endless stretches of mud. In the heart of…
Civil society groups want 2014 bill passed before August recess, claiming land grabs have ‘turned citizens into refugees in their own country’ Liberia could be…
Held captive for two years in a legislature now in crisis over accusations of corruption, Land Rights Act to secure local peoples’ rights to their…
Add your voice by signing the petition below. From the Civil Society Organizations Working Group on Land Rights in Liberia: We, the Civil Society Organizations (CSO)…
Public auctions will be held in Lima, Peru, over the next few weeks as the Melka group decides to sell land in Ucayali. A public…
En Colombia, miles de campesinos, indígenas y afro-descendientes agremiados en la Asociación Nacional de Zonas de Reserva Campesina (ANZOR), la Organización Nacional Indígena Colombiana (ONIC)…
Since 2009, the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI), a civil society organization based in Monrovia, Liberia, has collaborated with RRI to support local communities in securing…
The release of a new series of reports in March by the Indonesian National Commission On Human Rights (Komnas HAM), the government’s human rights agency,…
NGOs call on governments to act to save people and planet Indigenous Peoples and local communities protect half the world’s land, but formally own just…
Global Network, MegaFlorestais, brings together forest agency leaders to better adapt to increasing pressure on forest land and climate change mitigation challenges WASHINGTON, DC (25…