“This report calls for a new security agenda for Amazonia. Not one focused only on national security in a traditional sense” but rather one that acts to strengthen the fundamental underpinnings of a flourishing society – sustained access to water” energy” food and good health for all. These ‘securities’ are under increasing threat” both individually and in combination” creating significant risks for people” governments and industry.”

“The scale of current economic activity in Amazonia is often underestimated. The region’s natural abundance in resources is being monetized on an industrial scale. Its direct financial value is in the order of magnitude of many $10s of billions annually.”

In interview with Minister of Environment: the Peruvian government agenda for the COP-20: “Forest and security in the Amazon region”.

Press Release” 28 January 2014: The Minister of Environment for Peru and current  UNFCCC COP 20 President” Manuel Pulgar-Vidal” highlighted the importance of the recent  Amazonia Security Agenda report that addresses the security in the Amazon region from the perspective of water” energy” food” health and climate change.  Minister Pulgar – Vidal” Minister of Environment for Peru says “The concept of security is fundamental for improving decision-makers awareness of the implications of the threats to the provision of services” resources and ecosystem services.”

Complete press releaseFull report

Links to specific reports:

  •   Climate Change and Land Use Change in Amazonia
  •   Energy security in the Amazon
  •   Food security in Amazonia
  •   Health security in Amazonia
  •   Land use Status and Trends in Amazonia
  •   Water security in Amazonia