Refers to Community Forests with Signed Community Forestry Agreements and Community Protected Areas; Legislation consulted for Community Forests includes: Government of Cambodia. 2002. Law on Forestry of 2002, Chapter 9. August 15; Government of Cambodia. 2003. Sub-Decree on Community Forestry Management of 2003. Area data for Community Forests with Signed Community Forestry Agreements from: Cambodia Forestry Administration. 2013. Community Forestry Statistic in Cambodia 2013. Department of Forest and Community Forestry. Legislation consulted for Community Protected Areas includes: Government of Cambodia. 2008. Protected Area Law of 2008, Chapter 6. February 15. Area data for Community Protected Areas from: Ministry of Environment. 2015. Report of Department of Community Protected Areas, Research and Development. Ministry of Environment. Unpublished report provided by Ironside, Jeremy. 2015. See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for the full citation of legislation.
Refers to Community Forests with Signed Community Forestry Agreements and Community Protected Areas.
Data for Community Forests from: Cambodia Forestry Administration. 2018. Community Forestry Statistics in Cambodia 2018. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Phnom Penh. Available at:
Area data for Community Protected Areas from: United Nations Development Programme. 2019. Human Development Report Cambodia 2019. UNDP, Phnom Penh, 87.
Refers to Indigenous Communities’ Lands.
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Cambodia. 2001. Land Law of 2001, Chapter 3, Part 2. August 13. Available at:; Government of Cambodia. 2009. Sub Decree on Procedures of Registration of Land of Indigenous Communities of 2009. June 9. Available at: sites/default/files/sub-decree_on_procedures_of_registration_of_land_of_indigenous_communities.pdf.
Area data from: Cambodia Ministry of Land Management. 2016. Annual Report of the Ministry of Land Management, 2015. Available at: com/file/d/1T8e_1lTxy1lDt8vQLtOIk_iDwo-EtQBe/view.
Refers to Indigenous Communities’ Lands.
Area data from: Cambodia Ministry of Land Management. 2020. Annual Report of the Ministry of Land Management, 2020. Available at: 2h/view; Cambodian Center for Human Rights. 2021. Access to Collective Land Titles for Indigenous Communities in Cambodia. Available at: 8a25-4234-a680-919ac5c7bb7b/download/e01.pdf.
Refers to Collective Ownership with Individual Property Rights to Forestland and the Pasture Contract System.
Data on Collective Ownership with Individual Property Rights to Forestland from: People’s Republic of China. 2011. National People’s Congress 2011.
Data on Pasture Contract System from: Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. 2013. 2013 Annual National Report of Rangeland Monitoring. Provided by Li, Wenjun. 2014. Personal communication, Professor, Department of Environmental Management at Peking University. December 2014; The Grassland Law of 1985. 2002; Dean, Robin, and Tobias Damm-Luhr. 2010. A Current Review of Chinese Land-Use Law and Policy: A ‘Breakthrough’ in Rural Reform. Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal Association 9 (1): 121–159; Sheehy, Dennis P., Jeffrey Thorpe, and Brant Kirychuk. 2006. Rangeland, Livestock, and Herders Revisted in the Northern Pastoral Region of China. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-39, 62–82.
Refers to Collective Ownership with Individual Property Rights to Forestland and the Pasture Contract System.
Data on Collective Ownership with Individual Property Rights to Forestland from: People’s Republic of China. 2011. National People’s Congress 2011.
Data on Pasture Contract System from: Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. 2013. 2013 Annual National Report of Rangeland Monitoring. Provided by Li, Wenjun. 2014. Personal communication, Professor, Department of Environmental Management at Peking University. December 2014; The Grassland Law of 1985. 2002; Dean, Robin, and Tobias Damm-Luhr. 2010. A Current Review of Chinese Land-Use Law and Policy: A ‘Breakthrough’ in Rural Reform. Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal Association 9 (1): 121–159; Sheehy, Dennis P., Jeffrey Thorpe, and Brant Kirychuk. 2006. Rangeland, Livestock, and Herders Revisted in the Northern Pastoral Region of China. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-39, 62–82.
Refers to Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers Land.
Legislation consulted: Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act of 2006; Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Rules 2008, as amended in 2012; Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, as amended in 2012; The Indian Forest Act, 1927.
Area data from: Ministry of Tribal Affairs. 2015. Monthly Update on the Status of Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dweller (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. Government of India, New Delhi. Available at: http://tribal. MPRfortheMonthofFebruary,2015.pdf.
Refers to Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers Land.
Baseline data from: CFR-LA. 2016. Promise and Performance: Ten Years of the Forest Rights Act in India; Citizens’ Report on Promise and Performance of The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, after 10 years of its Enactment. We then added the increase in area recognized in Chhattisgarh and Odisha (Ministry of Tribal Affairs. 2021. Monthly Update on the Status of Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dweller (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, for the period ending December 31, 2020. Government of India) and the area recognized in Maharashtra (Tribal Research and Training Institute for Maharashtra in: Lele, Sharachchandra, Arushi Khare, and Shruti Mokashi. 2020. Estimating and Mapping CFR Potential For Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Maharashtra. Centre for Environment and Development, ATREE). See RRI 2023.
Refers to Hutan Kemasyarakatan (Rural or Community Forest), Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (People Plantation or People Plant Forest), and Hutan Desa (Village Forests).
Legislation consulted for HKm includes: Act No. 41 of 1999 on Forestry Affairs; Government Regulation No. 6/2007.
Legislation consulted for HTR includes: Government Regulation No. 6/2007; Ministry of Forestry Regulation No. 23/2007; Government of Indonesia. 2008; Government Regulation No. 3/2008 on the amendment to Government Regulation No. 6/2007.
Legislation consulted for Adat Forest includes: Government of Indonesia. 2002. The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 18B.; Government of Indonesia. 2012. Constitutional Court Decision, PUTUSAN–Nomor 35/ PUU-X/2012. Area data for all tenure regimes from: Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Social Forestry Department. 2015. As cited in: Gindroz, Anne-Sophie. 2015. Personal communication.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Hutan Kemasyarakatan (Rural or Community Forest), Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (People Plantation or People Plant Forest), and Hutan Desa (Village Forests).
Area data for Hutan Kemasyarakatan, Hutan Tanaman Rakyat, and Hutan Desa from: Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. 2020. The State of Indonesia’s Forests 2020. Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), Jakarta, 107. Figure 4.2. Available at:’s,by%20the%20Indonesian%20 Government%20to. For a similar image, see also: Ministry of Environment and Forestry. 2021. Statistics 2020. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta, 231. Table 8.1. Available at:
Refers to Adat Forest (Customary Law Forest).
Legislation consulted: Government of Indonesia. 2002. Indonesian Constitution of 2002, Article 18B; Government of Indonesia. 1999. Basic Forestry Law No. 41/1999; Government of Indonesia. 2012. Constitutional Court Decision, PUTUSAN–Nomor 35/PUU-X/2012.
Area data from: Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and Social Forestry Department. 2015. Provided by Gindroz, Anne-Sophie. 2015. Personal communication, Southeast Asia Regional Facilitator, Rights and Resources Initiative, June 26.
Refers to Adat Forest (Customary Law Forest), Tanah Ulayat (Customary Land recognized by the Ministry of Agrarian affairs and Spatial Planning) and Land Redistribution by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning. Area data for Adat Forest refers to 45 Customary Forests recognized at the national level through the decree of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) as of September 2020. As of May 2020, an additional 3.660813 Mha of Customary land rights have been recognized at the local level through local regulations. For a similar image, see also: KLHK. 2020. As quoted in Ministry of Environment and Forestry. 2020. The State of Indonesia’s Forests 2020. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta, 107. Figure 4.2. Area data for Tanah Ulayat and Land Redistribution by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning from: Tanah Ulayat in West Papua. See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for the full citation of legislation.
Refers to Municipal Pasture (some available for common grazing). Legislation consulted includes: Republic of Kazakhstan. 2003. Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 442. June 20, 2003. Published with all subsequent amendments in 2013 in: Zemel’nyi Kodeks Respubliki Kazakhstan, Iurist, Almaty. 2013. Area data from: Robinson, Sarah. 2014. RRI Community Tenure Baseline: Russia and Central Asia. Unpublished report.
Refers to Municipal Pasture (some available for common grazing). Legislation consulted includes: Republic of Kazakhstan. 2003. Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 442. June 20, 2003. Published with all subsequent amendments in 2013 in: Zemel’nyi Kodeks Respubliki Kazakhstan, Iurist, Almaty. 2013. Area data from: Robinson, Sarah. 2014. RRI Community Tenure Baseline: Russia and Central Asia. Unpublished report.
Refers to Pastures allocated to local governments and managed by Pasture User Associations and Pasture in State Land Reserve; Pasture in the State Land Reserve is theoretically available for lease to Pasture User Associations, but the amount used as collective pastureland is unknown.
Legislation consulted includes: Kyrgyz Republic. 2009. Law on Pastures No. 30. January 26.
Area data from: Kyrgyz State Cadastral and Land Register (GosRegister). 2014. As cited in: Robinson, Sarah. 2014. RRI Community Tenure Baseline: Russia and Central Asia. Unpublished report.
Refers to Pasture lands within State Forest Fund delegated to Local Self Government, and then in use by pasture user associations; Forest lands leased to communities in the State Forest Fund and administered by the State Forest Department; and Agricultural land categorized as pastures, delegated to local self-government and managed and used by pasture user associations.
Legislation consulted: Law on Pastures No. 30 of 2009; Forest Code of the Kyrgyz Republic of 2009.
Area data from: Kyrgyz Jayity, Pasture Department. Provided by Achilova, Altynai. 2021. Personal communication; National Statistic Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. “The Environment in the Kyrgyz Republic”; Personal communication between Kyrgyz Forestry Department and Resource Equity, verified by Altynai Achilova; National Statistic Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2020.
See endnotes of RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Temporary Land Use Certificates (TLUC), Permanent Titles for Collective Land, and Village Forestry.
Legislation consulted: Land Law No. 04/NA of 2003; Forestry Law No. 6/NA of 2007; Decree on the Implementation of the Land Law No. 88/PM, 2008.
TLUC area: Tamayo, Ann Loreto. 2013. Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in REDD: Complying with Prerequisites in Laos. INFOE; Some Temporary Land Use Certificates may have been converted to Permanent Titles.
Permanent Titles for Collective Land area: Schneider, Tina. 2013. Communal land titles in the Lao PDR: Extracting lessons from pilot initiatives. GIZ GmbH; Of the area held as Permanent Titles for Collective Land, 17,248 ha are designated forest land and 2,780 ha are designated as agricultural land for cultivation.
No area data available for Village Forestry. Lestrelin, Guillaume. 2015. Personal communication; Kenney-Lazar, Miles. 2015. Personal communication; Lagerqvist, Yayoi Fujita. 2015. Personal communication.
See RRI 2023 for more.
Refers to Village Forestry and Use of State Land for Collective Purposes.
Legislation consulted: Land Law of 21 June 2019.
Use of State Land for Collective Purposes area: Ironside, Jeremy. 2017. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Lao PDR. MRLG Thematic Study Series No. 8. MRLG; Kenney-Lazar, Miles. 2017. Governing Communal Land in the Lao PDR; Ling, S; Scurrah, N. 2017. Communal land titling in practice: Lessons from Khammouane Province, Lao PDR. MRLG Capitalization Note Series No. 3. MRLG; Schneider, Tina. 2013. Communal land titles in the Lao PDR: Extracting lessons from pilot initiatives. GIZ GmbH. Notably, data concerning the area of collective land was published before the Land Law of June 21, 2019 became effective. However, we understand the CBTR previously referred to as Permanent Land Titles for Collective Land is now regulated under the 2019 Land Law as Use of State Land for Collective Purposes.
No data available for Village Forestry.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Community Forest Users Groups.
Legislation consulted includes: Mongolia. 2012. Law on Forestry of 2012, Article 21.
Area data from: Department of Forest Policy and Coordination, MET. As cited by Ulambayar, Tungalag. 2017. Personal communication, October 25.
Refers to Community Forest Users Groups.
Legislation consulted includes: Mongolia. 2012. Law on Forestry of 2012, Article 21.
Area data from: Department of Forest Policy and Coordination, MET. As cited by Ulambayar, Tungalag. 2017. Personal communication, October 25.
Refers to Village-Owned Firewood Plantations on Reserved Forests or Protected Public Forests and Community Forest Concessions.
Legislation consulted includes: Forest Law of 1992; Forest Policy of 1995; Community Forestry Instructions (CFI) of 1995.
Village-Owned Firewood Plantations on Reserved Forests or Protected Public Forests area: Myanmar Digital News. 2021. “Establish village firewood plantations to green rural areas.” Myanmar DigitalNews.
Community Forest Concessions area: Kyaw Tint et al. 2014. Unleashing the potential of community forest enterprises in Myanmar. Ecosystem Conservation and Community Development Initiative (ECCDI), University of East Anglia (UEA), and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). As cited by Woods, Kevin. 2013. Timber Trade Flows and Actors in Myanmar: The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Timber Trade. Forest Trends Report Series: Forest Trends and Finance. Forest Trends and UKaid.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Village-Owned Firewood Plantations on Reserved Forests or Protected Public Forests and Community Forest Concessions.
Legislation consulted includes: Forest Law of 1992; Forest Policy of 1995; Community Forestry Instructions (CFI) of 1995; Community Forestry Instructions. Notification No (84 /2016); Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 29/2018 (2018 Forest Law).
Village-Owned Firewood Plantations area: Myanmar DigitalNews. 2021. “Establish village firewood plantations to green rural areas.” November 10.
Community Forest Concession area: Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Forest Department. 2019. Submission of Myanmar’s Voluntary National Report. Ref: FRI/UNFF/6213/2019. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 7.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Religious Forest Handed Over to Communities, Community-Based Conservation Including Buffer Zone Areas, Community Leasehold Forest, Collaborative Forest, and Community Forests.
