Over US$7.3 billion has been pledged to support REDD+ readiness in the run up to 2015″ with US$4.3 billion to be spent in the period between 2010 and 2012. Yet” despite high level multilateral and bilateral or government financial commitments” information remains limited on exactly how much of this money is actually flowing to the national level” the types of REDD+ activities supported in this Fast Start period” and the organizations managing and actually implementing these activities.

RRI Partner Forest Trends (with funding from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment” Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety’s International Climate Initiative” the Skoll Foundation and RRI) is tracking REDD+ finance in thirteen countries to determine:

  • Actual commitments and disbursements of REDD+ finance;
  • Timelines between when funds are committed and actually disbursed;
  • The types of organizations receiving and implementing the REDD+ activities (e.g. government” NGOs” large international consulting firms and consultants” or community organizations);
  • Types of activities supported by the current financial pledges.

To demonstrate this tracking” Forest Trends has launched a new website: . The aim of this initiative and website is to provide information that will help governments and other REDD+ stakeholders better assess gaps and needs against national REDD+ strategies and to have a better understanding of the financial flows associated with REDD+ financing.

Users can track REDD expenditures by selecting a country on a map provided by the website. Go to ReddX now.

Learn more about the initiative.