The International Conference on Forest Tenure, Governance and Enterprise: Experiences and Opportunities for Asia in a Changing Context drew 300 participants from government, civil society, local communities, traditional authorities and donors in over 30 countries worldwide to Lombok Indonesia. The event was a landmark shift in Indonesia?s recognition of the importance of rights and tenure in its forest governance, as Pak Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, head of the President?s Special Delivery Unit for Indonesia, announced the government?s intention to prioritize the needs of forest communities and implement legislation passed in 2001. The Ministry of Forestry also acknowledged AMAN, the largest alliance of indigenous peoples in Indonesia, and has begun meeting with them and other civil society groups to develop a road map for future tenure reform. The event was coorganized by RRI, Ministry of Forestry-Republic of Indonesia, and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), in collaboration with 20 NGOs