At the June 26 Seminar on ?Early Actions, Forest Governance, and the Process of the National REDD+ Strategy,? in Santa Marta, Colombia, representatives of forest communities, Indigenous Peoples, and Afro-descendants of the Latin American region met with representatives of the Forest Carbon partnership Fund (FCPF) and NGOs to discuss experiences with REDD, as well as prioritize and analyze the minimum criteria for ensuring that communal tenure rights and resources are protected in REDD+ policies and projects. This event took place in parallel to the 12th meeting of the Participants Committee of the FCPF (PC-12) and was organized by Agenda Com?n, ILSA, the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests, SAKBE, Red Mocaf, COICA, AIDESEP, and OPIAC, with the support of BIC and RRI. FPP also participated in the event. Additionally, as a result of the community organizations? prior advocacy, two related themes were discussed as part of the official agenda of the PC-12: ?Land and Territory in the REDD+ Context? and ?Contracts in the Voluntary Carbon Market,? both presented by representatives of forest communities.