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President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has asked agricultural companies occupying more land then they can now cultivate to consider relinquishing those areas to affected communities for farming purposes.

An Executive Mansion release issued on Friday” April 5 in Monrovia quotes President Sirleaf as saying that relinquishing such lands will further make those communities feel part of the agricultural sector.

The release said the Liberian leader made the call over the weekend when she met with stakeholders within the agricultural sector here” and urged them to invest in finished products.

Companies that attended the meeting included Firestone-Liberia” Liberia Agriculture Company” Cavalla Rubber Company” Salala Rubber Company” Golden Veroleum” Equatorial Palm” and Sime Darby” respectively.

The President named products like poly-tanks” slippers and variety of cooking utensils” which are widely used in Liberia and other parts of the sub-region thereby making it a huge market for consumable goods.

She said exporting natural processed rubber from Liberia has come of age so it was now time to add value to the product as a mark of innovation that would yield huge results for both the country and the concessionaires.

Assuring the companies of government's efforts to rehabilitate roads and bridges listed as some of the challenges facing them” President Sirleaf however reminded them of government's obligation to equally protect community dwellers in the operation areas.

She disclosed to concessionaries at the meeting that government has begun engaging traditional leaders in the concession areas through the Ministry of Internal Affairs to address those concerns raised” especially the community land issue.

In addition to problem of land acquisition raised by the concessionaries” they also want government to address the problem of theft” land encroachment” land survey due to tribal conflict and access to ports” among others.

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