RRI is seeking nominations for a Chair, Board of Directors to guide its coalition of over 200 partners, collaborators, and fellows in the implementation of its Fourth Strategic Program, which runs through 2027.
We are looking for individuals committed to RRI’s core issues: the land, resource and collective rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendent Peoples, and local communities. Strong nominees are seasoned leaders who have played key roles in non-profit organizations or civil society movements, and who are familiar with the international development, conservation, climate, or human rights space. We value diversity and inclusion on our Board, and we encourage nominations from individuals of all backgrounds. Indigenous, Afro-descendent, and traditional communities are particularly encouraged to apply.
Submission: Please submit your nominations here.
About RRI’s Board of Directors
The RRI Board is currently composed of 11 people, including the RRI President, independent Board members and coalition-elected Board members. Board members are primarily people from the RRI regions, with representatives of Indigenous and local communities. Half of the Board members are also representatives of RRI’s partner organizations, with one from Latin America, two from Africa, and one from Asia. We also have independent Board members with expertise in governance, government relations, finance, private sector relations, law, and philanthropy.
The RRI Board meets twice a year in person, usually after the RRI annual governance and strategic planning meetings in January and October. Additional meetings can be added on an as needed basis, either virtual or in-person. Board members are also expected to join one of standing committees (Executive, Audit and Governance), and any ad hoc committees that may be struck for a limited period. Committee members meet once online prior to each Board meeting. In addition to the meetings, Board members are expected to dedicate time to review documents prior to Committee and Board meetings.
The role is voluntary. Board members are not compensated for their participation in Board activities, although compensation may be considered when Board members are called upon to carry out tasks beyond normal Board duties. RRI is responsible for supporting visa applications and travel logistics for Board and coalition meetings, covering travel costs for Board members’ attendance.
The roles and functions of the Board Chair are as follows:
- Preside as leading officer over Board meeting proceedings;
- Preside as Chair over the Executive Committee;
- Undertake a representational role on behalf of RRI with external stakeholders;
- Advise the RRG President on an ad-hoc basis; and
- Authorize documents on behalf of the Board of Directors.
The qualifications below are not requirements; candidates can excel in some but not all functions. RRI understands the importance of traditional knowledge in shaping leadership and that these skills are not always translated into Western professional terms, particularly for people from Indigenous, Afro-descendent or local community backgrounds.
Leadership skills: ability to preside as leading officer over Board meeting proceedings, ensuring full participation and informed debate, managing discussion between agenda items, and making requisite decisions;
Spokesperson: in coordination with the RRI President, undertake a representational role on behalf of RRI with external stakeholders, prospective and established donors, media contacts, and in flagship RRI events.
Thematic expertise: has an expert background within the core RRI themes related to land rights, conservation, traditional knowledge, collective rights, climate policy and financing, and governance and is committed to the advancement of these issues.
Non-profit management (preferred): understands RRI’s organizational priorities, including programs, fundraising, finance, and organizational management. Has the ability to support the RRI President’s role within the secretariat and the coalition.
Board experience: has served as a Board member before, understands the functions of Board committees, and the fiduciary responsibilities of a Board member.
Selection criteria
- Experience with international organizations, coalitions and networks.
- Leadership and mediation skills.
- From an Indigenous, Afro-descendent or local community background or with proven experience working with these groups.
- Experience in RRI’s core regions—Latin America, Africa and Asia.
- Commitment to RRI’s issues.
- Thought leadership, experience with high-level representation, and public speaking.
- English fluency with the ability to chair all day meetings and review documents in English.
Women and Afro-descendent people are strongly encouraged to apply.
How to apply or nominate a candidate
Nominations may be submitted online here. Please include:
- Basic info: name, country, gender
- Relationship with Indigenous, Afro-descendent and local communities
- Skills
- Prior Board experience (if applicable)
- Availability. Adequate time to participate
- Bio or personal background information about the candidate
- A statement of how the candidate can contribute to RRI’s goals
- Résumé / CV / LinkedIn
Thank you for helping us strengthen our organization by identifying exceptional candidates who will contribute to our mission. Contact us if you’d like to hear more about this position.