As written for The Himalayan Times on 31 May 2011.

KATHMANDU: Minister for Forests and Soil Conservation Bhanubhakta Joshi has hinted the possibility of scrapping the Forest Act (second amendment) if it is not in favour of the community forest users.

Addressing a program organised on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the Federation of the Community Forest Users’ of Nepal ( FECOFUN) in the Capital on Tuesday” Joshi said that Forest Act (second amendment) can be scrapped and revised after holding discussions with the bodies concerned if it is not in favour of the community forest users.

He praised the Federation for its contribution to the conservation of forest and soil and environment through its nationwide networking campaign.

The government has a target to create employment opportunity in the forest sector and income-generating programme soon” said the Forest Minister.

Also speaking at the programme” Nepali Congress central member Chandra Bhandari said the right to soil” water and forest has been transformed into the hands of the well off community as the achievements of the movement in 2062-63 BS could not be institutionalised.

CPN-UML leader Pradeep Nepal underlined the need of economic revolution in the country.

Though the Federation was considered as a pro-people organisation in the beginning” it has started losing such reputation gradually said senior journalist Bhairab Risal” drawing the attention of Federation towards this