Legislation consulted includes: Forest Act No. 2049/1993, as amended in 1999; Forest Regulation No. 2051/1995; National Parks and Wildlife Act of 1973, as amended in 1993; Buffer Zone Management Regulation No. 2052/1996; Buffer Zone Management Guideline No. 2056-5-3/1999; Collaborative Forest Management Directive, Clause 67.
Area data for all tenure regimes are from: Acharya, Dhruba, Dilli Raj Khanal, and Hari Prasad Bhattarai et al. 2015. REDD+ Strategy for Nepal. Face the Future, Abonaut, Practical Consultancy Nepal (PSPL), and Nepal Environmental and Scientific Services (NESS).
See endnotes of RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Religious Forest Handed Over to Communities, Community-Based Conservation Including Buffer Zone Areas, Community Leasehold Forest, Collaborative Forest, and Community Forests.
Area data for all tenure regimes from: Ministry of Finance. 2021. Economic Survey 2020/21, Government of Nepal, Kathmandu, 118–121.
Refers to Protected Area Community Based Resource Management Agreements (PACBRMAs) and Community-Based Forest Management Agreements (CBFMAs). An unknown amount of Community Based Forest Management Agreements may overlap with CADTs and/or CALTs. Where CBFMAs were issued prior to recognition of Ancestral Domain, the Indigenous Peoples (IPs)/ Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs) are required to respect the CBFMA for a period of 25 years. After this time, if the IPs/ICCs want to renew the agreement for an additional 25 years, a Memorandum of Agreement must be forged during the FPIC process.
Area data for PACBRMAs from: Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2013. 2013 Philippine Forestry Statistics. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Forest Management Bureau, Quezon City, 34. Available at: https://forestry.; Maguigad, Edna. 2015. Personal communication, Lawyer, April 17.
Area data for CBFMAs from: Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2012. Compendium of ENR Statistic 2012: PACBARMA Issued as of December 2012. Republic of the Philippines. Accessed August 19, 2015.
Refers to Protected Area Community Based Resource Management Agreements (PACBRMAs) and Community-Based Forest Management Agreements (CBFMAs).
Area data from: Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2018.Compendium of ENR Statistics-PACBARMA Issued as of December 2018. Republic of the Philippines. Available at: 6gnbadDrjAWVZPI5lmY5hSoKWnIsEa/view.
Refers to Certificates of Ancestral Land Title (CALTs), Certificates of Ancestral Domain Title (CADTs), and Collective Certificate of Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs).
Legislation consulted from: Republic of the Philippines. 1997. Republic Act 8371, the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997 (IPRA). October 29, 1997. Republic of the Philippines. 2012. Joint DAR-DENR-LRA-NCIP Administrative Order No. 1 of 2012. Republic of the Philippines. 1998. Republic Act No. 6657 of 1998.
Area for CALTs refers to 247 approved CALTs up to 2015. Ancestral Domains Office, Recognition Division. 2020. Master List of Approved CALTs.
Area data for CADTs from: Ancestral Domains Office, Recognition Department. 2018. Master List of Approved CADTs. Republic of the Philippines.
No data found for Collective CLOAs for 2015.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Certificates of Ancestral Land Title (CALTs), Certificates of Ancestral Domain Title (CADTs), and Collective Certificate of Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs).
CALT area refers to approved CALTs as of August 31, 2020. Ancestral Domains Office, Recognition Division. 2020.
CADT area refers to approved CADTs as of December 2019. An unknown area of water may be covered. NCIP Annual Report 2019, 2nd Edition. Provided by Maguigad, Edna. 2021.
CLOA area: “[S]ome 2.251 Mha collective CLOAs of agricultural lands have been issued,” of which 1.16 Mha of CCLOAs (as of December 2018) are being targeted for individualization (DAR 2019 and World Bank)including 37,032 ha of these CCLOA areas that overlap with ADs. Understanding that ADs will not be parcelized, the area of collective CLOAs overlapping with ADs is subtracted from the total area of collective CLOAs. Department of Agrarian Reform, Republic of the Philippines. 2019.; Department of Agrarian Reform, Republic of the Philippines. 2020.
Refers to Community Land Title Deeds and Allocated Community Forests.
Legislation consulted for Community Land Title Deeds includes: Government of Thailand. 2010. Regulation of the Prime Minister’s Office on the Issuance of Community Land Title Deeds.
Area data for Community Land Title Deeds from Prasertpholkrang, Jeerapong. 2011. “Villagers Get Communal Land Title Deeds.” The Nation. Accessed July 1, 2015. Data for Mae Awe: Onprom, Surin. 2015. Personal communication, Lecturer, Forest Management Department, Faculty of Forestry at Kasetsart University, July 1, 2015. Surin Onprom contacted the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister for data.
Area data for Allocated Community Forests from: Royal Forestry Department. 2015. As cited by Rattanakrajangsri, Kittisak. 2015. Personal Communication, Indigenous Peoples Foundation for Education and Environment (IPF), February 28, 2015.
Refers to Community Land Title Deeds, Community Forests (Allocated), and Community rights recognized through Kor Tor Chor (National Land Policy Committee).
Legislation consulted for Community rights recognized through Kor Tor Chor includes: Government of Thailand. 2019. National Land Policy Act of 2019.
Area data for Community Land Title Deeds from: Office of Community Land Title, Office of the Prime Minister. 2022. As cited by Panichvejsunti, Thitiya. 2021.
Area data for Community Forests (Allocated) from: Forest Community management Bureau, Royal Forest Department, and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Table 10. Number and Area of community forest in 2000-2019.
Area data for community rights recognized through Kor Tor Chor from: Wongruang, Piyaporn. 2018. “SPECIAL REPORT: New forest policy over conflicting claims needs widening public participation.” The Nation.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Pasture used by Members and Residents of Peasants Associations; Behnke, R., A. Jabbar, A. Budanov, and G. Davidson. 2005. The administration and practice of leasehold pastoralism in Turkmenistan. Nomadic Peoples, 9, 147–169; State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan. 2013. Statistical Yearbook of Turkmenistan. Government of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat. As cited in Lerman, Zvi. 2015. Personal communication, Sir Henry d’Avigdor Goldsmid Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics at The Hebrew University, April 4; Government of Turkmenistan. 2004. Land Code.
Refers to Pasture used by Members and Residents of Peasants Associations; Behnke, R., A. Jabbar, A. Budanov, and G. Davidson. 2005. The administration and practice of leasehold pastoralism in Turkmenistan. Nomadic Peoples, 9, 147–169; State Committee of Statistics of Turkmenistan. 2013. Statistical Yearbook of Turkmenistan. Government of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat. As cited in Lerman, Zvi. 2015. Personal communication, Sir Henry d’Avigdor Goldsmid Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics at The Hebrew University, April 4; Government of Turkmenistan. 2004. Land Code.
Uzbekistan does not have a statutory or regulatory framework that recognizes Indigenous Peoples’ or local communities’
management or ownership rights.
Refers to Forest Land Allocated to Communities and Community Lands.
Legislation consulted for Forestland Allocated to Communities includes: Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2014. Land Law (No. 45/2013/QH13); Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2014. Decree No. 4/2014/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Land Law. Article 72(5); Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2004. Law N° 29 of 2004 on Forest Protection and Development. Articles 29-30; Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2006. Decree No. 23 of 2006 on the Implementation of the Law on Forest Protection and Development.
Legislation consulted for Community Lands includes: Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2014. Land Law (No. 45/2013/QH13).
Area of Forestland Allocated to Communities from: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). Decision 3158/QD-BNN-TCLM. 2016. Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
No data on the area of Community Lands.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Forest Land Allocated to Communities and Community Lands.
Legislation consulted for Forestland Allocated to Communities includes: Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2017. Law on Forestry (No. 16/2017/QH14). Available at: https://faolex.fao. org/docs/pdf/vie206322.pdf.
Legislation consulted for Community Lands includes: Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 2014. Land Law (No. 45/2013/QH13). Available at:
Area of Forestland Allocated to Communities from: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). Decision 1558 QD-BNN-TCLN. 2021. Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Available at:
No data on the area of Community Lands.
Refers to Local Community Ownership of the Åland Islands.
The area of Åland is 1.33 Mha (13,324 km2), of which 0.155 Mha (1,552 km2) is land as reported by Statistics and Research Åland. 2014. Åland in Figures 2014. Statistics and Research Åland, 1. Available at:
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Finland. 1991. Act on the Autonomy of Åland 1991/1144. August 16. Available at:
Refers to Local Community Ownership of the Åland Islands.
The area of Åland is 1.33 Mha (13,324 km2), of which 0.155 Mha (1,552 km2) is land as reported by Statistics and Research Åland. 2014. Åland in Figures 2014. Statistics and Research Åland, 1. Available at:
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Finland. 1991. Act on the Autonomy of Åland 1991/1144. August 16. Available at:
Refers to Indigenous/Local ownership (Svartskogsaken), Indigenous/Local ownership of the Finnmark Estate, and the Bygd Commons (Bygdeallmenning). Legal basis for Indigenous/Local ownership (Svartskogsaken) from: Supreme Court of Norway. 2001. Norwegian Supreme Court Ruling Rt. 2001. s.1229. Legislation consulted for Indigenous/Local ownership of the Finnmark Estate from: Government of Norway. 2005. The Finnmark Act (Lov 2005-06-17-85). Source of area data: NOU 2007:13; Marin, Andrei. 2015. Personal communication, April 3. Legislation consulted and area data for the Bygd Commons (Bygdeallmenning): Government of Norway. 1992. Act relating to Bygd Commons. June 19. Translated by Julie Wille in Legislation on Commons (Statsallmenning/Bygdeallmenning) in Norway: Center for Land Studies Report, edited by Berge, Erling, Gaku Mitsumata, and Daisaku Shimada. 2011. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB). See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Indigenous/Local ownership (Svartskogsaken), Indigenous/Local ownership of the Finnmark Estate, and the Bygd Commons (Bygdeallmenning). Legal basis for Indigenous/Local ownership (Svartskogsaken) from: Supreme Court of Norway. 2001. Norwegian Supreme Court Ruling Rt. 2001. s.1229. Legislation consulted for Indigenous/Local ownership of the Finnmark Estate from: Government of Norway. 2005. The Finnmark Act (Lov 2005-06-17-85). Source of area data: NOU 2007:13; Marin, Andrei. 2015. Personal communication, April 3. Legislation consulted and area data for the Bygd Commons (Bygdeallmenning): Government of Norway. 1992. Act relating to Bygd Commons. June 19. Translated by Julie Wille in Legislation on Commons (Statsallmenning/Bygdeallmenning) in Norway: Center for Land Studies Report, edited by Berge, Erling, Gaku Mitsumata, and Daisaku Shimada. 2011. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB). See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Traditional Indigenous Collectives under state or municipal ownership and Cossack Associations under state or municipal ownership.
Legislation consulted includes: Law No. 374-1 of 1990 on Land Reform; Law of the RSFR No. 348-1 on Peasant Farm of 1990; Presidential Resolution No. 323 on Immediate Measures for Implementation of Land Reform, 1991; The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993; Ministerial Decree No. 96 regarding validation of the Recommendations on the modalities of realisation of the rights of the owners of land shares and property shares, 1995; Law on Agricultural Land Transactions of 2001, Art. 1 (Wegren 2009); Land Code No. 136-FZ of 2001; Forest Code No. 200-FZ, 2006, Art. 71.
Area data from: Federal Service for Registration Cadastre and Mapping (Rosreestr). 2013. The Land Fund of the Russian Federation. As provided by Robinson, Sarah. 2014. RRI Community Tenure Baseline: Russia and Central Asia. Unpublished report.
Refers to Traditional Indigenous Collectives under state or municipal ownership and Cossack Associations under state or municipal ownership.
Area data: Federal Service for Registration Cadastre and Mapping (Rosreestr). 2020. The 2001 Law on Territories of Traditional Nature Use establishes “the possibility of creating TTPs of federal, regional, and local significance.” Regional laws or decrees may recognize approximately 214 Mha of TTPs at the subnational level, but implementing regulations have not been developed at the federal level, and no TTPs are federally recognized. Therefore, this area is not included in calculations. See Fondahl, Gail, Nicholas Parlato, Viktoriya Filippova, and Antonina Savvinova. 2021. The difference place makes: Regional legislative approaches to Territories of Traditional Nature Use in the Russian North, Arctic Review on Law and Politics 12 (2021): 108-133; IWGIA. 2023. “Indigenous Peoples in Russia.”
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Cossack Associations in shared ownership.
Refers to Cossack Associations in shared ownership.
Area data from: Federal Service for Registration Cadastre and Mapping (Rosreestr). 2020. Сведения о наличии и распределении земель по категориям и формам собственности (на 1 января 2020 года, тыс. га). The decrease of land owned by cossack associations may be due to the federal government’s efforts to unify cossack associations’ property. See Dzutsati, Valery. 2016. Moscow Supports Creation of Single Agricultural Cossack Enterprise in Stavropol Region. Accessed January 17, 2021. Available at:
Refers to Sámi Reindeer Herding Rights and Indigenous co-management of Laponia tjuottjudus (Laponia World Heritage).
Legislation consulted for Sámi Reindeer Herding Rights includes: Government of Sweden. 2011. Högsta domstolens referat NJA 2011 s.109 (nr 14). April 27, 2011; Government of Sweden. The Reindeer Husbandry Act (SSvensk författningssamling 1971:437).
Legislation consulted and area data for Indigenous co-management of Laponia tjuottjudus: Government of Sweden. 2011. The Laponia Ordinance (Svensk författningssamling 2011:840); Management plan for Laponia Tjuottjudus, as cited by Lof, Annette. 2015. Amended Report. The area of Sámi Reindeer Herding Rights includes both year-round and seasonal rights.
Area data from: Sandström, P., Cory, N., Svensson, J., Hedenås, H, Jougda, L., & Brochert, N. 2016. On the decline of ground lichen forests in the Swedish boreal landscape – Implications for reindeer husbandry and sustainable forest management. Ambio 45(4): 416-419. Available at: boreal_landscape_Implications_for_reindeer_husbandry_and_sustainable_forest_management.
Refers to Sámi Reindeer Herding Rights, Indigenous co-management of Laponia tjuottjudus, and Historical use of the land since time immemorial (Urminnes hävd).
