In a new report by Transparency International” Global Corruption Report: Climate Change” RRI Secretariat staff members Jeffrey Hatcher and Luke Bailey contribute to the report's analysis of climate-related corruption risks.  Their article (chapter 6.2) focuses on the development of links between governance and forest management as a result of REDD+ preparations.

As stated in the report's introduction:

The global response to climate change will demand unprecedented international cooperation” deep economic transformation and resource transfers at a significant scale. Corruption threatens to jeopardize these efforts. Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report: Climate Change is the first publication to comprehensively explore major climate-related corruption risks. The book provides essential analysis to help policy-makers” practitioners and other stakeholders understand risks and develop effective responses at a critical moment when the main architecture for climate governance is being developed. More than 50 leading experts and practitioners contribute” covering four key areas:

  • Governance: Investigating major governance challenges towards tackling climate change.

  • Mitigation: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with transparency and accountability.

  • Adapting to climate change: Identifying corruption risks in climate-proofing development” financing and implementation of adaptation strategies.

  • Forestry governance: Responding to the corruption challenges plaguing the forestry sector” and integrating integrity into international strategies to halt deforestation and promote reforestation.

The report is also available in French and Spanish” and the executive summary and press release can be downloaded from the Transparency International website.