As seen on Front Page Africa

Written by Mae Azango

The citizens have taken upon themselves to come to Monrovia and address the issue through the Green Advocates.

Monrovia – An old African proverb says “If one pulls a rope” the rope will eventually pull the bush and the truth would come out.”

This is exactly the case with citizens of Sinoe and the Sinoe Legislative Caucus regarding the Golden Veroluem Liberia (GVL)” an oil palm company operating in the county.

The citizens have taken upon themselves to come to Monrovia and address the issue through the Green Advocates.

Since their arrival and subsequent press conference at the offices of the Green Advocates” claims and counter claims has increased between the county’s leadership” the Sinoe Legislative caucus” the Land commission” Green Advocates and the citizens.

During the press conference” the citizens accused the county authority and the Sinoe Legislative caucus of not seeking the interest of the county” but rather taking side with the oil company.

S. Teah Domah of Butaou District said their authority and the caucus informed them that they were not aware of any concession agreement between the company and the government of Liberia: “They have never shown us the agreement for us to know how much land the government has given the company” but instead” they said they don’t know.”

During the press conference” the citizens accused the county authority and the Sinoe Legislative caucus of not seeking the interest of the county” but rather taking side with the oil company.

He said the company which was expected to improve the livelihood of the citizens has damaged their source of living: “GVL came to our county with the intention of improving the livelihood of our people” but for now” we see that we are dying because our peace has been damaged. This is why we came to Green Advocate to seek interest. We are not against GVL” but we are suffering and there is no one to hear our cries.”

But during a press conference at the Capitol Building yesterday” the Caucus denied all claims regarding the Golden Veroluem Company and pointed accusing fingers at Green Advocate for inciting the Citizens against the Government and the Company in the development of the County.

Superintendent Milton Teahjay appearing on Real TV accused Cllr. Alfred Brownell” Green Advocate’s key campaigner of inciting the citizens of Sinoe against development.

But Brownell said he believes the people have right to their resources and a right to be consulted of development going on in their area.

“I feel that there are a few people benefiting from this development and not the citizens. This development has not met with the consent of the citizens of Sinoe”” he said.

Posted on the walls of the Green Advocate where the conference was held were placards with various inscriptions.

The Citizens then met with Land commission Chairman Dr. Cecil T.O.  Brandy who thanked them for not resorting to violence and reassured them of their ownership to the land.

He promised to immediately dispatch a team of commissioners to the county to investigate the forceful seizure of the land and the destruction of crops by Golden Veroluem.

Cllr. Brandy also assured them that he would inform President Johnson-Sirleaf about conditions in Sinoe County” noting that she might not be aware of what is obtaining in the county.

“You know that the President is very busy” she might have not been provided the correct information about the operation of Golden Veroluem in Sinoe” but I will convey your information to her”” he said.

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