Legislation consulted for Sámi Reindeer Herding Rights: Högsta domstolens referat NJA 2011 s.109 (nr 14); SSvensk författningssamling 1971:437. Area includes year-round and seasonal rights. Sandström, et al. 2016. On the decline of ground lichen forests in the Swedish boreal landscape. Ambio 45(4): 416-419.
Legislation consulted for Indigenous co-management of Laponia tjuottjudus: Svensk författningssamling 2011:840; Management plan for Laponia Tjuottjudus, cited by Lof, Annette. 2015. Area: IUCN. 2020 Conservation Outlook Assessment; UNESCO. 2017. Clarifications of property boundaries and areas by States Parties.
Legislation and area for Urminnes hävd: Supreme Court of Sweden. 2020. Decision on Case No. T 853-18; McGwin, Kevin. 2020. Swedish supreme court decision upholds Sámi claims in a key land-rights case.
See RRI 2023.
Refers to Forest Commons. FACESMAP. 2019. Who owns our forests? Forest ownership in the ECE region. UNECE and FAO, 165. Available at:
Refers to Forest Commons. FACESMAP. 2019. Who owns our forests? Forest ownership in the ECE region. UNECE and FAO, 165. Available at:
Refers to Indigenous Community Land in the Process of Recognition (Possession).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Argentina. 1994. Argentinian Constitution of 1994, Article 75, Section 17; Government of Argentina. 1985. Law No. 23.302 of indigenous policy and support to aboriginal communities. September 30; Government of Argentina. 1992. Law No. 24.071 ratifying convention 169 of the ILO; Government of Argentina. 2006. Law No. 26.160 declaring emergency in terms of tenure and ownership of land. November 23, 2006; Government of Argentina. 2014. Decree No. 1498/14 of the Government of Salta. May 29, 2014. See also: Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 2020. Case of the Indigenous Communities of Lhaka Honhat (Our Land) Association v. Argentina, Judgement of February 6, 2020.
Area data from: Tejerina, Jorge. 2014. Consultant Report to the Rights and Resources Initiative on Community Rights in Argentina.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Indigenous Community Land in the Process of Recognition (Possession).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Argentina. 1994. Argentinian Constitution of 1994, Article 75, Section 17; Government of Argentina. 1985. Law No. 23.302 of indigenous policy and support to aboriginal communities. September 30; Government of Argentina. 1992. Law No. 24.071 ratifying convention 169 of the ILO; Government of Argentina. 2006. Law No. 26.160 declaring emergency in terms of tenure and ownership of land. November 23, 2006; Government of Argentina. 2014. Decree No. 1498/14 of the Government of Salta. May 29, 2014. See also: Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 2020. Case of the Indigenous Communities of Lhaka Honhat (Our Land) Association v. Argentina, Judgement of February 6, 2020.
Area data from: Tejerina, Jorge. 2014. Consultant Report to the Rights and Resources Initiative on Community Rights in Argentina.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Titled Indigenous Community Land (National and Provincial).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Argentina. 1994. Argentinian Constitution of 1994, Article 75, Section 17; Government of Argentina. 1985. Law No. 23.302 of indigenous policy and support to aboriginal communities. September 30, 1985; Government of Argentina. 1992. Law No. 24.071 ratifying convention 169 of the ILO; Government of Argentina. 2006. Law No. 26.160 declaring emergency in terms of tenure and ownership of land. November 23, 2006.
Area data from: Tejerina, Jorge. 2014. Consultant Report to the Rights and Resources Initiative on Community Rights in Argentina; vom Hau, Matthias, and Guillermo Wilde. 2009. We Have Always Lived Here: Indigenous Movements, Citizenship, and Poverty in Argentina. BWPI Working Paper 99. The University of Manchester, Brooks World Poverty Institute, Manchester, 17.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Titled Indigenous Community Land (National and Provincial).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Argentina. 1994. Argentinian Constitution of 1994, Article 75, Section 17; Government of Argentina. 1985. Law No. 23.302 of indigenous policy and support to aboriginal communities. September 30, 1985; Government of Argentina. 1992. Law No. 24.071 ratifying convention 169 of the ILO; Government of Argentina. 2006. Law No. 26.160 declaring emergency in terms of tenure and ownership of land. November 23, 2006.
Area data from: Tejerina, Jorge. 2014. Consultant Report to the Rights and Resources Initiative on Community Rights in Argentina; vom Hau, Matthias, and Guillermo Wilde. 2009. We Have Always Lived Here: Indigenous Movements, Citizenship, and Poverty in Argentina. BWPI Working Paper 99. The University of Manchester, Brooks World Poverty Institute, Manchester, 17.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Agrupaciones Sociales del Lugar (ASL) (Location-Based Social Associations) (signed).
Legislation consulted: Government of Bolivia. 1996. Forestry Law No. 1700 of 1996; Government of Bolivia. 1996. Supreme Decree No. 24453/1996.
Area has been updated since the publication of the First Edition of Who Owns the World’s Land? (RRI 2015) to reflect data on the area of Agrupaciones Sociales del Lugar in 2015, which did not become available until 2016.
Area data from: Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Bosques y Tierras. 2016. Plan Estratégico Institucional: ABT2016–2020, Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Bosques y Tierras, Santa Cruz, 16. Accessed July 26, 2022. Available at: wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=124&lang=en.
Refers to Agrupaciones Sociales del Lugar (ASL) (Location-Based Social Associations) (signed).
Legislation consulted: Government of Bolivia. 1996. Forestry Law No. 1700 of 1996; Government of Bolivia. 1996. Supreme Decree No. 24453/1996.
Area has been updated since the publication of the First Edition of Who Owns the World’s Land? (RRI 2015) to reflect data on the area of Agrupaciones Sociales del Lugar in 2015, which did not become available until 2016.
Area data from: Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Bosques y Tierras. 2016. Plan Estratégico Institucional: ABT2016–2020, Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Bosques y Tierras, Santa Cruz, 16. Accessed July 26, 2022. Available at: wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=124&lang=en.
Refers to Propiedades Comunitarias (Communal Property) (signed), Títulos Comunales para Comunidades Agro- Extractivitas (Norte Amazónico) (Communal Titles for Agricultural-Extractivist Communities in the Northern Amazonian Region), and Territorio Indígena Originario Campesino (Original Peasant Indigenous Territory) (claimed).
Legislation consulted includes: Bolivian Constitution of 2009; National Service of Agrarian Reform Law No. 1.715/1996; Law No. 3545/2006; Forestry Law No. 1700/1996; Supreme Decree No. 29.215/2007; Supreme Decree No. 27572/2004.
Propiedades Comunitarias area: Fundacion Tierra 2011, 130.
Títulos Comunales para Comunidades Agro-extractivitas (Norte Amazónico) area: INRA. 2007. Unpublished data. As cited in: Pacheco, Pablo et al 2009, 38.
Territorio Indígena Originario Campesino (demandados) area: Government of Bolivia 2016, 45.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Propiedades Comunitarias (Communal Property) (signed), Títulos Comunales para Comunidades Agro-Extractivitas (Norte Amazónico) (Communal Titles for Agricultural-Extractivist Communities in the Northern Amazonian Region), and Territorio Indígena Originario Campesino (Original Peasant Indigenous Territory) (claimed).
Propiedades Comunitarias area: Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria (INRA). 2016. Plan Estratégico Institucional 2016–2020. 36.
Títulos Comunales para Comunidades Agro-Extractivitas area: National Institue for Agrarian Reform (INRA). 2007. Unpublished data. As cited in: Pacheco, Pablo, Deborah Barry, Peter Cronkleton, and Anne M. Larson. 2009. El papel de las instituciones informales en el uso de los recursos forestales en América Latina. CIFOR, 38.
Territorio Indígena Originario Campesino area: Government of Bolivia. 2016. Rendicion de Cuentas Final, Gestion 2015 e Inicial 2016. Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras, 45.
Refers to Reserva Extrativista (RESEX) (Extractive Reserve), Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Sustainable Development Reserves), and Projetos de Assentamentos (Agro-Extrativista, Florestal, Desenvolvimento Sustentável) (Settlement Projects).
Legislation consulted for RESEX and RDS: Lei No. 9.985 de 2000, Art. 18; Decreto No. 4340 de 2002; Instrução Normativa ICMbio No. 3 de 2007; Instrução Normativa ICMBio No. 16 de 2011; Lei No. 12.651 de 2012.
RESEX and RDS area: CNUC/MMA. 2014. Tabela Consolidada das Unidades de Conservação. Atualizada em: 27/10/2014.
Legislation consulted for Projetos de Assentamentos: Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, Art. 189; Lei No. 4.504 de 1964; Lei No. 8.629 de 1993; Decreto Lei No. 59.428 de 1966; Portaria INCRA No. 1.141 de 2003; Instrução Normativa INCRA No. 15 de 2004; Instrução Normativa INCRA No. 65 de 2010. Area: Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). 2017. Assentamentos - Informações Gerais.
Refers to Reserva Extrativista (RESEX) (Extractive Reserve), Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Sustainable Development Reserves), and Projetos de Assentamentos (Agro-Extrativista, Florestal, and Desenvolvimento Sustentável) (Settlement Projects).
Area data for Projetos de Assentamentos from: Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). 2017. Assentamentos - Informações Gerais. Accessed October 30, 2019. Available at: php.
Area data for Reservas Extrativistas and Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável from: Ministério do Meio Ambiente. 2019. Tabela Consolidada das Unidades de Conservação. Available at: -%20B_Cat.pdf. Accessed October 28, 2019.
Refers to Territórios Quilombolas (Quilombola Communities) and Terras Indígenas (Indigenous Lands). Legislation consulted for Territórios Quilombolas includes: Government of Brazil. 1988. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, Article 68; Government of Brazil. 2003. Decreto No. 4.887 de 20 de novembro de 2003; Government of Brazil. 2009. Instrução Normativa INCRA No. 56 de 7 de outubro de 2009. Legislation consulted for Terras Indígenas includes: Government of Brazil. 1988; Government of Brazil. 1973. Lei No. 6.001 de 19 de dezembro de 1973 - Estatuto do Índio. December 19, 1973; Government of Brazil. 1996. Decreto No. 1.775 de 8 de janeiro de 1996. January 8, 1996. Area data for Territórios Quilombolas from: Government of Brazil. 2013. Títulos Expedidos às Comunidades Quilombolas. Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). Area data for Terras Indígenas: Fundação Nacional do Índio (FUNAI). 2019. See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Territórios Quilombolas (Quilombola Communities) and Terras Indígenas (Indigenous Lands).
Area data for Territórios Quilombolas from: Government of Brazil. 2021. Títulos Expedidos às Comunidades Quilombolas. Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA).
Area data from Terras Indígenas from: Fundação Nacional do Índio (FUNAI). 2019. Table obtained through an Access to Information request by Fernanda Almeida in July 2019.
Refers to Areas protegidas con convenios de administración con comunidades and Concesiones de Uso (Use Concessions).
Legislation consulted for Areas protegidas con convenios de administración con comunidades includes: Ley N. 19.253 (1993).
Legislation consulted for Concesiones de Uso includes: Ley N. 19.253 (1993); Decreto Ley 1939 de 1977.
Areas protegidas con convenios de administración con comunidades area: Aylwin, José. 2014. Base de referencia mundial de los derechos comunitarios sobre la tierra y los recursos. El caso de Chile. Reserva Nacional Los Flamencos, Convenio Conaf-Consejo de Pueblos Atacameños, 11; Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF). 2017. Parques Nacionales. Reserva Nacional Los Flamencos.
Area data for Concesiones de Uso from: Dubertret, Fabrice. 2015. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for the Americas. Data file from LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands, 11.
Refers to Areas protegidas con convenios de administración con comunidades and Concesiones de Uso.
Area data for Concesiones de Uso is the same for 2020 as 2015. The 2020 figure for Areas protegidas con convenios de administración con comunidades includes Reserva Nacional Las Flamencos (0.0739865 Mha) and Parque Nacional Rapa Nui (0.00690806 Mha). Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF). 2019. Listado Oficial de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas del Estado (SNASPE). Available at:
Refers to Títulos de Merced Antiguos Indivisos de Pueblo Mapuche, Subsidios Comunitarios, Compras de Tierras Comunitario, Transferencias Fiscales, Regularización propiedad comunitaria, Comunidad Agrícola Diaguita Huasco Alto, and Comunidades Agrícolas Región de Coquimbo.
Legislation consulted: Ley Indigena No. 19.253; Decreto Ley No. 1.939; Decreto Ley No. 2.695; Ley 19.233.
Subsidios Comunitarios, Compras de Tierras Comunitarias, and Transferencias Fiscales area: Central Unitaria de Trabajadores and Observatorio Ciudadano 2018, 31–37.
Regularización propiedad comunitaria area: Anaya 2009.
Comunidad Agrícola Diaguita Huasco Alto Ley area: Molina, Raúl. 2013. In Pueblos Originarios y sociedad nacional en Chile: La interculturalidad en las prácticas sociales, ed. J. Durston. PNUD, 115–127.
Comunidades Agrícolas Región de Coquimbo area: Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales 2014.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Títulos de Merced Antiguos Indivisos de Pueblo, Subsidios Comunitarios, Compras de Tierras Comunitario, Transferencias Fiscales, Regularización propiedad comunitaria, Comunidad Agrícola Diaguita Huasco Alto, and Comunidades Agrícolas Región de Coquimbo.
Subsidios Comunitarios, Compras de Tierras Comunitarias, and Transferencias Fiscales area: Central Unitaria de Trabajadores and Observatorio Ciudadano 2018, 31–37.
Regularización propiedad comunitaria area: Anaya 2009.
Comunidad Agrícola Diaguita Huasco Alto Ley area: Molina, Raúl. 2016. In El arte de ser diaguita/ The Art of being Diaguita, edited by C. Sinclaire, 81–108. Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Santiago, 89.
Comunidades Agrícolas Región de Coquimbo area: Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales 2014.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Tierras de las Comunidades Negras (Afro-Colombian Community Lands) and Resguardos Indigenas (Indigenous Reserves).
