RRI hosted a panel of experts at The Royal Society in London, England to discuss new analyses on the status of forest and land rights in developing countries and highlight the globalized economic and political forces impacting land availability, equity and the potential for conflict. The studies released include RRI?s annual review of the state of rights and resources, TURNING POINT: What future for forest peoples and resources in the emerging world order? (read the report in French, Spanish, or Bahasa Indonesia ) and a five-brief series by RRI fellow Liz Alden Wily titled Rights to Resources in Crisis: Reviewing the fate of customary land tenure in Africa (also available in French). Panelists included: David Deng, South Sudan Law Society; Alfred Brownell, Green Advocates; Lou Munden, The Munden Project; and Jeffrey Hatcher and Andy White, RRI. The panel was moderated by Fred Pearce, co-author of Turning Point and renowned climate change journalist.