Click here to read the article” available in French.
By Emilio Godoy MEXICO CITY” Apr 2″ 2012 (IPS) – Despite the key role they play in caring for natural resources in the face of…
or the road map for the RRI coalition's contribution to the Cameroonian forest law reform process in French.
Cecile Ndjebet from Cameroon Ecology and REFACOF (African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests) on the work she is doing to promote women's rights…
The Rights and Resources Initiative released TURNING POINT: What future for forest peoples and resources in the emerging world order? at a panel event in…
As posted on The Guardian on February 9″ 2012
Since Jan. 31.” the indigenous Ngäbe Bugle peoples of Panama have been protesting the Panamanian government’s move to weaken national mining laws by removing a…
As posted by Africa Business on February 8, 2012. In light of Sime Darby’s February 3rd claims, the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) has verified…
In response to February 3″ 2012 press release by Sime Darby Berhard “False and Inaccurate Reports on Liberian Operations Washington” D.C. – In light of…
The 11th RRI Dialogue will be webcast live from 08:00 – 15:00 GMT on Wednesday” October 12th in English” French and Spanish. Tomorrow is the…
On 20 September 2011″ Silas Siakor presented a 'brown bag' lunch talk on the current situation of concessions and land policy in his native Liberia. …
As written by Bisong Etahoben for the Africa Review on 30 July 2011. African women want their governments to undertake reforms that will enable them…
As written by John Muchangi for Nairobi Star on April 4″ 2011. The controversial shamba system may be good for Kenyan forests” a new study…
Dear Readers” Happy New Year to readers in Cambodia” Lao PDR” Myanmar” and Thailand! Before the festivities” Bangkok is hosting the United Nations climate change…
Watch an AFP TV report on Zapotec forest management in Oaxaca” Mexico here.
As written on 8 February 2011. “Rapidly-rising food prices and growing demand for all land-based commodities” like palm oil and biofuels” are driving an intensive…
REDD: The Realities in Black and White Friends of the Earth International” November 2010 Posted on 02″ December” 2010 “The case studies in this report…