The national Consortium for Agrarian Reform, Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA), collaborated with Indonesia?s Television Journalist Association (IJTI) to conduct training for TV journalists on forest tenure reform, on July 13-14 in Jember, East Java. Iwan Nurdin (KPA?s Secretary General), Yadi Hendriyadi (IJTI?s Chairman), Dianto Bachriadi (Vice Chairman of National Commission of Human Rights or Komnas HAM RI), and Imam Wahyudi (Member of National Press Council) presented on the importance of forest tenure reform to 25 journalists from East Java. As a result, the journalists committed to creating original news stories on forest tenure/agrarian reform for local TV stations in Java twice per month. The success of the training and information dissemination has led to a follow-up training for journalists in West Java and the production of a training guide for wider dissemination. Such community support will serve to increase public awareness and understanding of forest tenure issues, as well as intensify political pressure on safeguarding land rights and curbing climate change. Moreover, KPA?s leadership in advancing land reform has been instrumental in ensuring equitable policies are ingrained in Indonesia?s draft Land Bill. On July 27, KPA provided recommendations for the bill that included streamlining the processes for Indigenous Peoples, women, and other marginalized groups to obtain land rights under the Bill. These points are now under consideration: i) Land Bill must be implementation of Basic Agrarian Law 1960 (UUPA 1960), not its replacement; ii) Land Bill must stop sectoralism in land by implementing the Bill to all Indonesia?s area without any separation between forest and non-forest area; iii) Land Bill must promote implementation of genuine agrarian reform and agrarian conflict settlement; and iv) Land Bill must strengthen the rights of farmers, indigenous people, poor-people and women in getting land rights.