Legislation consulted for Tierras de las Comunidades Negras includes: Colombian Constitution of 1991; Ley No. 21 de 1991; Ley No. 99 de 1993; Ley No. 160 de 1994, Chapter XIV; Decreto No. 2.164 de 1995: Reglamenta la Ley No. 160 de 1994; Decreto No. 1.791 de 1996.
Legislation consulted for Resguardos Indigenas includes: Colombian Constitution of 1991; Ley No. 70 de 1993; Decreto No. 1.745 de 1995; Ley No. 99 de 1993.
Area data from: Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural (INCODER). 2014. Derechos Territoriales Étnicos, mayo de 2014. Punto de Encuentro No. 67, 7.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Tierras de las Comunidades Negras, Resguardos Indígenas, and Zonas Reservas Campesinas (ZRCs).
Legislation consulted for ZRCs: Ley No. 160/1994; Decreto No. 1777/1996; Decreto No. 1071/2015.
Tierras de las Comunidades Negras area: Agenica National de Tierras, as cited in PCN, OTEC, and Tenure Facility. 2022. Mapeando lo invisible: El Sistema de Información Geográfica como estrategia de protección de los derechos territoriales afrodescendientes en Colombia. Geospatial data can be found at: Rights and Resources Initiative, Proceso de Comunidades Negras, Observatorio de Territorios Étnicos y Campesinos, and Coordenação Nacional de Articulação de Quilombos. 2022. Territorios afrodescendientes.
Resguardos Indigenas area: Observatorio de Derechos Territoriales. 2020. Informe estado actual de las solicitudes de formalización de territorios indígenas 2019.
ZRC area: Portal de Datos Abiertos de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras (ANT).
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Costa Rica
Refers to Territorio Indigena (Indigenous Territory). Berger, G., M. Vargas, and J. Carlos. 2000. Perfil de los Pueblos Indígenas De Costa Rica, San José. As cited in MacKay, Fergus, and Alancay Morales Garro. 2014. Violaciones de los Derechos Territoriales de los Pueblos Indígenas, Forest Peoples Programme, Moreton-in-Marsh. Available at: publication/2014/02/violationsterritorialrightscostaricaspanishfeb2014.pdf; Edouard, Fabrice. 2010. Gobernanza en la tenencia de la tierra y recursos naturales en America Central. Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 18. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Available at:
Refers to Territorio Indigena (Indigenous Territory). Berger, G., M. Vargas, and J. Carlos. 2000. Perfil de los Pueblos Indígenas De Costa Rica, San José. As cited in MacKay, Fergus, and Alancay Morales Garro. 2014. Violaciones de los Derechos Territoriales de los Pueblos Indígenas, Forest Peoples Programme, Moreton-in-Marsh. Available at: publication/2014/02/violationsterritorialrightscostaricaspanishfeb2014.pdf; Edouard, Fabrice. 2010. Gobernanza en la tenencia de la tierra y recursos naturales en America Central. Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 18. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Available at:
Refers to Territorios ancestrales de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas, afroecuatorianos y montubios en Áreas Naturales Protegidas.
Legislation consulted: 2008 Constitution of Ecuador, Articles 271, 405, 407; 2016 Ley Organica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, Article 80.
Area refers to Intangible Zones, understood to include the Tagaeri Taromenane Intangible Conservation Zone (ZITT) and the Cuyabeno- Imuya Intangible Zone (RAISG 2015 and RAISG 2020). Additional Ancestral Territories of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Ecuadorians, and Montubios may also be located within Protected Areas, but available data does not clarify the extent to which the total overlap between Indigenous Territories and Natural Protected Areas falls across recognized Indigenous Territories, Indigenous Territories without recognition, and Intangible Zones. RAISG 2015; RAISG. 2020.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Territorios ancestrales de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas, afroecuatorianos y montubios en Áreas Naturales Protegidas.
Legislation consulted: 2008 Constitution of Ecuador, Articles 271, 405, 407; 2016 Ley Organica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, Article 80.
Area refers to Intangible Zones, understood to include the Tagaeri Taromenane Intangible Conservation Zone (ZITT) and the Cuyabeno- Imuya Intangible Zone (RAISG 2015 and RAISG 2020). Additional Ancestral Territories of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Ecuadorians, and Montubios may also be located within Protected Areas, but available data does not clarify the extent to which the total overlap between Indigenous Territories and Natural Protected Areas falls across recognized Indigenous Territories, Indigenous Territories without recognition, and Intangible Zones. RAISG 2015; RAISG. 2020.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Territorios ancestrales de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas, afroecuatorianos y montubios.
Legislation consulted: Government of Ecuador. 2008. Constitution of Ecuador, Article 57. Available at: https://www.; Government of Ecuador. 2016. Ley Organica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, Articles 3, 23, and 79. Available at:
Area data from: RAISG. 2015. Amazonía 2015 – Áreas protegidas y territorios indígenas. Available at:
Refers to Territorios ancestrales de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas, afroecuatorianos y montubios.
Area data refers to the area of officially recognized Indigenous Territories as of 2020. RAISG. 2020. “Tis_TerritoriosIndigenas” spreadsheet within the “Territorios Indígenas 2020” zip file. Red Amazónica de Información Socioambiental Georreferenciada. Accessed February 20, 2023. Available at:
Refers to Concesiones Comunitarias (Community Concessions).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Guatemala. 1996. Decreto No. 101/96: Ley Forestal. December 2, 1996. Available at:; Government of Guatemala. 2005. National Forest Registry Regulations, Resolution No. 1/43/2005; Government of Guatemala. 1997. Regulation of the Forest Law, Resolution No. 4/23/1997; Government of Guatemala. 1989. Decreto No. 4/89: Ley de áreas protegidas. February 7, 1989. Available at:
Area data from: Hodgdon, Benjamin D., Jeffrey Hayward, and Omar Samayoa. 2013. Putting the plus first: community forest enterprise as the platform for REDD+ in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Tropical Conservation Science 6 (3): 365–383.
Refers to Concesiones Comunitarias (Community Concessions).
Area data from: Hodgdon, Benjamin D., Jeffrey Hayward, and Omar Samayoa. 2013. Putting the plus first: community forest enterprise as the platform for REDD+ in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Tropical Conservation Science 6 (3): 365–383; Sapalú, Lucero. 2020. “Gobierno entrega títulos de concesión a comunidades para el cuidado de manglares.” El Periodico.
Refers to Tierras Comunales (Communal Lands).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Guatemala. 1996; Government of Guatemala. 1997; Government of Guatemala. 2005; Government of Guatemala. 1979. Law of Supplementary Titling, Decree No. 49/1979; Government of Guatemala. 2009. Specific Rules for the Recognition and Declaration of Communal Land, Resolution No. 123-001/2009.
Area calculated as the sum of 1.577 Mha (CONAP 2008) and 0.2 Mha (PERT-FAUSAC 2015), less the area of Concesiones Comunitarias (0.38 Mha). CONAP. 2008. Diagnóstico de la conservación y manejo de recursos naturales en tierras comunales. Grupo Promotor de Tierras Comunales, Guatemala City, 30; PERT-FAUSAC. 2015. Actualización del Diagnóstico de Tierras Comunales de Guatemala. Informe preliminar. Programa de Estudios Rurales y Territorriales, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Unpublished report.
Refers to Tierras Comunales (Communal Lands).
Area calculated as the sum of Tierras Comunales as of 2015 (see previous endnote) and an additional 19 communal lands (0.21847 Mha) recognized by the Registro de Información Catastral. Mesa de Tierras Comunales. Guatemala. 2021. Informe de actividades (documento de uso interno no publicado). As cited by Elías, Silvel. 2021. Personal communication, Professor of Agronomy, University de San Carlos de Guatemala, August 23.
Refers to Titled Amerindian Village Land, Community Forest Management Agreements, and Amerindian Protected Areas.
Legislation consulted for these tenure regimes includes: Amerindian Act of 2006; State Land Act of 1910 (1997); Guyanese Constitution of 1980 (2001); Forests Act, Act No. 6 of 2009.
Titled Amerindian Village Land area: Guyana Forestry Commission and INDUFOR 2014, 7. Community Forest Management area: Guyana Forestry Commission 2014.
No area had been designated as Amerindian Protected Areas in 2015, but the statutory and regulatory basis was in place. Notably, Amerindian Lands are considered to be “owned” by Indigenous Peoples in the national context. However, villages recognized under this tenure regime do not have the right to exclude outsiders from their lands, as required by RRI’s analytical framework. Specifically, the government retains the ability to grant permission to third parties to enter Amerindian lands. See Government of Guyana 2006, Art. 8.
Refers to Titled Amerindian Village Land, Community Forest Management Agreements, and Amerindian Protected Areas.
Titled Amerindian Village Land area: Guyana Forestry Commission. 2019. Guyana REDD+ Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS). Assessment Year 2019. Version 1, Guyana Forestry Commission. From the figure of 4.074 Mha cited in the GFC report, we have subtracted 0.6485672 Mha to avoid double counting of the Kanashen Amerindian Protected Area.
Community Forest Management Agreements area: Guyana Forestry Commission. 2018. Forest Sector Update November– December 2018. Guyana Forestry Commission, 7. As cited in Palmer, John.2022. Personal communication, September 4, 2022.
Area data for Amerindian Protected Area from: Government of Guyana. 2017. The Official Gazette of Guyana. Notice–The Protected Areas Act (Act No. 14 of 2011) Declaration of Kanashen Village as an Amerindian Protected Area, August 18, 2017.
Refers to Sistema de Silvicultural Social - Contratos de manejo, 40 años (Social Forestry System – 40 Year Management Contracts) and Microcuencas (Microwatersheds).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Honduras. 2009. Decreto No. 181–2009, Ley General de Aguas, Article 19. September 30, 2009. Available at: pdf; Government of Honduras. 2007. Decree No. 98–2007, Ley Forestal, Areas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre. December 28, 2007. Available at:
Area data for Social Forestry System from: Instituto Nacional de Conservación y Desarrollo Forestal, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre. 2013. As cited in Del Gatto, Filippo. 2013. Community Forestry in Honduras: A Path towards Better Governance. Forest Trends Information Brief No. 8, Forest Trends, Washington, DC. Available at:
Refers to 131 Community Forest Management Contracts that have been issued in national areas, municipalities, and one Private Mestizo Community Property. Notably, nine Community Forest Management Contracts have been issued in areas owned by the Miskitu Territorial Councils or Pech Tribal Council, covering an additional 483,591.07 ha. Because these Community Forest Management Contracts are understood to fall within areas under the separate CBTR of Intercommunity Titles granted to Territorial Councils, this area is not included here. Instituto Nacional de Conservacion Forestal (ICF). 2023. Desarrollo Forestal Comunitario. Accessed February 8, 2023. Available at:
Refers to Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Peoples’ Property Rights (outside of the Gracias a Dios department) and Intercommunity Titles granted to Territorial Councils.
Legislation consulted: Decreto No. 82–2004, Ley de Propiedad.
Area data for Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Peoples’ Property Rights (outside of the Gracias a Dios department) refers to 496 titles issued to the Garifuna, Lenca, Maya-Chorti, Pech, Tawahka, and Tolupan peoples through 2015. Forest Trends. 2015.
Area data for Intercommunity Titles granted to Territorial Councils calculated as the sum of all titles issued to the Miskitu by both INA and ICF through 2015, based on the “year titled” according to Herlihy and Tappan (2019) and unrounded figures provided in Alvarez et al. (2017). Alvarez et al. 2017; Herlihy, Peter H., and Taylor A. Tappan. 2019. Recognizing Indigenous Miskitu Territory in Honduras. Geographical Review 109 (1): 67–86.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Peoples’ Property Rights (outside of the Gracias a Dios department) and Intercommunity Titles granted to Territorial Councils.
Area data for Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Peoples’ Property Rights from: Paz, Alain. 2021.
Area data for Intercommunity Titles granted to Territorial Councils calculated as the sum of all titles issued to the Miskitu by both INA and ICF through 2016, based on the “year titled” according to Herlihy and Tappan 2019 and unrounded figures provided in Alvarez et al. (2017), plus the area titled to the Pech by ICF (28,136.49 ha, per Alvarez et al. (2017) and Herlihy and Tappan (2019)). An unknown area may have since been titled to the Garifuna and Tawakha peoples by INA. Herlihy, Peter H., and Taylor A. Tappan. 2019. Recognizing Indigenous Miskitu Territory in Honduras. Geographical Review 109 (1): 67–86. doi: 10.1111/gere.12309; Paz, Alain. 2021.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Ejidos and Comunidades.
Legislation consulted for Ejidos and Comunidades includes: Government of Mexico. 2010. Mexican Constitution of 1917, as amended in 2010, Article 27, Section VII. Available at: mex126640.pdf; Government of Mexico. 2012. Decreto por el que se reforma el párrafo tercero del artículo 131 de la Ley General de Desarrollo Forestal Sustentable. March 8, 2012. Available at:; Government of Mexico. 2008. Agrarian Law of 2008.
Area data from: Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano. 2018. Superficie Ejidal registrada (SER). Indicadores básicos de la propiedad social: Series estadísticas. Available at: indic_bps/2_SER.pdf.
Refers to Ejidos and Comunidades.
Area data for Ejidos from: Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano. 2020. Superficie Ejidal registrada (SER). Indicadores básicos de la propiedad social: Series estadísticas. Available at: http://www.ran.
Area data for Comunidades from: Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano. 2020. Superficie Comunal Registrada (SCR). Indicadores básicos de la propiedad social: Series estadísticas. Available at: http://www.ran.
Refers to Propiedad Comunal.
Legislation consulted: Républica de Nicaragua. 2003. Ley No. 445 de 2003. Ley del régimen de propiedad comunal de los Pueblos Indigenas y comunidades etnicas de las regiones autonomas de la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua y de los rios Bocay, Coco, Indio y Maiz.
