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Often in Africa” the State owns the land” and farmers only have use rights. AFP

Areas are allocated” leased” or sold to agribusiness multinationals. The farmers are expropriated. It is difficult to quantify this global phenomenon” even if we say that more than 50 million hectares of land are monopolized in just the continent of Africa. The issue? A surge in food prices and a growing demand for bio-fuels. 

This week” the African debate focuses on the scourge of the land grabbing in Africa.


– Olivier De Schutter” Special Rapporteur to the Secretary General of the United Nations on the Right to Food

– Mamadou Biteye” West African Regional Director of Oxfam GB

– Roland Ravatomanga” Minister of Agriculture of Madagascar

– Samuel Nguiffo Téné” Head of the Center for Environment and Development of Cameroon.

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