The Indigenous Peoples of Kichwas de Pastaza presented aterritorial management proposal to the Ecuadorian government. Constructing this proposal strengthened the Indigenous Peoples of Kichwas de Pastaza?s strategies with regards to territorial governance, as well as? the participation of other Indigenous Peoples in governmental discussions. The proposed negotiation strategy enabled the Kichwas de Pastaza to hold meetings with the Ministry of Political Coordination (Ministerio de Coordinaci?n Pol?tica) and the Vice President of Ecuador, who is in charge of the natural resources management program. Kichwa de Pastaza?s negotiation strategy strengthened the participation of other communities in negotiation spaces with the government, and facilitated the creation of a process for consensual agreement on oil activities in their lands, including the respect of their own management and governance systems. Furthermore, the initiative motivated others indigenous organizations to follow the same negotiation strategies.