Area data from: Comisión Nacional de Demarcación y titulación (CONADETI). 2013. Informe Ejecutivo de la CONADETI y las CIDT’s al 30 de junio del año 2013. Presentado a la: Junta Directiva por el Comité Ejecutivo de la CONADETI. Ciudad de Bilwi. Available at:
Refers to Propiedad Comunal. Mamo, Dwayne. 2020. The Indigenous World 2020. 34th ed. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Copenhagen, 448. Available at: pdf.
Refers to Territorio de los Pueblos Indígenas (las Comarcas y las Tierras Colectivas) and Asentamientos Campesinos.
Legislation consulted for Territorio de los Pueblos Indígenas and Asentamientos Campesinos: Constitución Política de la República de Panamá de 1972, amended 2004, Art. 124, 126-127; Law No. 41 of 1998, Arts. 92–100; Law No. 72 of 2008; Law No. 23 of 1983, Arts. 6–16, 38–49.
Territorio de los Pueblos Indígenas area: Servicio Nacional de Desarrollo y Administración Forestal (ANAM). 2003. Proyecto SIF-ANAM/OIMT- 2000, Informe de Cobierta Forestal 1992–2000. Cited in García, Marcial Arias. n.d. Forests, Indigenous Peoples and Forestry Policy in Panama: An assessment of national implementation of international standards and commitments on traditional forest related knowledge and forest related issues. Fundación para la Promoción Conocimiento Indígena de Panamá, 7.
Asentamientos Campesinos area: La Prensa. 2013. Piden segregar tierra de un asentamiento.
Refers to Territorio de los Pueblos Indígenas (las Comarcas y las Tierras Colectivas) and Asentamientos Campesinos.
Area data for Territorio de los Pueblos Indígenas from: Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras (ANATI). 2018. Situación de la Adjudicación de tierras indígenas en Panamá. PowerPoint. Available at: PANAM_Aut_Indig.pdf. 2020
Area data for Asentamientos Campesinos comes from same source as 2015 data (see previous endnote).
Refers to Reservas Comunales (Communal Reserves) and Reservas Indigenas (Indigenous Reserves).
Legislation consulted: Ley No. 26.834 de 1997; Decreto Supremo No. 038/01/AG de 2001; Resolution No. 019/2005 from INRENA-IANP; Ley No. 27.308 de 2000; Ley No. 28.736 de 2006; Decreto Supremo No. 008/07/MIMDES de 2007.
Reservas Comunales area: SERNANP. 2014. Sistema Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado - SINANPE.
Reservas Indigenas area: La Reserva Territorial Madre de Dios, La Reserva Territorial Kugapakori, Nahua, Nanti y otros. AIDESP. 2015. Incidencia para mejorar el marco legal de protección de los pueblos indígenas en situación de aislamiento voluntario y contacto inicial y sus territorios en la Amazonia Peruana. PowerPoint; Dorado, Juan Americo Baca. INDEPA and Ministerio de Cultura. Protección de reservas territoriales: PIACI; SPDA and MNAM. 2015. La reserva isconahua y la zona reservada sierra de divisor. Manual de Legislacion Ambiental.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Reservas Comunales (Communal Reserves) and Reservas Indigenas (Indigenous Reserves).
Area data for Reservas Comunales Minesterio del Ambiente, Servicio Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas por el estado (SERNANP). 2014. Sistema Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado - SINANPE. SERNANP and INEI, Lima.
Area data for Reservas Indigenas (Indigenous Reserves) includes three Indigenous Reserves created in 2016: La Reserva Indígena Murunahua, La Reserva Indígena Mashco Piro, and La Reserva Indígena Isconahua. Two additional reserves (Reserva indígena Yavarí Tapiche and Reserva indígena Kakataibo Norte y Sur) were created in 2021, after the end of the study period for this report. Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA). n.d. Reservas Indígenas y Territoriales: ¿Dónde habitan los PIACI? SPDA Actualidad Ambiental.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Tierras de Comunidades Nativas (Native Community Land) and Tierras de Comunidades Campesinas (Peasant Community Land).
Legislation consulted for Tierras de Comunidades Nativas and Tierras de Comunidades Campesinas includes: Peruvian Constitution of 1993; Government of Peru 2000; Supreme Decree No. 14/2001; Ley No. 26.821 of 1997; Decreto Ley No. 22.175 of 1978; Law No. 27867/2003; Ley Orgánica de Gobiernos Regionales; Ley No. 26.505 of 1995.
Tierras de Comunidades Nativas area: Instituto del Bien Común. 2014. SICNA: Proyección en base a 2006 Comunidades Nativas encuestadas y georreferenciadas por el IBC y otros. As cited in Territorios Seguros para las Comunidades del Peru and Instituto del Bien Común. La Seguridad Territorial en el Limbo: El estado de las comunidades indígenas en el Perú, 36.
Tierras de Comunidades Campesinas area: COFOPRI. 2010. Directorio de Comunidades Campesinas. As cited in Grupo Allpa. 2012. Políticas Públicas para Comunidades Campesinas, 2011-2012. 11.
Refers to Tierras de Comunidades Nativas (Native Community Land) and Tierras de Comunidades Campesinas (Peasant Community Land).
Area data from: Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego. n.d. Informacion de Comunidades Nativas a Nivel Nacional. Mapa oficial con descripción de datos espaciales por región. Available at: catastro-rural/comun-nativas.pdf.
Suriname does not have a statutory or regulatory framework that recognizes Indigenous Peoples’, Afro-descendant Peoples’,
or local communities’ rights to own or control land. Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 2007. Case of Saramaka People v.
Suriname. Judgment of November 28, 2007. Available at:
Refers to Titled Community Lands. 2.841518 Mha have been demarcated over the period of 2005–2014. This figure includes and is not disaggregated for Indigenous Lands in Areas Under a Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE), established within protected areas.
Legislation consulted: República Bolivariana de Venezuela. 2005. Ley Orgánica de Pueblos y Comunidades Indígenas. December 8, 2005.
Area data from: Revista SIC. 2014. Comunicado de la COIAM sobre el proceso nacional de demarcación de hábitat y tierras indígenas a los 15 años de aprobación de la Constitución Nacional. Centro Gumilla: Sic Semanal. December 9, 2014. Available at:
Refers to Titled Community Lands.
Area data from: Vice Presidencia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. 2017. La Revolución Bolivariana ha otorgado 102 títulos de tierra a los pueblos indígenas. Press Release. August 10. Accessed November 14, 2019. Available at:
Refers to Cooperatives, Grasslands and Pastureland, and Collectivized Agricultural Enterprises (EACs).
Legislation consulted for Cooperatives includes: Décret exécutif No. 96-459 du 7 Chaâbane 1417 correspondant au 18 décembre 1996. Area: FAO 2005, 11.
Legislation for Grasslands and Pastureland includes: Loi No. 90-25 du 18 novembre 1990, Arts. 11-12; L’ordonnance No. 75-43 du 17 juin 1975. As cited in Nedjraoui, Dalila. 2006. Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles: Algeria. FAO; Area: Nedjraoui 2006.
Legislation consulted for EACs from: Loi No. 10-03 du 5 Ramadhan 1431 correspondant au 15 août 2010; Loi No. 87-19 du 8 Décembre 1987. Area: FAO. n.d. Gender and Land Rights Database: Algeria Country Profile. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Cooperatives, Grasslands and Pastureland, and Collectivized Agricultural Enterprises (EACs).
2020 Area data for Cooperatives and Grassland and EACs comes from same source as 2015 data (see previous endnote).
Area data for Grassland and Pastureland from: Direction des Statistiques Agricoles et des Systèmes d’Information. 2021. Statistique Agricole: Superficies et Productions: Serie “B” 2019. Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural, Direction des Système d’Information, des Statistiques et de la Prospective, Algiers, 7.
Egypt does not have a statutory or regulatory framework that recognizes Indigenous Peoples’ or local communities’
management or ownership rights. Hursh, John. 2014. RRI Initial Findings for Egypt. Unpublished report citing the following
legislation: Arab Republic of Egypt. 1958. Desert Law No. 124 of 1958; Arab Republic of Egypt. 1988. Law No. 55 of 1988; Arab Republic of Egypt. 1991. Law No. 205; Arab Republic of Egypt. 1995. Law No. 96; Arab Republic of Egypt. 1996. Law No. 100; Arab Republic of Egypt. 1981. Law No. 143; Arab Republic of Egypt. 1992. Law No. 96; Arab Republic of Egypt. 2014. Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Article 236. January 18, 2014. Available at:; Arab Republic of Egypt. 2014. Presidential Decree No. 444 of 2014. The findings also note that some areas are still governed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities in practice.
Refers to Collective Farms.
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Iraq. 1970. Agrarian Reform Law No. 117 of 1970. Available at:
No area data available.
Although tribal and customary law may be recognized at the local level in Libya, they are not statutorily recognized at the national level. Law No. 142 of 1970 declared unregistered and unused lands to be state property, effectively removing most land from customary ownership, and Law No. 7 of 1986 abolished all remaining private land ownership throughout the country. Furthermore, many types of private property rights are currently being contested in Libya due to the complex legacy of Law No. 4 (Government of Libya 1978), which allowed Libyans who did not own land to confiscate properties from individuals who owned multiple properties; Hursh, John. 2014. RRI Initial Findings: Libya. Unpublished report; Legislation consulted includes: Government of Libya. 1970. Law No. 142; Government of Libya. 1986. Law No. 7; Government of Libya. 1978. Law No. 4.
Refers to Terres Collectives (Collective Lands).
Legislation consulted includes: Kingdom of Morocco. 1919. Dahir du 26 Rejeb 1337 (27 Avril 1919) organisant la tutelle administrative des collectives indigènes et réglementant la gestion et l’aliénation des biens collectifs. April 27, 1919. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. Guide sur les Terres Collectives. 11–18; Kingdom of Morocco. 1924. Dahir de 18 Février (12 Joumada II 1342) portant réglement spécial pour la délimitation des terres collectives. February 18, 1924. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. 19–24; Kingdom of Morocco. 1959. Dahir No. 1.59.172 du 1er Kaâda 1378 (9 Mai 1959) relatif à la résiliation des concessions de droits de joissance perpetualle et à la révision des contrats de location à long terme consentis sur les terres collectives. May 9, 1959. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. 29–31; Kingdom of Morocco. 1963. Circulaire No. 809 en date du 13 Avril 1963 Note au sujet du Dahir No. 1-62-197 du 12 Ramadan 1382 (6 Février 1919) organisant la Tutelle administrative des collectivités et réglementant la gestion et l’aliénation des biens collectifs. April 13, 1963. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. 121–123; Kingdom of Morocco. 1994. Dahir No. 1-95-10 du 22 ramadan 1415 (12 Février 1995) portant promulgation de la loi No. 33–34 relative aux périmètres de mise en valeur en bour. February 22, 1994. Available at: pdf.
Area data from: Ministry of Interior. n.d.. Management and exploitation of communal lands. Accessed December 22, 2022. Available at:
Refers to Terres Collectives (Collective Lands).
Legislation consulted includes: Kingdom of Morocco. 1919. Dahir du 26 Rejeb 1337 (27 Avril 1919) organisant la tutelle administrative des collectives indigènes et réglementant la gestion et l’aliénation des biens collectifs. April 27, 1919. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. Guide sur les Terres Collectives. 11–18; Kingdom of Morocco. 1924. Dahir de 18 Février (12 Joumada II 1342) portant réglement spécial pour la délimitation des terres collectives. February 18, 1924. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. 19–24; Kingdom of Morocco. 1959. Dahir No. 1.59.172 du 1er Kaâda 1378 (9 Mai 1959) relatif à la résiliation des concessions de droits de joissance perpetualle et à la révision des contrats de location à long terme consentis sur les terres collectives. May 9, 1959. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. 29–31; Kingdom of Morocco. 1963. Circulaire No. 809 en date du 13 Avril 1963 Note au sujet du Dahir No. 1-62-197 du 12 Ramadan 1382 (6 Février 1919) organisant la Tutelle administrative des collectivités et réglementant la gestion et l’aliénation des biens collectifs. April 13, 1963. In Kingdom of Morocco. n.d. 121–123; Kingdom of Morocco. 1994. Dahir No. 1-95-10 du 22 ramadan 1415 (12 Février 1995) portant promulgation de la loi No. 33–34 relative aux périmètres de mise en valeur en bour. February 22, 1994. Available at: pdf.
Area data from: Ministry of Interior. n.d.. Management and exploitation of communal lands. Accessed December 22, 2022. Available at:
Oman does not have a statutory or regulatory framework that recognizes Indigenous Peoples’ or local communities’
management or ownership rights. Royal Decree 5-80 (Land Laws of 1980) recognized state ownership of all land that was not privately owned or Waqf land. Royal Decree 5-80 and subsequent laws do not recognize tribal land, although customary law is still used in practice in some rural areas. Chatty, Dawn. 2002. Adapting to Multinational Oil Exploration. The Mobile Pastoralists of Oman. In Leder, Stefan, and Bernhard Streck (Hg.). Akkulturation und Selbstbehauptung. Beiträge des Kolloquiums am 14.12.2001.
Halle 2002. Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 4; Mitteilungen des SFB Differenz und Integration 2, 1–19. Available at:; Government of Oman. 1980. Royal Decree 5-80 Promulgating the Land Laws of 1980.
Saudi Arabia does not have a statutory or regulatory framework that recognizes Indigenous Peoples’ or local communities’
management or ownership rights. Hursh, John. 2015. Saudi Arabia Research Notes and Initial Findings for Saudi Arabia.
Unpublished report; Rae, John. 2002. An Overview of Land Tenure in the Near East Region: Part I and II. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Available at:
Saudi Arabia
Refers to Terres Collectives (Collective Lands) and Terres Collectives sous Régime Forestière (Collective Forests).
