Global Witness has released its latest publication” the Executive Summary of its 2011 Annual Transparency Report. 

The report assesses 20 indicators on key aspects of forest sector governance” using its unique traffic lights system. The traffic light system indicates for each of these indicators whether clear provisions exist and information on them is publicly available” resulting in a 'yes'” 'partial'” or 'no' overall. It covers Cameroon” the Democratic Republic of Congo” Ecuador” Ghana” Guatemala” Liberia and Peru.

The Executive Summary compiles findings from three Annual Transparency Reports produced by Global Witness' civil society partners in the Making the Forest Sector Transparent programme. These findings so far show that governments have announced a range of commitments to improve transparency over forest sector management. They include: better and earlier public consultation” greater public disclosure of key documents” and some increase in support to small landowners to protect their forests. In addition” four of the seven forest-rich countries now have freedom of information laws that include commitments to providing information on forest sector management.

Worryingly however” very few of these commitments are being acted on and in the case of the freedom of information laws” not one forest authority is meeting its obligations. The report cards also raise concerns that commercial interests for land” mining” oil and agricultural plantations are still taking precedent over the need to protect forests and the communities that depend on them. All too often government bodies compete to strike a deal with a favoured investor” rather than working together in the interests of preserving forests or recognising the long-term public goods they can provide.

The full data-set for each country is available on the transparency website in French and Spanish as well as English.

Read the report here. For more information” contact David Young at [email protected] or visit