As multiple crises engulf humanity and the rest of life, we are groping for ways out. How can we tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, the abysmal chasm between rich and poor, the continued deprivation of a billion people from dignified life, and geopolitical conflicts that threaten to annihilate life on earth? This talk draws from indigenous worldviews like buen vivir, the emergence of more recent alternatives like eco-feminism and degrowth, new interpretations of leftist/Marxist revolution to Gandhian concepts like swaraj, and more to present on alternative practices and visions emerging from the South Asian context and linking movements elsewhere.

Asia Regional Gender and Tenure Workshop
Asia Regional Gender and Tenure Workshop

The Asia Regional Gender and Tenure Workshop was a two-day workshop held from 23-24 August 2017 at the headquarters of RRI Partner and co-host RECOFTC, in Bangkok, Thailand, which brought together outspoken advocates of gender and tenure in Asia to engage in brainstorming and strategic mapping, to connect existing regional initiatives and issues to global trends in gender and forest tenure, and collectively define key issues facing the region.

MegaFlorestais 2017
MegaFlorestais 2017

MegaFlorestais 2017 was held in Vancouver and Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada on October 15-20, 2017, co-hosted by the Canadian Forest Service - Natural Resources Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

Next Generation of Indigenous and Community Leaders Seminar
Next Generation of Indigenous and Community Leaders Seminar

Indigenous Peoples and community leaders from Indonesia and the Philippines developed a more cohesive cultural narrative for their challenges vis-à-vis persisting threats to their statutory…

MegaFlorestais 2014
MegaFlorestais 2014

MegaFlorestais 2014 was held on May 5-9, 2014, and co-hosted by the Cameroonian Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Rights and Resources…

Next Generation of Forest Agency Leaders
Next Generation of Forest Agency Leaders

The event was co-organized by the Rights & Resources Initiative” the National Forestry Commission of Mexico” & MegaFlorestais.   Objectives of the seminar   • Better…

State of Rights and Resources 2012-2013
State of Rights and Resources 2012-2013

The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) co-hosted with Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) a panel discussion and the launch of its annual review of the state…