RRI has developed robust partnerships and collaborative working relationships with over 135 civil society and Indigenous Peoples organizations across the developing world and at the global level” in order to accelerate the rate of recognition and securing of land rights that must accompany sustained” on-the-ground tenure reform.
In November” 2012″ RRI invited the leaders of many of these organizations to attend its annual strategic planning meetings in Washington” DC. RRI used this unique international gathering as an opportunity to sit down with some of these remarkable individuals” who are champions of forest tenure reform and land rights in their countries and had traveled across continents to be a crucial part of our planning process for 2013.
In the video clips below” these leaders and representatives describe their organizations’ missions and challenges” and engage in a candid discussion of their ongoing work with the RRI Coalition.
External links:
Sam Nguiffo Centre for Development and Environment (CED)” Cameroon
Cecile Ndjebet Cameroon Ecology” Cameroon
Li Ping Landesa” China
José Suárez (ESP) Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN)” Colombia
Víctor López (ESP) Ut’z Che’” Guatemala
Madhu Sarin Campaign for Survival and Dignity” India
Myrna Safitri Epistema Institute” Indonesia
Francis Colee Green Advocates” Liberia
Julie Weah Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI)” Liberia
Bharat Pokharel Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation” Nepal
Naya Paudell Forest Action” Nepal