Organized by Forest Trends, 12 community leaders from M?xico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru met In Antigua, Guatemala shared experiences on community-based…
A complaint by Forest Peoples Program (FPP) supporting local communities in Bomi and Grand Cape Country, Liberia successfully promoted a leading palm oil company to…
In a workshop co-organized by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and the High Council of Territorial Collectivities in Mali, participants from six key ministries focused on natural…
The national-level stakeholders? workshop in Liberia provided a platform for civil society and government participants to share information on ongoing REDD discussions and findings from…
A forum on improving forest governance, held in Liberia, highlighted the role of women in forest governance. Community- and county-level stakeholders analyzed governance structures and…
A position paper on the rights of local communities, women and Indigenous Peoples to natural resources was presented, validated and adopted by participants at a…
In India, SPWD assisted a local community in Andhra Pradesh has filed a claim with the Enercon company in Andhra Pradesh, claiming that Enercon reneged…
ForestAction Nepal released a paper analyzing the legal framework of protected areas in Nepal in the context of governance, management, tenure regimes and institutional compliance….
A Forest Peoples Program (FPP) report based on field assessments in Sumatra, Jambi and Lampung, Indonesia, assessing the legal implications of Indonesia?s People?s Forest Plantations…
Co-organized by RECOFTC, Lao PDR National Assembly members, government representatives, civil society groups and international organizations gathered to review and reflect on the current status…
The National Seminar on Community Forestry for Social Justice and Sustainable Reform in Thailand, co-organized by the Thai Royal Forest Department, Community Forestry Network-Thailand and…
The Forest Peoples’ Program (FPP), in partnership with local NGOs and Malind indigenous communities in West Papua, Indonesia, made submissions to the UN Committee on…
The conference on Human Rights and Business: Plural Legal Approaches to Conflict Resolution, Institutional Strengthening and Legal Reform in Bali, Indonesia, hosted by the Indonesian…
The Federation of community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) and the Global Alliance of Community Forestry (GAFC) jointly organized a cross-sectoral national workshop on the promotion…
An interactive forum attended by Constituent Assembly members and parliamentarians was held by the Natural Resource People?s Parliament (NRPP), in collaboration with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation-Nepal,…
Five representatives from African civil society, sponsored by RRI, attended the 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change…
The 2011 Annual Meeting of MegaFlorestais focused on ?Forest Governance in Times of Economic Turmoil,? gathered forest agency leaders from eight countries. Participants discussed the…
At the 11th RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change, focusing on the ?Status and Role of Public and Private Finance to Reduce Forest…
Pressures from petroleum, oil palm expansion and tourism activities were discussed as challenges for community organizations at the regional dialogue coordinated by ACOFOP and PRISMA,…
The Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) organized a workshop in Liberia to facilitate discussion on REDD, plantations, and community rights on land and forests. The workshop…
During a meeting with the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, and the Ministry of Domains and Land…
At the national dialogue with decision-makers hosted by Coop?ration Agroforesti?re de la Trinationale (CAFT) in Cameroon, representatives of forest agencies and community leaders agreed to…
A multi-stakeholder dialogue on pit-sawing, organized by Green Advocates, led to a review and validation of the Draft Chainsaw Regulations. The participants agreed to recommit…
Green Advocates hosted the Liberian Legislative Caucus on a Community Rights and Natural Resources tour, bringing them to communities affected by Sime Darby oil palm…