The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Southeast Asia Regional Office is pleased to share its new publication releases in English and Bahasa (Indonesia) for May 2012. Publication titles and descriptions are as follows:

Title: Human Decision Making In Empirical Agent-Based Models: Pitfalls And Caveats For Land-Use Change Policies. | Download here     

Description: This paper describes three fundamental pitfalls or caveats of empirical modeling of land-use decision making in agent-based models for land-use/cover change. A case study in the villages of Jambi Province (Sumatra)” Indonesia” is presented to demonstrate the construction of empirical decision-making models using utility functions while taking into account these caveats. Incorporating the decision process as an option to deal with the drawbacks of cross-sectional data is recommended to better specify agents’ behavior in the decision-making models.


Title: Menuju Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Gambut Lestari di Tanjung Jabung Barat. (Bahasa Indonesia)  | Download here

Description: Perubahan status kawasan hutan dari hutan produksi menjadi hutan lindung pada umumnya bertujuan untuk mengembalikan fungsi ekologis kawasan hutan tersebut. Namun terkadang perubahan status kawasan tersebut justru dapat mempercepat terjadinya deforestasi dan degradasi hutan serta dapat memicu timbulnya konflik” seperti yang terjadi di Kesatuan Pengelola Hutan Lindung Gambut (KPHLG) Desa Bram Itam” Tanjung Jabung Barat” Jambi. Pada tahun 2009″ Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat (Kabupaten Tanjabar) mulai melakukan kegiatan rehabilitasi dalam upaya mengembalikan fungsi ekologis kawasan Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG)” dengan jalan mencari tanaman alternatif pengganti kelapa sawit.

Title: Potensi Pengembangan dan Pemasaran Jelutung di Tanjung Jabung Barat. (Bahasa Indonesia) | Download here

Description: Jelutung (Dyera sp) merupakan spesies pohon komersial bernilai tinggi yang menghasilkan getah (latex) dan kayu. Pengalihan fungsi hutan dan pemanfaatan kayu secara besar-besaran di kawasan hutan gambut Tanjung Jabung Barat mengakibatkan jelutung menjadi sulit ditemukan. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir” pemanfaatan jelutung kembali banyak dibahas sebagai indigenous species untuk restorasi hutan dan spesies pohon komersial di lahan gambut. Tingginya permintaan getah dan kayu jelutung menunjukkan adanya peluang bagi petani yang bermukim di kawasan lahan gambut untuk meningkatkan pendapatan.

Title: Strategi Sumber Penghidupan Petanidi Tanjung Jabung Barat. (Bahasa Indonesia) | Download here

Description: Dalam rencananya yang disebut National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA)” Indonesia berkomitmen untuk mengurangi emisi CO2 secara suka rela sebesar 26% melalui usaha sendiri dan bahkan dengan tambahan 15% apabila ada bantuan internasional pada kondisi ‘bussiness as usual’ (tanpa perubahan apapun) pada tahun 2020. Upaya penurunan emisi ini tetap disertai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang harus mencapai 7%. Pada tingkat sub-nasional” strategi untuk mencapai kedua tujuan tersebut dirumuskan dengan mengembangkan strategi perencanaan pembangunan rendah emisi CO2. Oleh karena itu” diperlukan informasi yang terkait dengan pertanian” strategi mata pencaharian dan kemiskinan” karena setiap intervensi pada pengurangan emisi tidak harus mengurangi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kedua tujuan tersebut dapat dicapai apabila ada keseimbangan antara pengurangan emisi dan peningkatan kesejahteraan manusia. Namun hal tersebut menjadi sebuah tantangan besar. Pemahaman mengenai strategi mata pencaharian yang berhubungan dengan dinamika karbon dan kesejahteraan manusia sangat penting untuk diperhatikan.


