Every year” human rights defenders working on land issues throughout the developing world are threatened” harassed and even killed because of their peaceful actions for more just” inclusive and democratic societies.

The International Land Coalition (ILC)” an RRI collaborator” has published an info note on international mechanisms for protecting Human Rights Defenders at risk for their work on land rights. The info note documents the emergency fund piloted in Colombia in 2011 and 2012 by ILC member Center for Research and Popular Education – Peace Program (CINEP PPP).

In their reports to the UN Human Rights Council” both Margaret Sekaggya and Hina Jilani” the current and former Special Rapporteurs of the UN Secretary General on the situation of Human Rights Defenders” highlighted the particular vulnerability of human rights defenders working on land rights and natural resources; this group is the second most in danger of being killed because of their activities (Jilani: 2007).

While violations of human rights have always occurred when people struggle to secure their legitimate land rights” the growing demand for land for productive activities” human settlements and environmental conservation” has exacerbated land conflicts in many countries” and created a climate of violence against human rights defenders working on land rights. RRI hopes the work on developing international mechanisms for protecting rights of communities across the developing world will continue to take root” and gain further support and endorsement from stakeholders in international institutions as well as the private sector.

View the info note in English” French” and Spanish.