Legislation consulted for Terres Collectives includes: Government of Tunisia. 1964. Loi No. 64-28 du 4 juin 1964 (24 moharrem 1384), fixant
le régime des terres collectives. June 4, 1964. Available at: Area data for Terres Collectives from: Nasr, N., and T. Bouhaouach. 1997. ”Dynamiques juridique, technique et institutionnelle du partage des terres collectives en Tunisie.” In Pastoralisme et foncier: Impact du régime foncier sur la gestion de l’espace pastoral et la conduite des troupeaux en régions arides et semi-arides, edited by Bourbouze, A., B. Msika, N. Nasr, and M. Sghaier Zaafouri, 151–157. Montpellier, France. 1997. CIHEAM Options Méditerranéennes: Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens, No. 32. Available at:; Nasr, Noureddine, Ali Abaab, and Nourediine Lachiheb. 2000. Partage des terres collectives et transformation des sociétés et des modes d’occupation et de gestion des espaces: Les steppes du Sud-est Tunisien.
Medit No. 3/2000. Available at: Legislation consulted for Terres Collectives sous Régime Forestière includes: Republique du Tunisie. 1988. Loi No. 20 portant Code Forestier, Article 4(3). April 13, 1988. In Republique du Tunisie. Journal Officiel de la Republique Tunisienne No. 30 du 3 mai 1988, 679–693. Available at:; Republique du Tunisie. Décret No. 96-2373 du 9 décembre 1996, relatif au mode de constitution, d’organisation et de fonctionnement des associations forestières d’intérêt collectif et réglementant les modalités d’exécution des travaux par ces associations. In Republique du Tunisie. 2010. Code forestier et ses textes d’application.
L’Imprimerie Officielle de la République Tunisienne, Tunis. Available at:
Tunisie%20-%20Code%20forestier%202010.pdf. Area data for Terres Collectives sous Régime Forestière from: Nasr, N., and T.
Bouhaouach. 1997.
Yemen does not have a statutory or regulatory framework that recognizes Indigenous Peoples’ or local communities’
management or ownership rights. Hursh, John. 2014. RRI Initial Findings: Yemen. Unpublished report.
Includes Modern Treaty Lands, First Nation Woodland Licenses (British Columbia), Sustainable Forest Licenses (Ontario), and Ententes de délégation de gestion (Québec). For Modern Treaties, the source of all data is the text of individual treaties. For more information on these treaties, see Government of Canada. 2022. Fact Sheet: Implementation of Final Agreements. For First Nations Woodland Licences, see British Columbia. 2022. First Nations Woodland Licence. For Sustainable Forest Licences, see Ontario. 2022. Sustainable Forest Licences. For Ententes de délégation de gestion, see Québec. 2022. Droits forestiers sur des territoires forestiers du domaine de l’État hors unité d’aménagement (UA).
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Includes Modern Treaty Lands, First Nation Woodland Licenses (British Columbia), Sustainable Forest Licenses (Ontario), Ententes de délégation de gestion (Québec), and the Mi’kmaw Forestry Initiative (Nova Scotia). For Modern Treaties, the source of all data is the text of individual treaties. For more information on these treaties, see Government of Canada. 2022. Fact Sheet: Implementation of Final Agreements. For First Nations Woodland Licences, see British Columbia. 2022. First Nations Woodland Licence. For Sustainable Forest Licences, see Ontario. 2022. Sustainable Forest Licences. For Ententes de délégation de gestion, see Québec. 2022. Droits forestiers sur des territoires forestiers du domaine de l’État hors unité d’aménagement (UA). For Mi’kmaw Forestry Initiative (Nova Scotia), see Beswick, Aaron. “Mi’kmaq to control 20,000 hectares of Crown land in forestry pilot project.” Saltwire, March 15, 2019.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Includes Modern Treaty Lands, Reserves, Lands in the Kanesatake Mohawk interim land base, and Tsilhqot’in Nation Declared Aboriginal Title Land. For Modern Treaties, the source of all data is the text of individual treaties. For more information on these treaties, see Government of Canada. 2022. Fact Sheet: Implementation of Final Agreements. Data on Reserves from Government of Canada. 2020. Indian Lands Registry System (ILRS). Data on Lands in the Kanesatake Mohawk interim land base, comes from Global Forest Watch. 2019. Canada aboriginal lands. Area for Tsilhqot’in Nation Declared Aboriginal Title Land determined by Supreme Court of Canada. 2014. Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, 2014 SCC 44.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Includes Modern Treaty Lands, Reserves, Lands in the Kanesatake Mohawk interim land base, and Tsilhqot’in Nation Declared Aboriginal Title Land. For Modern Treaties, the source of all data is the text of individual treaties. For more information on these treaties, see Government of Canada. 2022. Fact Sheet: Implementation of Final Agreements. Data on Reserves from Government of Canada. 2020. Indian Lands Registry System (ILRS). Data on Lands in the Kanesatake Mohawk interim land base, comes from Global Forest Watch. 2019. Canada aboriginal lands. Area for Tsilhqot’in Nation Declared Aboriginal Title Land determined by Supreme Court of Canada. 2014. Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, 2014 SCC 44.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
United States
Refers to Alaska Native Corporations (Regional and Village) and Indian Reservations (Trust).
Legislation consulted for Alaska Native Corporations: Government of the United States of America. 1971. The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971.
Legislation consulted for Indian Reservations: Government of the United States of America. 1948. U.S. Code, Title 25, Chapters 4 and 2a (e.g., Sections 81 and 3501).
Area data for Alaska Native Corporations from: ANCSA Regional Association. 2023. Overview of Entities Operating in the Twelve Regions. Accessed February 16, 2023. Available at:
Area data for Indian Reservations from: U.S. Department of Interior (US DOI). 2014. Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians: Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Report to Congress. U.S. Department of Interior, Washington, DC.
Refers to Alaska Native Corporations (Regional and Village) and Indian Reservations (Trust).
2020 area data for Alaska Native Corporations comes from same source as 2015 (see previous endnote).
Area data for Indian Reservations from: Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians. 2020. Budget Justifications and Performance Information Fiscal Year 2020. Available at:; Bureau of Indian Affairs. 2021. Budget Justifications and Performance Information Fiscal Year 2021. Available at: as-ia/obpm/BIA_FY2021_Greenbook-508.pdf; U.S. Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs. 2023. Frequently Asked Questions. Accessed February 16, 2023. Available at:
Refers to Indigenous Co-Managed and Indigenous Managed lands. Montreal Process Implementation Group for Australia, and National Forest Inventory Steering Committee. 2013. Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2013. Australia Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, Canberra, 304. Available at: forestsaustralia/documents/sofr2013-web2.pdf.
Refers to “Indigenous Co-Managed” as defined by Australia’s SOFR (2013 and 2020) and “Indigenous Managed” as defined by Australia’s SOFR (2013 and 2020). Jacobsen, Rohan, Claire Howell, and Steve Read. 2020. Australia’s Indigenous land and forest estate: Separate reporting of Indigenous ownership, management, and other special rights. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), Canberra, December 13, 2020. Where land areas meet the criteria for more than one category, they are counted only under the category recognizing the strongest rights. The methodology employed by ABARES has changed between the 2020 and 2013 reports cited, so while data can be interpreted as approximately correct, “the trend over time cannot be asserted with certainty.” Read, Steve. 2022.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to “Indigenous Owned and Managed” land. Montreal Process Implementation Group for Australia and National Forest Inventory Steering Committee 2013. Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2013. Australia Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, Canberra. Available at: documents/sofr2013-web2.pdf.
Refers to “Indigenous owned and managed” as defined by Australia’s SOFR (2013) and “Indigenous Owned” as defined by Australia’s SOFR (2020). Where land areas meet the criteria for more than one category, they are counted only under the category recognizing the strongest rights. The methodology employed by ABARES has changed between the 2020 and 2013 reports cited, so while data can be interpreted as approximately correct, “the trend over time cannot be asserted with certainty.” Read, Steve. 2022. Personal communication, Chief Coordinating Scientist and Principal Scientist, Forest and Land Sciences at the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) and Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, August 19, 2022.
Papua New Guinea
Refers to Tribal Land and State Agricultural and Business Lease Lands (SABLs). The area of SABLs was calculated as the sum of the areas of the 77 SABLs included in the 2013 Commission of Inquiry; Numapo, John. 2013. Commission of Inquiry into the Special Agriculture and Business Lease (SABL), Final Report.
Legislation consulted for Tribal Land includes: National Constitution of Papua New Guinea of 1975, Arts. 5, 53; Land Act of 1996, Sections 2 and 133–135; Forestry Act. 1991 (1993).
The area of Tribal Land was calculated as 97% of total land area (excluding inland waters) as reported in FAO 2010, minus the area of SABLs; National Forest Service, as cited in FAO 2010. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010, Country Report Papua New Guinea. Country Report 161, 11–14. FAO. This analysis sets forth a commonly cited estimate of Tribal Land. However, the laws of Papua New Guinea do not specifically require the registration or delimitation of community lands in order to establish ownership.
Refers to Tribal Land and State Agricultural and Business Lease Lands (SABLs). The area of SABLs was calculated as the sum of the areas of the 77 SABLs included in the 2013 Commission of Inquiry; Numapo, John. 2013. Commission of Inquiry into the Special Agriculture and Business Lease (SABL), Final Report.
Legislation consulted for Tribal Land includes: National Constitution of Papua New Guinea of 1975, Arts. 5, 53; Land Act of 1996, Sections 2 and 133–135; Forestry Act. 1991 (1993).
The area of Tribal Land was calculated as 97% of total land area (excluding inland waters) as reported in FAO 2010, minus the area of SABLs; National Forest Service, as cited in FAO 2010. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010, Country Report Papua New Guinea. Country Report 161, 11–14. FAO. This analysis sets forth a commonly cited estimate of Tribal Land. However, the laws of Papua New Guinea do not specifically require the registration or delimitation of community lands in order to establish ownership.
Refers to Domínio Útil Consuetudinário (Useful Customary Domain).
Area data from: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2013. Delimited Rural Communities, Huambo Province, Angola. GIS Shapefile. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome. As cited in Carranza, Francisco. 2013. Legislation consulted includes: Republica de Angola. 2004. Lei No. 9/04 de 9 de Novembro, Lei de Terras. November 9, 2004. Available (in Portuguese) at: TERRAS_ANGOLA.pdf; Available (in English) at:
Refers to Domínio Útil Consuetudinário (Useful Customary Domain).
Area data from: Festo, Moisés. 2022. Personal communication, August 5, 2022.
Refers to Wildlife Management Areas and Communal Lands. Communal Lands also include some Remote Area Dweller Settlements/Communities which were created in rural areas to provide access to social and physical infrastructure. National Settlement Policy of 1998; Revised Remote Area Development Policy of 2009; Botswana Land Policy of 2011; Sapignoli, Maria, 2015; Hitchcock, Robert. 2015; Magole, Lapologang. 2015.
Legislation consulted includes: The Tribal Land Act of 1968; The Tribal Land (Amendment) Act of 1985; The Tribal Land (Amendment) Act of 1993; Wildlife Management Policy of 1986; Community Based Natural Resource Management Policy of 2000. Area: Ministry of Local Government and the Ministry of Lands and Housing, Government of Botswana. As cited in: Sapignoli, Maria, and Robert Hitchcock. 2013. In Africa for Sale? Positioning the State, Land and Society in Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa, ed. Sandra J.T.M. Evers, Caroline Seagle, and Froukje Krijtenburg, 131–157.
Refers to Wildlife Management Areas and Communal Lands. Communal Lands also include some Remote Area Dweller Settlements/Communities which were created in rural areas to provide access to social and physical infrastructure. National Settlement Policy of 1998; Revised Remote Area Development Policy of 2009; Botswana Land Policy of 2011; Sapignoli, Maria, 2015; Hitchcock, Robert. 2015; Magole, Lapologang. 2015.
Legislation consulted includes: The Tribal Land Act of 1968; The Tribal Land (Amendment) Act of 1985; The Tribal Land (Amendment) Act of 1993; Wildlife Management Policy of 1986; Community Based Natural Resource Management Policy of 2000. Area: Ministry of Local Government and the Ministry of Lands and Housing, Government of Botswana. As cited in: Sapignoli, Maria, and Robert Hitchcock. 2013. In Africa for Sale? Positioning the State, Land and Society in Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa, ed. Sandra J.T.M. Evers, Caroline Seagle, and Froukje Krijtenburg, 131–157.
Refers to Community Forests (Forêts Communautaires) and Community Managed Hunting Zones (Zones d’Intérêt Cynégétique à Gestion Communautaire). Legislation consulted for Community Forests includes: Government of Cameroon. 1994. Law No. 01/1994; Government of Cameroon. 1995a. Decree No. 531/1995; Government of Cameroon. 1995b. Decree No. 466/1995. July 20, 1995; Government of Cameroon. 2013. Arrêté conjoint No. 076/MINFI/MINATD/MINFOF fixant les modalités de planification, d’emploi et de suivi de la gestion de revenus provenant de l’exploitation des ressources forestières et fauniques, destinés aux communes et aux communautés riveraines. Area data for Community Forests from: Nguiffo, Samuel. 2013. Legislation consulted for Community Managed Hunting Zones includes: Government of Cameroon. 1994; Government of Cameroon. 1995b. Area data for Community Managed Hunting Zones from: Atlas Forestier du Cameroun. 2019. Zones d’intérêt cynégétique. See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.).
Refers to Community Forests (Forêts Communautaires) and Community Managed Hunting Zones (Zones d’Intérêt Cynégétique à Gestion Communautaire).
Community Forests area: Atlas Forestier du Cameroun. 2019. Forêts communautaires. Refers to the total administrative area of all community forests for which the “statut de la convention” is “definitive” (1.102814 Mha) or “provisoire” (0.963709 Mha). This provisional status affords communities rights for two years, and as such these rights remain more precarious. Notably, “the complexity and cost of the procedures for developing a simple management plan prevent these communities from moving their forest from provisional to permanent status.” Ngono, Remauld. 2021. Personal communication, Center for Environment and Development (CED), August 9, 2021.
Community Managed Hunting Zone area: Ministre des Forêts et de la Faune (MINFOF). 2018. Secteur forestier et faunique du Cameroun. Faits et chiffres. Ministre des Forêts et de la Faune (MINFOF), 33.