Title: Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan” Faktor Pemicu dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Emisi CO2 di Tanjung Jabung Barat” Jambi. | Download here

Description: Di Kabupaten Tanjabar” sekitar 50% lahannya (246.000 ha) berada di bawah kewenangan Kementerian Kehutanan yang sebagian besar (80%) merupakan Kawasan Hutan Produksi (HP) dan sisanya adalah Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG) dan Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh. Tanjabar memiliki lahan gambut yang luas” hampir 40% dari luas kabupaten” dengan kedalaman dan kematangan yang sangat bervariasi (Wahyunto et al” 2003). Pengurangan emisi dari sektor penggunaan lahan dan pembangunan rendah emisi CO2 merupakan bagian dari mitigasi perubahan iklim yang penting untuk diupayakan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia termasuk Tanjabar. Upaya awal yang perlu dilakukan adalah memperkuat pemahaman dinamika perubahan penggunaan lahan termasuk mengetahui faktor pemicu dan pelaku utamanya.


Title: Measuring carbon stock in peat soils: practical guidelines. | Download here

Description: Peatland is one of the largest terrestrial carbon storehouses. However” the carbon it contains is only protected from decomposition by the wet conditions of the peat. Under special conditions where decomposition is slow owing to low oxygen supply (water saturated)” low nutrient concentrations” and acidity” dead organic matter from trees or other vegetation can start to pile up and accumulate” creating conditions that further slow decomposition. Specialized trees” sedges and other vegetation start to dominate and a peat swamp forest is formed. When this starts to hold enough water” it can become a semi-autonomous landscape unit” depending on rainfall and atmospheric nutrient inputs” independent of the mineral soil and groundwater. The belowground carbon stocks can reach 10–100 times those of the most lush tropical forest. However” when the forest is cleared and the peat is drained the stored carbon is readily decomposed and released as CO2″ the most important greenhouse gas.

Title: Protected areas within multifunctional landscapes: Squeezing out intermediate land use intensities in the tropics? | Download here

Description: A protected area (PA) tends to be designated in an area where tracts of primary forest remain” often with poor accessibility due to terrain features and yet with some exposure to threats. Typically” a PA is at the start of a ‘forest transition’ gradient. The establishment of a PA influences the whole gradient. We analyzed the temporal patterns of land-use change inside and outside four PAs” with one located in each of Laos” Indonesia” Madagascar and Cameroon.


Title: The Decision Making Process In The Adoption Of Agroforestry Technology By Smallholder Rubber Farmers In Indonesia. | Download here

Description: The contribution of rubber to national economic and social development is important for Indonesia. However” smallholding rubber” the dominant rubber producer” has low productivity. Various new technology programmes have been introduced by the Indonesian government with other agencies to increase the productivity of existing traditional rubber and incomes among smallholder rubber farmers in Indonesia. However” the adoption of new technology was low and the reasons for these were still unclear. This study explores how smallholder farmers in Indonesia adopt new technology.

Title: Patterns of Vulnerability in the Forestry” Agriculture” Water” and Coastal Sectors of Silago” Southern Leyte” Philippines. | Download here

Description: Climate projections analyses and indicator data on exposure and vulnerability show that the municipality of Silago” Southern Leyte is at risk to the impacts of future climate changes. The coastal barangays” where most of agricultural land are located and which have high population density” are especially at risk due to the projected decrease in rainfall and the potential increase in sea levels. Inland barangays” on the other hand” are at risk because of relatively higher increases in temperature” which may also have adverse effects on the inland forests located in the area. These results are based on the projected climate changes for an A1B scenario using a regional climate model” RS-GIS analyses” and the available data obtained for the study.

Title: Do Anthropogenic Dark Earths Occur in the Interior of Borneo? Some Initial Observations from East Kalimantan. | Download here

Description: Anthropogenic soils of the Amazon Basin (Terra Preta” Terra Mulata) reveal that pre-Colombian peoples made lasting improvements in the agricultural potential of nutrient-poor soils. Some have argued that applying similar techniques could improve agriculture over much of the humid tropics” enhancing local livelihoods and food security” while also sequestering large quantities of carbon to mitigate climate change. Here” we present preliminary evidence for Anthropogenic Dark Earths (ADEs) in tropical Asia.


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ICRAF Southeast Asia Publication Unit

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