The Sahel Eco multi-stakeholder national workshop on Rural Field Trees and Agroforest Management followed a stocktaking study of issues in managing protected trees in peasant…
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) hosted a training workshop on advocacy and negotiations for extended forest rights in Cameroon. Community leaders and NGO staff gathered…
Cameroon Ecology hosted a Multi-Actor Forum on Community Rights: Links between land and forest tenure in recognizing community tenure rights. Local communities, land and forest…
The first RRI Africa Communications Knowledge Exchange was held during the 2011 Africa Regional Planning Meetings in Busua Beach, Ghana. During the week-long planning meetings…
RRI Africa Regional Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The event brought stakeholders from across the continent to…
Nearly 5,000 community forest users including representatives from the Federation of community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) and the Global Alliance of Community Forestry (GACF) took…
Chairperson Apsara Chapagain of the Federation of community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) led a peaceful demonstration in a continued effort to protest proposed amendments to…
The Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) contributed legal advice for a constitutional review of the Indonesian Plantations Act and the elaboration of a draft Bill on…
The Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) initiated a community mobilization and rights awareness project, which included disseminating legal information on the 1.2 million hectare plantations and…
Through increased lobbying efforts and publication distribution, Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and local collaborators persuaded the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to revise (again) and further…
RRI representatives traveled to Lao PDR to strengthen the Global Alliance of Community Forestry (GACF)’s ties with Laotian civil society groups, international NGOs, and government…
As a follow-up to September?s Conference on Forest Tenure and Regulatory Reforms, a delegation from the Indonesian Ministry of Forests traveled to Beijing and Kunming…
At the 46th session of the International Tropical Timber Council meetings of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) presented on…
Intercooperation and Servicios en Comunicaci?n Intercultural Servindi (SERVINDI), with support from the Provincial Municipality of Coronel Portillo and the Intercultural University of the Peruvian Amazon…
The Instituto del Bien Com?n (IBC) held a workshop on the rights of Indigenous Peoples to consultation for projects undertaken on their territories. The workshop…
Intercooperation and ALER conducted a training for rural radio programmers to develop effective radio programs for addressing climate change, its effects on rural and indigenous…
La Asociaci?n Coordinadora Ind?gena y Campesina de Agroforester?a Comunitaria de Centroam?rica (ACICAFOC), the Asociaci?n Gaia, and RRI organized a workshop to discuss the current conditions…
Intercooperation and El Centro de Estudios Jur?dicos e Investigaci?n Social (CEJIS), with support from the International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and the Communal…
RRI’s Mesoamerican Dialogue on Forests, Governance, and Climate Change, which took place in San Salvador, El Salvador, brought together participants from across Central America and…
Intercooperation contributed to the implementation of the “land component” of the new farm bill, establishing 147 communal land boards and seven local land committees. These…
Intercooperation worked with the Malian Ministry?s new unit commissioned to help decentralize services within the Ministry of Environment and Sanitation. Interaction with this unit resulted…
In Mali, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) held a national workshop on gender, rights and tenure. The workshop gathered rural women from four…
In Liberia, the Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI) led a series of social mobilization and planning workshops with women engaged in natural resource management in…
Coop?ration Agroforesti?re de la Trinationale (CAFT) held a series of training sessions with community forest enterprise personnel to strengthen their strategic analysis capacity. The training…