Customary rights and collective forest tenure reform in southwest China are the focus of a new case studies published by World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). The…
The Indigenous and Peasant Coordinator of Communal Agroforestry in Central America (ACICAFOC) created a social map of forest areas in Central America to help strengthen…
In Bolivia, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Center for Labor and Agrarian Development Studies, and the Government of Bolivia analyzed new territorial…
In India, leading scholars, government leaders, and activists analyzed the continued collapse of the forest sector and the polarization of the debate surrounding the Forest…
In Liberia, local NGOs Green Advocates and the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI), with support from RRI parnter, Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and HELVETAS, worked with…
In meetings held in Kribi and Edea, Cameroon, local communities met with local government leaders and the Cameroonian Ministry of Flora and Wildlife to provide…
During a workshop in Mbalmayo, Cameroon, Cameroonian community and government leaders provide strategies for recognizing the rights of communities who live within state forest reserves….
In Cameroon, community leaders and local government representatives and NGOs generated recommendations for how to recognize the customary rights of communities living in and near…
Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and collaborator Amazon Alliance joined forces at the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona to draw attention to the crucial role of…
Federation of community forestry users of Nepal (FECOFUN Nepal) and the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) supported a meeting of the Global Alliance of…
Forest Trends new community portal, Ecosystem Marketplace, is designed to increase communities? access to ecosystem markets, services, and payments for ecosystem services rendered.
During the 3rd annual MegaFlorestais meeting, forest agency leaders discussed avoided deforestation and the global bio-energy market, with a focus on REDD and carbon finance…..
The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) launched a new network of forest communities in Thailand, the Community Forestry Assembly of Thailand, along with a…
In Nepal, Federation of community forestry users of Nepal (FECOFUN) provided new directions for community forestry by building consensus and solidarity among forest user groups…
RRI, HELVETAS, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation organized a workshop on ownership and access rights in the Sahel, focusing on local rights…
The Forest Peoples Programme’s (FPP) latest study focuses on Burundi, Cameroon, DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda. Based on historical and legal arguments, the analyses highlight how…
New analysis from International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) looks at the evolution of rights-based approaches in conservation, and considers how conservation organizations might…
Intercooperation produces a report on Climate Change and Governance in the Forest Sectorand Key Issues on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry. Climate Change…
The paper focuses on the tenure fate of three Commons: the 30 million hectares of paturelands in Afghanistan, which represent at least 45% of the…
The Forest People’s Programme (FPP) released their report Seeing REDD: Forests, climate change mitigation and the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities just in…
At the Center for International Forestry Research’s (CIFOR) Forest Day 2 side event, RRI partners, the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), the International Union…
This policy brief provides negotiators, governments, and inter-governmental organizations a road map for ensuring that responses to climate change do not undermine national social and…
The conference provided the first major opportunity for advocates and policymakers to consider climate change mitigation and adaptation from a rights-based perspective. Participants discussed options…
The Ministry of Environment of Brazil sent an Executive Decree on Family and Community Forestry to President Lula. The Decree was signed into law on…