Forest dwellers protest evictions in India
Forest dwellers protest evictions in India

RRI Partner Forest Peoples Programme(FPP) reports about the difficulties faced by forest dwellers in India.Their situation was supposed to improve after the adoption of a…

RECOFTC hosts roundtable on Thailand's Community Forest Bill
RECOFTC hosts roundtable on Thailand's Community Forest Bill

On May 14″ RECOFTC organized and hosted a roundtable discussion on the Community Forest Bill in Thailand. TheCommunity Forest Bill in Thailand is important for forest-dependentrural…

UNFF Fails Indigenous Peoples Again
UNFF Fails Indigenous Peoples Again

Forest People Programme (FPP) analayzes the seventh UN Forum on Forests: UNFF Fails Indigenous Peoples Again. Inan analysis of the culmination of seven years of…

ICRAF studies on Compensation for Environmental Services
ICRAF studies on Compensation for Environmental Services

The World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)has published a series of nine Working Papers on the state ofCompensation for Environmental Services in three continents – Africa”Asia and…

News from Papua New Guinea – FPCD and CSAG at ITTC 42
News from Papua New Guinea – FPCD and CSAG at ITTC 42

During the 42nd session of the International Tropical Timber Council”which took place in Port Moresby” Papua New Guinea last week” the CivilSociety and Advisory Group…

RRI welcomes Civic Response!
RRI welcomes Civic Response!

At the April meetings in New York” the Board of Directors unanimously resolved to welcome Civic Response as a Parter of RRI. Civic Response is…

Promoting community forest management in Bolivia
Promoting community forest management in Bolivia

La Paz – Last week CIFOR held an international workshop on community forestry and promoting community forest management” from April 23 – 25 in Santa…

RRI and community forestry at the UNFF
RRI and community forestry at the UNFF

Monday” April 23 two side-events at the UN Forum on Forestshighlighted the importance of community forestry and small-scale forestenterprise for sustainable development and local well-being….

The Economist: Cambodian forests and China
The Economist: Cambodian forests and China

In the same week as a front-page article in the Sunday Washington Post” the March 31st edition of The Economist newspaper also carries an article…

DFID announces major support for RRI through 2012
DFID announces major support for RRI through 2012

On Monday” December 17th” the Department for International Development (DFID)” United Kingdom” announced major support for the Rights and Resources Initiative through 2012. MPGareth Thomas”…

CSAG presents RRI
CSAG presents RRI

On November 8″ 2006 the Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) to the International Tropical Timber Organization(ITTO) gave a formal presentation of the Rights and ResourcesInitiative…

Forest Plantations: the good” the bad and the ugly
Forest Plantations: the good” the bad and the ugly

Forest plantations” highlighted in the September 2006 edition of arborvitae” the IUCN/WWF Forest Conservation Newsletter. Including: Forest Plantations: the good” the bad and the ugly….

Course takes the heat out of village disagreements
Course takes the heat out of village disagreements

Communities that live and work in forest settings would seemunlikely sites for conflict. But tension exists even in these quietrural settings – most commonly reflected…

Logging” Legality and Livelihoods in Papua New Guinea
Logging” Legality and Livelihoods in Papua New Guinea

External reviews find most logging in Papua New Guinea illegal” unsustainable” and providing little benefit to the state and forest community. A new report on…