Central African Republic
Refers to Forêts de Collectivités (Collective Forests) and Forêts Communautaires (Community Forests). Although the possibility of both CBTRs is established under the 2008 Forest Code, we understand that no implementing regulations had been adopted and no collective or community forests had been designated for communities as of 2015.
Legislation consulted includes: République Centrafricaine. 2008. Loi No. 08.022 Portant Code Forestier de la République Centrafricaine, Articles 125–130. October 17, 2008; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2010. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010, Country Report Central African Republic. Country Report 042, 13. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Available at:
Refers to Forêts de Collectivités (Collective Forests) and Forêts Communautaires (Community Forests).
Legislation consulted includes: République Centrafricaine. 2008. Loi No. 08.022 Portant Code Forestier de la République Centrafricaine, Articles 125–130. October 17, 2008.
Area data for Forêts Communautaires from: Rainforest Foundation UK. 2019. Première Historique en République Centrafricaine: Des Communautés se Voient Reconnaître des Droits sur Leurs Forêts. Accessed November 30, 2019. Available at: Although the possibility of Forêts de Collectivités is established under the 2008 Forest Code, we understand that no implementing regulations had been adopted and no collective forests had been designated for communities as of 2020.
Refers to Droits Collectifs sur le Domaine Privé (Collective Rights in the Private Domain) and Forêts Communautaires et Sacrées (Community and Sacred Forests).
Legislation consulted for Collective Rights in the Private Domain includes: Republic of Chad. 1967. Loi No. 24 du 22 juillet 1967 sur le régime de la Propriété foncière et des droits coutumiers 22 juillet. Available at:
No land has yet been recognized under either tenure regime. Alden Wily, Liz. 2020. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for Africa. Data file from LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands. Available at: http://
Refers to Droits Collectifs sur le Domaine Privé (Collective Rights in the Private Domain) and Forêts Communautaires et Sacrées (Community and Sacred Forests).
Legislation consulted for Collective Rights in the Private Domain includes: Republic of Chad. 1967. Loi No. 24 du 22 juillet 1967 sur le régime de la Propriété foncière et des droits coutumiers 22 juillet. Available at:
No land has yet been recognized under either tenure regime. Alden Wily, Liz. 2020. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for Africa. Data file from LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands. Available at: http://
Democratic Republic of Congo
Refers to Concessions Forestières Communautaires (Local Community Forest Concessions (LCFC)).
Area data from: Congo Basin Forest Partnership. 2020. “Forêt: Vers la finalisation du guide opérationnel de l’élaboration du plan simple de gestion des forêts communautaires en RDC – environews-rdc.” Congo Basin Forest Partnership, July 14, 2020. For similar estimate, see: Brouwer, Meindert. 2021. “Emancipation of forest communities is important for forest conservation: Taking Control Part 2.” In Central African Forests Forever, edited by Meindert Brouwer, 92–97. For the most up to date information, see: Ministère de l’Environnement et Développement Durable, Direction de Gestion Forestière, and Division de la Foresterie Communautaire. 2022. Base de données de la Foresterie Communautaire en République Démocratique du Congo.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Congo, Republic of the
Refers to Des forêts des communes et autres collectivités locales (Forests of Communities and Other Local Collectives), and Terres des populations autochtones (Indigenous Land).
Legislation consulted for Forêts communautaires: Conseil National de Transition, République du Congo. 2000. Loi No. 16-2000 Portant code forestier. November 20. Available at: wlg/legis/nofr/oeur/arch/con/Codeforest_congo.pdf.
Legislation consulted for Terres des populations autochtones: Republique du Congo. 2011. Loi n. 5 du 25 février 2011.
While the statutory basis is in place for these two tenure regimes, no area had been designated under either CBTR as of 2015. Handja, Georges Thierry. 2013. Personal Communication. London: Rainforest Foundation UK. June 6.
Refers to Terres des populations autochtones (Indigenous Land) and Forêts communautaires.
Legislation consulted for Forêts communautaires (Community Forests): Republique du Congo. 2020. Loi No. 33-2020, Articles 15–21.
Legislation consulted for Terres des populations autochtones: Republique du Congo. 2011. Loi No. 5 du 25 février 2011.
No area had been designated under either of these tenure regimes before the end of 2020.
Refers to Participatory Forest Management User Groups and Communal Land Holdings.
No data was available for the area of Communal Land Holdings established by Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE). 2005. Rural Land Proclamation No. 456. July 15, 2005. Available at:
Area data for Participatory Forest Management User Groups from: Said, A., and T. Tadesse. 2015. Personal communication. As cited in Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2016. Forty years of community-based forestry: A review of its extent and effectiveness. FAO Forestry Paper No. 176. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 22. Available at:
Refers to Participatory Forest Management User Groups and Communal Land Holdings.
No data was available for the area of Communal Land Holdings established by Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE). 2005. Rural Land Proclamation No. 456. July 15, 2005. Available at:
Area data for Participatory Forest Management User Groups from: Said, A., and T. Tadesse. 2015. Personal communication. As cited in Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2016. Forty years of community-based forestry: A review of its extent and effectiveness. FAO Forestry Paper No. 176. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 22. Available at:
Refers to Forêts Communautaires (Community Forests).
Legislation consulted includes: Government of Gabon. 2001. Loi No. 016-01 portant code forestier en République Gabonaise, Articles 156–162. Government of Gabon. 2004. Décret No. 1028/PR/MEFEPEPN du 1er décembre 2004 fixant les conditions de création des forêts communautaires; Government of Gabon. 2008. Ordonnance No.11/2008 du 25 juillet 2008 modifiant et complétant certaines dispositions de la loi No. 16/2001 du 31 décembre 2001. July 25, 2008; Government of Gabon. 2013. Arrêté No. 018 MEF/SG/DGF/ DFC Establishing the Procedures to Implement Community Forest Management.
Area data includes the areas of three approved community forests (Ebyeng-Edzuameniène, Nkang, and La Boka 1 and 2).
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Forêts Communautaires and Contrats de gestion de terroir aux parcs nationaux.
Legislation consulted for Contrats de gestion de terroir aux parcs nationaux: Government of Gabon. 2017. Ordonnance No. 007/PR/2017 du 27 février 2017 portant modification et suppression de certaines dispositions de la loi No. 003/2007 du 27 août 2007 relative aux parcs nationaux. No Contrats de gestion de terroir aux parcs nationaux had been issued as of 2020.
Area data for Forêts Communautaires from: Direction des Forêts Communautaires (DFCOM). 2019. État des lieux des forêts communautaires en activité et en cours de création au 28 Mai 2019. Ministère chargé des Forêts, Libreville. Cited in FAO and KEVA. 2020. Légalité et traçabilité des bois des forêts communautaires dans la province de l’Ogooué Ivindo Gabon.
Refers to Allodial Interests in Customary Lands, which is conservatively classified as “designated for” communities because although communities have a right to compensation in the event of expropriation, there are no provisions for challenging the compulsory acquisition of lands by the state.
Legislation consulted: 1992 Constitution of Ghana, Arts. 36, 267, 270; The Administration of Lands Act, 1962, Act 123, Sections 8, 17; The State Lands Act, 1962, Act 125, Section 1; Statutory Declaration Act, 1971, Act 389, Section 2; Survey Act, 1962, Act 127; Legislative Instrument (L.I 1444).
78% of Ghana’s land is estimated to be customary land and an additional 2% is held under joint ownership as Vested Lands. Larbi 2008, 2; COLANDEF. n.d. Ecosystem of the Land Sector in Ghana; COLANDEF 2019. See also: Alden Wily, Liz. 2020. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for Africa (revised 2021). Data file from LandMark.
Refers to Allodial Interests in Customary Lands, which is conservatively classified as “designated for” communities because although communities have a right to compensation in the event of expropriation, there are no provisions for challenging the compulsory acquisition of lands by the state.
Legislation consulted: Land Act, 2020.
78% of Ghana’s land is estimated to be customary land and an additional 2% is held under joint ownership as Vested Lands. Larbi 2008, 2; COLANDEF. n.d. Ecosystem of the Land Sector in Ghana; COLANDEF 2019. See also: Alden Wily, Liz. 2020. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for Africa (revised 2021). Data file from LandMark.
Refers to Community Forest Association Participation in the Conservation and Management of Public Forests under Approved Forest Management Plans.
According to the Kenyan Forests Act of 2005 (Articles 38 and 45), members of forest communities are allowed to register community forest associations and to enter into management agreements with local authorities. Notably, the Forest Act of 2005 has been interpreted by some to allow individuals to form Forest Management User Groups and enter into Forest Management Agreements, which may open the door for this tenure regime to be used for private concessions. Participatory Forest Management User Groups can only attain the legal right to co-manage forest after signing a Forest Management Agreement. As of 2013, only 21 Forest Management Agreements had been signed. Government of Kenya. 2005. The Forests Act.
Area data from: Kenya Forest Service. 2013. As cited in Abdi, Mwajuma. 2013.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Community Forest Association Participation in the Conservation and Management of Public Forests under Approved Forest Management Plans.
New legislation since 2015 consulted: Government of Kenya. 2016 Forest Conservation and Management Act.
The area data is believed to be an underestimate as additional Community Forest Management Agreements have been signed since 2017 (see Kenya Forest Service 2022), but the area covered by these additional agreements is unknown. Kenya Forest Service. n.d. Approved Management Plans and Signed FMAs; Kenya Forest Service, Legal Services Department. 2022. Community Forest Management Agreements Register. Updated February 3, 2022.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Community Land and Group Ranches. According to the legal analysis, Community Land is provided for conceptually under Article 63 of the Kenyan Constitution of 2010, but in the absence of implementing regulations, the legal mechanism by which communities gain Community Land was undefined as of 2015. Group Ranches were reclassified as Community Land following the passage of the Community Land Act in 2016. Legislation consulted includes: Government of Kenya. 2010. The Constitution of Kenya 2010. August 27, 2010; Government of Kenya. 1968. Land (Group Representatives) Act (Cap. 287). June 28, 1968. Spatial data from: Kenya Forest Service. 2013. As cited in Abdi, Mwajuma. 2013; Mbuve, M.T.E. 2014. Personal communication; Aggarwal, Safia, and Chris Thouless. 2009. Land Tenure and Property Rights Assessment: The Northern Rangeland and Coastal Conservation Programs of USAID/Kenya. USAID, Washington, DC.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Registered and Unregistered Community Land.
Legislation consulted: Government of Kenya. 2010.
Constitution of Kenya; Government of Kenya. 2016. Community Land Act. County governments hold unregistered community land in trust until such time as it is registered. Thus, both registered community lands and unregistered community lands subject to customary land rights vest in communities pursuant to the Constitution and the Community Land Act. The National Land Commission indicates that communities’ customary lands encompass 67% of Kenya’s total land mass (National Land Commission 2017). As the total country area is 56.91 Mha, the amount of potential Community Land is estimated to be 38.12 Mha. Chavangi, Tom, Muhammad Swazuri, Geoffrey Nyamasege, and Esterina Dokhe. 2017. Complications in Land Allocations: Appraisal of the Community Land Act, 2016, Kenya.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Community Forests.
Legislation consulted: Government of Liberia. 2009. An Act to Establish the Community Rights Law of 2009 with Respect to Forest Lands, Articles 1(3), 2(3). October 16, 2009. Government of Liberia, Monrovia. Available at:
Area data from: Liberian Forest Development Authority. As cited by De Wit, Paul, and Caleb Stevens. 2014. 100 Years of Community Land Rights in Liberia: Lessons Learned for the Future. World Bank, Washington, DC. Available at: Wit-227_paper.pdf&form_id=227&form_version=final; Russell, Diane, Andrew Tobiason, Kenneth Hasson, David M. Miller, and Paul De Wit. 2011. The Final Evaluation of the USAID Land Rights and Community Forestry Program, Liberia. USAID, Washington, DC.
Refers to Community Forests and Customary Lands.
Ownership of Customary Land is valid and enforceable without registration and prior to completion of a Confirmatory Survey or issuance of a Statutory Deed (2018 Land Rights Act, Arts. 11(3), 37). It is estimated that 7 Mha are subject to Customary Land Rights. Nevertheless, issuance of a deed will be important for affording greater long-term tenure security, and the self-identification process has begun over approximately 1.3 Mha. The total Customary Land area is assumed to encompass 1 Mha of Public Land Sale Deeds, 2.03 Mha of Aboriginal Land Grant Deeds (see De Wit and Stevens 2014), and 43 Community Forest Management Agreements covering 0.8 Mha that are understood to be active as of 2019 (Forest Atlas of Liberia 2021 and Nora Bowier 2021).
See endnotes in RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Communautés de base agréées avec contrats de gestion.
Legislation consulted: Government of Madagascar. 1996. Loi No. 96-025 du 30 septembre 1996 relative à la gestion locale des ressources naturelles renouvelables.
Area data from: Lohanivo, Alexio Clovis. 2017. Enjeux et perspectives de la gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles renouvelables après 20 ans d’existence à Madagascar. Doctoral thesis. University of Antananarivo, Antananarivo, 468.
Refers to Communautés de base agréées avec contrats de gestion.
Legislation consulted: Government of Madagascar. 1996. Loi No. 96-025 du 30 septembre 1996 relative à la gestion locale des ressources naturelles renouvelables.
Area data from: Lohanivo, Alexio Clovis. 2017. Enjeux et perspectives de la gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles renouvelables après 20 ans d’existence à Madagascar. Doctoral thesis. University of Antananarivo, Antananarivo, 468.
Refers to Zones with Historical Culture Use and Value.
Legislation consulted: Government of Mozambique. 1999. Law No. 10/99 on Forest and Wildlife Act, Article 13. July 7, 1999. Available at:; Government of Mozambique. 2002. Decree No. 12/2002 approving the Regulation on Forestry and Wildlife, Chapter 2, Section 2, Article 7. June 6, 2002. Available at:
No data was available for the area of Zones with Historical Culture Use and Value.
Refers to Zones with Historical Culture Use and Value.
