Como se ve en SPDA Actualidad Ambiental el 23 de septiembre, 2015 Hoy, mediante Decreto Supremo 11-2015-MINAM, el Ejecutivo aprobó la Estrategia Nacional ante el Cambio Climático, un…
Como se ve en AIDESEP el 25 de septiembre de 2015. Banco Mundial firma contrato WWF quién será el administrador del fondo del proyecto MDE. En las oficinas…
Every day you turn on at least one light. Have you ever stopped to think about where this energy comes from and how it gets…
Defending Afro-Indigenous Land: Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras Wins Food Sovereignty Prize
In 2015, the US Food Sovereignty Prize honors the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH by its Spanish acronym), Afro-indigenous farmers and fisherpeople who are defending their lands, waters,…
A new analysis finds many of the 1.5 billion people living in indigenous and local communities don’t have rights to the land on which they…
Sinoe County — With his yellow long shelves shirt, clear glasses, and baggy shorts, Roosevelt Deedo wears the uniform of Liberia’s urban residents unlike…
Behold, my friends, the spring has come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of…
Indigenous peoples often play a vital role in preserving biodiversity, something that is often forgotten. By Gemina Harvey Conservationists and Indigenous communities share the aim…
Indigenous people and local communities lack legal rights to almost three quarters of their traditional lands, sparking social conflict and undermining international plans to curb poverty, hunger and climate change, researchers said.
Como se ven en WRadio Naciones Unidas, 21 sep (EFE).- Varias comunidades indígenas de Latinoamérica figuran entre los ganadores del premio Equator 2015, según…
Como se ve en AMPB Se demanda a las autoridades pertinentes a realizar investigaciones y esclarecer los hechos sucedidos en contra de la vida del…
Estrategias de Despojo: Análisis jurídico sobre la Ley 30230 Estudio realizado por cuatro juristas peruanos reconocidos y donde se desarrollan desde cuatro perspectivas jurídicas la…
The “paradox of plenty” debate tends to focus on fossil fuels and minerals. Countries that are rich in these resources are often – paradoxically – kept financially poor, with the proceeds of natural wealth largely profiting political elites, foreign companies and commodities traders, rather than being used strategically to bring whole populations out of poverty.
Como se ve en Servindi Servindi, 9 de setiembre, 2015.- El Reporte de Conflictos Sociales N° 138 de la Defensoría del Pueblo, correspondiente al mes…
NEW DELHI—After tribal rights activists and opposition parties attacked the central government’s policies for not respecting tribal rights, it’s now the National Institution for Transforming…
Como se ve en EPP Por Yader Prado Reyes El Presidente de la República, Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra, aseguró que el Gobierno Sandinista brindará el…
It is slowly becoming evident that today’s extractivism [economy based upon the extraction and export of natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals] is advancing in a context of increasing violence,
The vice president of Bolivia, Alvaro Garcia Linera, recently declared that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) currently working in the country “are becoming less necessary.” Although he…
As seen on Upside Down World Written by Jeff Abbott Wednesday, 05 August 2015 Success is rare among indigenous peoples’ struggles for land rights in Guatemala….
As seen on World Bulletin Sao Paulo protest comes as congress considers taking power over native people’s lands 15 August 2015 SaturdayWorld Bulletin / News…
As seen on The New York Times BHUBANESHWAR, India (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – India is embarking on a national campaign to help millions of indigenous…
TORONTO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Global food giants and international NGOs have drafted a framework to prevent land grabs just as hedge funds, companies and…
As seen on The Ecologist Jeff Abbott / Waging NonViolence 12th August 2015 Pristine beaches, clear Caribbean waters, coral reefs, fertile land … such is…
As seen on IC Magazine NATIVE CULTURES’ SIKUANI AND JIW SACRED SITES AND LIVELIHOODS AT RISK by Environmental Investigation AgencyAugust 11, 2015 WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new video released this…