PRESS RELEASE New Report: Recognizing Indigenous Peoples and Community Land Rights to Limit Deforestation Is Cost-Effective Approach to Fight Poverty, Climate Change

US$1.64 Billion – Amount Committed to REDD+ – Would Secure Land Rights to Almost Half Billion Hectares of Tropical Forest, Necessary Precursor for REDD+;
New Institution Addressing Land Tenure Will Answer the Call



REPORT Recognizing Indigenous and Community Land Rights: Priority Steps to Advance Development and Mitigate Climate Change

REPORT | FACT SHEET Indigenous Peoples & the Extractive Sector: Towards a rights-respecting engagement (Tebtebba)

Research Released Prior to

World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

22 and 23 September, 2014

United Nations Headquarters, New York

United Nations Climate Summit

23 September, 2013

United Nations Headquarters, New York

Images and Videos

If Not Us Then Who is a complementary creative initiative aimed at answering the question, ‘who is protecting our forests?’; visit their website at

The campaign is a blend of striking visuals and compelling human stories, created in partnership with local activists and lead by the voices of forest peoples.

The campaign images and footage can be used to support media stories. All photographs are copyright Joel Redman / Handcrafted Films. All footage is copyright Handcrafted Films and not to be used without explicit permission. Please email [email protected] for further information.

Key Spokespeople

  • Victoria Tauli-Corpuz – United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Executive Director, Tebtebba
  • Andy White – Coordinator, Rights and Resources Initiative
  • Jenny Springer – Director, Global Programs, Rights and Resources Initiative
  • Bryson Ogden – Private Sector Analyst, Rights and Resources Initiative
  • Raymond de Chavez – Deputy Director, Tebtebba
  • Lou Munden – Chief Executive Officer, The Munden Project
  • Robert WinterbottomDirector, Ecosystem Services Initiative and Deputy Director, People and Ecosystems ProgramWorld Resources Institute

Background Documents for the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility

  • CONCEPT NOTE | The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility: Leveraging greater private and public commitment and finance to secure land rights and the forest and rural areas of the developing world

Additional Background Documents

  • Securing Rights, Combating Climate Change: How Strengthening Community Forest Rights Mitigates Climate Change


    (World Resources Institute and Rights and Resources Initiative)

  • Lots of Words, Little Action: Will the Private Sector Tip the Scales for Community Land Rights?


  • What Future for Reform? Progress and Slowdown in Forest Tenure Since 2002
  • Mesoamerica at the Forefront of Community Forest Rights: Lessons for Making REDD Work


    (PRISMA and Mesoamerican Alliance of People and Forests)

  • Analysis on the Costs of Securing Communal Land Rights: New Technologies and Approaches Offer Potential for Scaling Up



  • Global Capital, Local Concessions: A Data-Driven Examination of Land Tenure Risk and Industrial Concessions in Emerging Market Economies


    (The Munden Project)

  • The Financial Risks of Insecure Land Tenure: An Investment View


    (The Munden Project)

Background on Rights and Resources Initiative

Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) is a global coalition of 14 Partners and over 140 international, regional and community organizations advancing forest tenure, policy and market reforms. RRI leverages the strategic collaboration and investment of its Partners and Collaborators around the world by working together on research, advocacy, and convening strategic actors to catalyze change on the ground. RRI is coordinated by the Rights and Resources Group, a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC.

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