On April 17-18, a workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia reflected on the progress of forest tenure reform underway in the country, and formulated a multi-sectoral follow-up plan to further accelerate this reform in the run-up to the 2014 presidential election. The Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (Agrarian Reform Consortium, or KPA) and other RRI collaborators were joined by representatives of 12 ministries and government institutions (known as NKB 12 K/L) and the Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) at the workshop. The AJI engaged civil society organizations on best practices for mobilizing support for tenure reform through the national media, and agreed to hold trainings for civil society and journalist groups to improve and coordinate messaging and broaden engagement. In addition, the civil society organizations agreed to further engage NKB 12 K/L to push for better accountability as a result of the joint agreement. This momentum is especially key in the wake of the May 2013 Constitutional Court decision declaring the provisions of Indonesia?s 1999 Forestry Law (which deny community tenure and classify all customary land as ?state forests?) unconstitutional.