Legislation consulted: Government of Mozambique. 1999. Law No. 10/99 on Forest and Wildlife Act, Article 13. July 7, 1999. Available at:; Government of Mozambique. 2002. Decree No. 12/2002 approving the Regulation on Forestry and Wildlife, Chapter 2, Section 2, Article 7. June 6, 2002. Available at:
No data was available for the area of Zones with Historical Culture Use and Value.
Refers to Uncertified and Certified Community DUATs. DUATs do not require formalization to be actionable under the law, but communities may choose to formalize these rights. 52.2 Mha are estimated to be legally held as Community DUATs, of which 19.1 Mha was certified as of 2015.
Legislation consulted: Law No. 19/2007.
Certified Community DUAT area: De Wit, Paul. 2015. Personal communication. Citing data through 2011 from Carrilho and Norfolk. 2013. Beyond Building the Cadastre: Next Steps for Mozambique in Participatory Land Governance and Decentralized Land Rights Administration. World Bank. 2012 data: National Directorate of Land and Forests. 2012. DNTF Annual Report. Government of Mozambique. 2013 data: Ghebru and Pitoro. 2015. Is group land right protection a cost-effective and inclusive alternative – the case community land delimitation initiative in Mozambique? World Bank. 2014 data: National Directorate of Land and Forests. 2014. DNTF Annual Report. Government of Mozambique.
Refers to Uncertified and Certified Community DUATs. DUATs do not require formalization to be actionable under the law, but communities may choose to formalize these rights. 52.2 Mha are estimated to be legally held as Community DUATs, of which 21 Mha was certified as of 2017.
Legislation consulted: Law No. 19/2007.
Certified Community DUAT area: De Wit 2015. Citing data through 2011 from Carrilho and Norfolk. 2013. 2012 data: National Directorate of Land and Forests 2012. 2013 data: Ghebru and Pitoro 2015. 2014 data: National Directorate of Land and Forests. 2014. 2015-2017 data: Machava, Ricardo. 2018. MITADER trava grandes concessões para permitir melhor gestão de terra. O Pais.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Communal Land.
Legislation consulted: Communal Land Reform Act No. 5 of 2002; Republic of Namibia. 1991. National Conference on Land Reform and the Land Question. Conference Brief, Office of the Prime Minister. As cited in Republic of Namibia. 2005. Background Research and Findings of the Permanent Technical Team on Land Reform Studies. Ministry of Lands and Resettlement; Wildlife Management, Utilization and Tourism in Communal Areas Policy Document, Circular No. 19 of 1995; Promulgation of Nature Conservation Amendment Act, No. 5 of 1996; Forest Act No. 12 of 2001.
Communal Land area includes 16.2 Mha of registered Community Based Natural Resource Management Areas as of October 2014, as well as Community Forest Areas that overlap with CBNRM areas. Only 0.3 Mha of the total 3.1 Mha of Community Forests do not overlap with CBNRM areas; Namibia Association of CBNRM Support Organizations; Odendaal, Willem. 2015. Personal communication; Nott, Karen. 2015. Personal communication.
Refers to Communal Land.
Area data from: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), and the Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO). 2020. The State of Community Conservation in Namibia (Annual Report 2018). METF and NACSO, Windhoek. Accessed December 2, 2022. Available at: State%20of%20Community%20Conservation%20book%202018%20web.pdf.
Senegal does not have a statutory or regulatory framework that provides management or ownership rights to Indigenous Peoples or local communities.
Refers to Community Forest Lands and Participatory management of reserved areas.
Legislation consulted for Community Forest Lands: Forests and Renewable Natural Resources Act of 2002.
Community Forest Lands area: Kerkhof, Paul. 2015. Personal communication; Mohamed, El Amin Sanjak, Saswan Khair Elseid Abdel Rahim, Abuelgasim A. Adam et al. 2015. Community Natural Resource Management and Farm Forestry: Twenty-Five Years of Experience in Kordofan and Darfur. Forest National Corporation, SOS Sahel, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Unpublished report. Legislation consulted for Participatory Management of Reserved Areas from: Government of Sudan. 2015. The Rangelands and Forage Resources Development (Rationalization) Act, 2015.
Participatory management of reserved areas: Osman, Abdalla Adam, and Hyder Ahmed Yousif. 2021. Personal communication, FNC State Director-South Darfur andformer FNC state director for Gedarif, 2021.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Community Forests and Participatory Management of Reserved Areas.
Area data for Community Forests from: Forest National Corporation. 2019. FNC Annual Report. Cited in Abuelgasim, Adam. 2021. Personal communication.
Area data for Participatory management of reserved areas from: Osman, Abdalla Adam, and Hyder Ahmed Yousif. 2021. Personal communication, FNC State Director-South Darfur andformer FNC state director for Gedarif, 2021.
Refers to Joint Forest Management.
Legislation consulted: Government of Tanzania. 2002. Forest Act of 2002.
Area data from: Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. 2012. Participatory Forest Management in Tanzania: Facts and Figures December 2012. Available at: Interview notes with Haki Ardhi, Ministry of Lands, MNRT and Blomley and Said Iddi. 2009. As cited in Caldecott, J., B. Killian, P. Tommila, P. Rinne, M. Halonen, and L. Oja. 2013. Scoping Mission for a Possible Renewable Natural Resource Economic Governance Programme in Tanzania. Gaia Consulting Oy, Helsinki.
Refers to Joint Forest Management.
Area data from: Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Forestry and Beekeeping Division. 2020. Draft Participatory Forest Management (PFM) Facts and Figures: Tanzania 2020. Available at: wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DRAFT-PFM-Facts-and-Figures-2020.pdf.
Refers to Wildlife Management Areas, Village Lands and Village Land Forest Reserve (VLFR).
Legislation consulted for WMAs: Wildlife Conservation Act of 2013. Area: WWF. 2014. Tanzania’s Wildlife Management Areas: A 2012 Status Report.
Legislation consulted for Village Lands: Land Act of 1999; Village Land Act of 1999. Area: Land and Natural Resource Tenure in Africa Program. 2010. Focus on Land in Africa Brief: Tanzania. World Resources Institute and Landesa; Ylhäisi, Jussi. 2010. Sustainable Land Privatization Involving Participatory Land Use Planning in Rural Areas: An Example from Tanzania. Land Tenure Journal, 91–120.
Legislation consulted for VLFR: Forest Act of 2002, Sections 32–41; Land Act of 1999; Village Land Act of 1999; Local Government District Authorities Act No. 7/1982 (2000). Area: Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. 2012. Participatory Forest Management in Tanzania: Facts and Figures December 2012; Alden Wily, Liz. 2015. Personal communication.
See RRI 2023.
Refers to Wildlife Management Areas, Village Lands and Village Land Forest Reserve (VLFR).
WMA area: Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority. 2022. Protected Areas. Available at:
Village Lands area: African Development Bank. 2019. Review of land tenure systems to support the creation of an enabling environment for agricultural transformation; Government of Tanzania. 2020. Environmental and Social Management Framework for Land Tenure Improvement Project (Draft); World Bank. 2020. Project Information Document - Land Tenure Improvement Project (P164906).
Area data for Village Land Forest Reserve (VLFR) from: Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Forestry and Beekeeping Division. 2020. Draft Participatory Forest Management (PFM) Facts and Figures: Tanzania 2020. Government of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam.
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Community Wildlife Management Areas, Collaborative Forest Management in Central and Local Forest Reserves, and Community Forests.
Legislation consulted for Community Wildlife Management Area: Government of Uganda. 1996. Wildlife Act of 1996.
Area data from: Protected Planet. 2021. Explore protected areas and OECMs.
Legislation consulted for Collaborative Forest Management in Central and Local Forest Reserves: Government of Uganda. 2003. National Forest and Tree Planting Act of 2003.
Area data from: Namirembe, Sara, and Onesmus Mugyenyi. 2009. The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise (Rose), Uganda. Forest Trends, Washington, DC, September 12, 2009.
Legislation consulted for Community forests: Government of Uganda. 2003. National Forest and Tree Planting Act of 2003, Section 17(1). This tenure regime has yet to be implemented. Obaikol, Esther. 2015. Personal communication, April 30, 2015.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Community Wildlife Management Areas, Collaborative Forest Management in Central and Local Forest Reserves, and Community Forests.
Source of 2020 area data for Community Wildlife Management Areas is the same as 2015.
Area data for Collaborative Forest Management in Central and Local Forest Reserves from: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2019. Status of community-based forestry and forest tenure in UGANDA. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. Available at: No area designated under Community Forests.
Refers to Land held by communities as Customary Lands.
In 2015, RRI previously reported that 68.7% of land in Uganda constituted customary lands based on personal correspondence with Liz Alden Wily. Alden Wily has since updated this estimate to exclude the area of unregistered mailo land and unregistered freehold land, and data presented here has been updated to reflect that revision.
Legislation consulted: Government of Uganda. 1998. Land Law of 1998, Sections 2(a), 3(1) (f) (h). Communities’ Customary Lands are recognized by the Ugandan Constitution and the Land Act of 1998, which do not require communities to register community lands for their rights to be recognized.
Data from: Alden Wily, Liz. 2021. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for Africa (revised 2021).
Data file from LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Land held by communities as Customary Lands.
In 2015, RRI previously reported that 68.7% of land in Uganda constituted customary lands based on personal correspondence with Liz Alden Wily. Alden Wily has since updated this estimate to exclude the area of unregistered mailo land and unregistered freehold land, and data presented here has been updated to reflect that revision.
Legislation consulted: Government of Uganda. 1998. Land Law of 1998, Sections 2(a), 3(1) (f) (h). Communities’ Customary Lands are recognized by the Ugandan Constitution and the Land Act of 1998, which do not require communities to register community lands for their rights to be recognized.
Data from: Alden Wily, Liz. 2021. Estimating National Percentages of Indigenous and Community Lands: Methods and Findings for Africa (revised 2021).
Data file from LandMark: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands.
See endnotes of Who Owns the World's Land (2nd Ed.) for more.
Refers to Customary Lands outside of Forest Reserves and Joint Forest Management.
Legislation consulted for JFM: Forest Act No. 39/1973; Forest Act, 1999; Statutory Instrument No. 47, 2006. Area: Government of Zambia, Provincial Forestry Action Programme, as cited in Bwalya, Bridget. 2007. Katanino Joint Forest Management Area, Masaiti District. Zambia: Challenges and Opportunities. Norwegian University of Life Science. Department of International Environmental and Development Studies, 41.
Area of Non-Forest Lands in Customary Areas calculated as total Customarily land area (69.87866 Mha), minus the area of Forest Lands in Customary Areas (30.751 Mha) (Kalinda 2013). The area of customarily held lands was estimated by calculating 94% of Zambia’s land area according to the FAO. More recent estimates indicate only 85 to 90% of the country remains under customary tenure with the remainder having transferred to leasehold tenure (Brown 2005; USAID 2010).
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Customary Lands outside of Forest Reserves and Joint Forest Management.
Legislation consulted for JFM: Forest Act No. 39/1973; Forest Act, 1999; Statutory Instrument No. 47, 2006. Area: Government of Zambia, Provincial Forestry Action Programme, as cited in Bwalya, Bridget. 2007. Katanino Joint Forest Management Area, Masaiti District. Zambia: Challenges and Opportunities. Norwegian University of Life Science. Department of International Environmental and Development Studies, 41.
Area of Non-Forest Lands in Customary Areas calculated as total Customarily land area (69.87866 Mha), minus the area of Forest Lands in Customary Areas (30.751 Mha) (Kalinda 2013). The area of customarily held lands was estimated by calculating 94% of Zambia’s land area according to the FAO. More recent estimates indicate only 85 to 90% of the country remains under customary tenure with the remainder having transferred to leasehold tenure (Brown 2005; USAID 2010).
See RRI 2023 for more information.
Refers to Community Forest. Government of Zambia. 2015. Forest Act, 2015.
Area data from: Decentralised Forest and other Natural Resources Management Programme. 2018. Press release: Securing rights over forests. Available at: http://dfnrmp.ebiz.
Refers to Communal Lands. SARDC. 2000. Redressing past injustices: Which way for Zimbabwe’s resettlement programme. Environmental Policy Brief No. 9; Moyo, S. 2011. Three decades of agrarian reform in Zimbabwe. The Journal of Peasant Studies 38 (3): 493–531; O’Flaherty, M. 1998. Communal tenure in Zimbabwe: divergent models of collective land holding in the communal areas. Africa 68 (4): 537–577; Frost, P., and Bond, I. 2008. The CAMPFIRE programme in Zimbabwe: Payments for wildlife services. Ecological Economics 65: 776–787; Taylor, R. 2009. Community based natural resource management in Zimbabwe: The experience of CAMPFIRE. Biodiversity Conservation 18: 2563–2583.
Legislation consulted: Communal Land Act of 1982, Chapter 20:04; Traditional Leaders Act of 1999, Chapter 29:17; Parks and Wildlife Act of 1975, Chapter 20:14; Communal Land Forest Produce Act of 1975, Chapter 19:04.
Area: Ministry of Lands and Agriculture. 1998. National Land Policy Framework. Government of Zimbabwe, 14.
Refers to Communal Lands. SARDC. 2000. Redressing past injustices: Which way for Zimbabwe’s resettlement programme. Environmental Policy Brief No. 9; Moyo, S. 2011. Three decades of agrarian reform in Zimbabwe. The Journal of Peasant Studies 38 (3): 493–531; O’Flaherty, M. 1998. Communal tenure in Zimbabwe: divergent models of collective land holding in the communal areas. Africa 68 (4): 537–577; Frost, P., and Bond, I. 2008. The CAMPFIRE programme in Zimbabwe: Payments for wildlife services. Ecological Economics 65: 776–787; Taylor, R. 2009. Community based natural resource management in Zimbabwe: The experience of CAMPFIRE. Biodiversity Conservation 18: 2563–2583.
Legislation consulted: Communal Land Act of 1982, Chapter 20:04; Traditional Leaders Act of 1999, Chapter 29:17; Parks and Wildlife Act of 1975, Chapter 20:14; Communal Land Forest Produce Act of 1975, Chapter 19:04.
Area: Ministry of Lands and Agriculture. 1998. National Land Policy Framework. Government of Zimbabwe, 14.